Code Vein Demo

I'm pleasantly surprised by how well this game captures the essence of DaS 1 combat with a nice level of polish. It's slow, methodic and had me struggling against years of conditioning to DaS III and Bloodborne. Rolling and healing can't be spammed anymore, and that is very nice. It's a shame CV doesn't try to replicate DaS' atmosphere, but I'm willing to see where it goes.
Also, post your latest character models.

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Is there anything different about the demo than the network test?

They delayed the game and it’s STILL mediocre floaty shit-ass combat with soulless environments. The only selling point is anime tits which is fucking pathetic.

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which one of you do i fucking believe here

I liked it but know that it's only because of my bias towards the anime aesthetic, if it weren't for that i'd like it about as much as I like DS2, which is so/so. I like the gift system though and when I played the network test a while back gifts were broken and made the game a cakewalk. I'll buy it and have a fun time.

>the person who played the game
>or the phoneposter spamming wojaks and buzzwords
hard choices here

A fool and his money are soon parted.

You were warned.

Can you dismiss companion npcs?

a spammer phoneposter's opinions are worthless garbage

You’re right. It’s much better to listen to braindead shit-eating weebs who throw money at any old horseshit if it looks like anime.