What do you think is going to end up being your game of the generation user?
What do you think is going to end up being your game of the generation user?
Michael Bailey
Julian Clark
It's undeniable that minecraft is the most influential game of the 2010s. It's the tetris of its age. But my gotg is W3.
Brayden Hill
Parker Richardson
Josiah Jackson
Red Dead Redemption 2
Jack King
probably bayo 3
Justin Nguyen
this. and its not even close
Kayden Collins
Monster hunter world.
Caleb Hill
If you consider this gen a xbone/ps4/switch, then probably botw, mgs5, bloodborne or maybe witcher 3. But if popularity amongst masses is the criteria, then nothing comes close to overwatch, minecraft, fortnite and other casual multipiss for normies.
Cooper Brooks
>Game of the generation
>Mechanically mediocre game with input delay that punishes you for not following the yellow line for missions