Badwater Basin... home

>bust into red base
>team captures second to last point
>rocket jump to last capture point
>double-hit an enemy with rockets
>crit-shovel an enemy scout
>cap point
The game was mostly shit, but moments like this were worth the 900 hours I put into it

I had a lot of fun on that map. I agree user.
OP is correct though, Badwater is the GOAT TF2 map.

i enjoy it only sometimes
the one thing i really dislike about this map is that the whole map is just like 3 fucking colors

same. hitting an annoying scout with a pill is god like. but hitting the faggot with a single pre nerf LnL pill was better than sex. RIP

Attached: douk.jpg (620x348, 28K)

Blu looks like a team of experienced players(for the most part) and Red looks like a humorous band of misfits. So logically Red would win through dumb luck.

Attached: 1449928782579.jpg (800x800, 67K)

pyro is too fucking good on the last point

>vsh server i used to frequent is ruined because they decided that medic should be allowed to revive players
fucking retards

It's like Christmas morning

Truer words have never been spoken.