What does Yea Forums think of Wipeout?

What does Yea Forums think of Wipeout?

Attached: 44619-wipeout-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x784, 128K)

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Too floaty.

> be me
> be 5 years old
> like cartoon games: crash bandicoot, spyro and rayman
> parents ask game store employee what games would be good for a little kid
> open this colorless box of boring straight lines and a font I can't read.
> whatever, it's a racing game so i can play with friends.
> doesn't have mutliplayer

I know I was too young to appreciate this game but I had a super shit time with it.

Fucking amazing art design, soundtracks, general aesthetics, etc
Does your have favorite game series have packaging made by the same people that made album covers for Autechre and Aphex Twin in the 90's? Bet not, kiddo

Attached: 1304256-wo2097_plat_pal_cover.jpg (1451x1478, 366K)

I bought HD and got Omega Collection just for Zone Mode.
I'd buy it a third time for more Zone Mode. The rest of the gameplay is meh. The interface/hud/announcer elements are also perfect.

Yeah that was a bad call from the store. Psygnosis themselves wanted the game to appeal to an older audience, the kind who chain-smoked and listened to Autechre all day to contrast with F-zero's Saturday morning cartoon aesthetic.

WipEduE 209?

I love it. All of the games. Even though they've been recycling content for years.

I hope the next game will have music from cold storage again Omega music was really boring youtube.com/watch?v=1dX94RN39z8. We also need a track editor or at least a livery editor. Also the game just play past 2300 so we get more crazy tracks instead of boring cities.

This. The art direction is stellar and the only game I would call "complete" in that regard. Every aspect of what you are presented with looks like it could exist in a real world by a real company or organization trying to hype anti-grav racing.