Astral Chain

I used to complete these into hundreds of stages when I was fucking 8 bro. IS this the true intelligence ratio of Switch owners?

First puzzle took me 15 minutes (D rank). The second two less than 4 (S+ ranking). I am special.

Attached: pajamasam1.jpg (323x433, 48K)

2nd took me 12 mintues
3rd took me 30 minutes

I would hazard a guess that Nintendo fans would be very good at block puzzles by now.

There's a lot of optional sidequests and mini games.

And people were saying I was crazy for calling this an ARPG before release.

15 minutes without any tutorial.

how do you use your legion skills? or does your legion automatically use them

Assign them in the menu, and then it’s ZL + Y and ZL + X by default.