Badwater Basin... home...
Badwater Basin... home
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At least it was before MYM fucked everything up
I miss her so much bros
>not 2fort
For me, its Snowcoast.
I heard your economy got fucked by its creators.
it's still good for shitting on locked down engies
>upward last point
>red locked down with 4 fucking sentries
>team struggling to destroy them
>3 spies getting raped as they try to sap them
>2 medics ubering a heavy in attempts to destroy them
>mfw pull out the loch for like 5 seconds and delete that shit
Yeah, for like 5 minutes
Tradefags are dumb anyway
Even mid tier trading is almost impossible nowadays
for me, it's cp_steel. the best tf2 map.
trade sites are run the jewish hat cabal anyway
same with how the workshop cabal gatekeep on new creations
Why did this map fall out of popularity?
It's extremely chokepoint-y and especially annoying for non-mobility classes to traverse
It's extremely shit.
>It's extremely chokepoint-y
what did they do to her?
There's 6 chokepoints in the image he posted alone.
My true love.
If you actually play it it's lots of fun.
With six chokepoints there's always an option to flank, you can't watch all six at once.
I have actually played it. It's shit, the only decent point is B but even then it's too easily defended.
removed damage bonus vs players
now it's a straight downgrade in every situation
Maybe you're just too stupid to comprehend two capture points being cappable at once.
It sounds like you are stupid. Most people don't waste time on defending both at once. A split defense is going to lose against an unsplit offense. And Point A is barely defended against. It's a waste of resources to commit to A's flimsy defense.
If there's 6 routes then none of them will be a choke point. Dumbass
That's not how that works. Chokepoint doesn't just mean a doorway, it's a specific geographical and design feature.
The last point on Dustbowl is a perfect example of a chokepoint because there's literally one way onto the point for non blast jumping classes and that's over the bridge. Any attackers coming at the point are forced to all cross the same bridge from the same point and that's what makes it a chokepoint.
Gravelpit is so open with so many entrances to every area across such a wide angle that can't possibly all be defended at once that calling it chokepointy is utterly ridiculous.
You can still slow it down with cheeky sticky traps and stuff like that. Besides, that's at competitive levels. In pubs it's much more fluid and you can try an A hold.
>download ak47 smg skin
>didn't work in casual
I'm not even talking competitively. I only play pub. Holding A is fruitless. I have a lot of hours on this map as it was an old community favorite. You may get some kills with a few people on A but it's only going to slow people down. The only Routes into A are 1 tunnel from C and one tunnel from B, and the defense must come this way to get anywhere in the point. It's extremely easy for an offense to take over this area and cut off reinforcements while the point is being capped. Yeah sure if you're playing against mouthbreathing pablo.gonzales.2006 then they will all stand on the point and you can sticky them, but then the map wouldn't matter much then.
>hurr durr trickle down balance works
>just balance this 12v12 game for a 6v6 gamemode that isnt even complete and uses less than half the classes
i love dane but god damn this is a retarded opinion. competetive killed the bison.
gentlemen -
competitive helped kill tf2 as a whole. the current pathetic state of the game is like 50% caused by muh competitive balance no fun allowed autism, and the other 50% was all the work valve did to kill off community servers
>You will never play on the Black Mesa map again
I like the Halloween version more because you can put a sentry on the high-up ledge next to the point.
Still waiting for TC_HYDRO to be reworked so that each round is KOTH instead of cp
For me, it's the third point of Dustbowl.
comp didn't kill off tf2, it has been in decline since 2014.
bison was un-nerfed you mongloid, I don't even play tf2 anymore and I know this.
Why are tf2 players literal fucking retards?
>Badwater, CTF, and Hightower are the only maps I can play that don’t feel like a complete steamroll of a game every time
Is it just me?
>tfw you quit tf2 so damn long ago that people mention favourite maps you had no idea even exist
I feel mildly upset now.
most of the new maps are shit and even people who still play don't care about them, you're not missing out on anything
Yeah it really kills my will to play, even being part of the steamroll.
it has a faster proj speed and destroys buildings quick but okay, keep fucking misusing "downgrade" and "upgrade"
Fuck man the nostalgia. Haven't touched tf2 in 6 years but this stuff is still engraved in my brain. Wish I had filled it with something else.
>2,66 refs years ago
Parts of the bison nerf were undone but not completely
It still only does one tick of damage instead of multiple, making it complete ass
That's bit sad that game went to shit that badly. Quit in 2014, but I still occasionally think of coming back, just because of fond memories of how comfy it could be.
But I never do, probably for the better.
>why is this infinitely and cheaply obtainable resource going down in value?!
Any fun custom games to play besides the usual deathrun and vsh
Slender fortress
trade servers to practice sniping
pyro dodgeball
not really
most of the fun custom gamemodes are dead
most underrated map and also my favorite
too bad no one plays it anymore
the king of dogshit maps
who are you quoting?
>t. still pissed that he got ninjaneered on the first stage
>stand up on the last point while my team isn’t even done trying to push to the second one
>suddenly incur the wrath of almost the entire RED team while BLU takes the second and most of the third with no interruption
always worth it
>tfw Halloween is just around the corner
Greatest mistake Valve ever made was not hurrying the fuck up and giving a purpose for Refined other than a shitty random hat. Turns out when your currency doesnt actually have a use outside of currency and its freely obtainable, eventually people will amass a ridiculous amount, meaning all "equivalents" will become stupidly high.
and Redpilled
>playing vsh
>its a blitzkrieg round
Alright but which team wins?
>Join Vsh in 2019
>Stupid amount of broken "oc" or waifufag bosses
>Tons of server mod weapons, like infinite or no fall damage rocket launcher, modified ubers etc. some are p2w only
>Devs/mods of server feeble attempt to balance by banning certains weapons
All the soul is gone now.
The only non casual game mode I still enjoy is death run because its pretty much just GMOD but better as you can emote.
Definitely, especially considering crafting a hat is a loss of both resource and value. Shame on Valve.
Joaquin is either a 10 year old with lag so bad it makes the server itself halt when he stutters, or a godly smurf in a fresh account
Odds are in BLUs favor, RED has nothing but a bunch of dorks and Jerry to compensate
Jump maps.
At least the last point on this map isn't as stupid as Barnblitz and Upward's lasts.
>bust into red base
>team captures second to last point
>rocket jump to last capture point
>double-hit an enemy with rockets
>crit-shovel an enemy scout
>cap point
The game was mostly shit, but moments like this were worth the 900 hours I put into it
I had a lot of fun on that map. I agree user.
OP is correct though, Badwater is the GOAT TF2 map.
i enjoy it only sometimes
the one thing i really dislike about this map is that the whole map is just like 3 fucking colors
same. hitting an annoying scout with a pill is god like. but hitting the faggot with a single pre nerf LnL pill was better than sex. RIP
Blu looks like a team of experienced players(for the most part) and Red looks like a humorous band of misfits. So logically Red would win through dumb luck.
pyro is too fucking good on the last point
>vsh server i used to frequent is ruined because they decided that medic should be allowed to revive players
fucking retards
It's like Christmas morning
Truer words have never been spoken.