How do i enjoy video games when i am physically incapable of being happy?

How do i enjoy video games when i am physically incapable of being happy?

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Stop being unhappy.

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drugs and alcohol

Sadly there is no cure for schizoid.

I have an onahole of this bitch.

become a sociopath. i felt depressed because i felt like a burden to everyone.

Me too. I just dont want to hurt anyone.

try different things instead of vidya that make you happy

>tfw diagnosed schizoid

get help, depression is a legitimate disease

Nobody is physically incapable of being unhappy you whore

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Nothing makes me happy. Even going to church today didnt make me happy. Just kade me feel out of place and burdenful.
I doubt goverment regulated brain poison will help me.

but Yea Forums told me mental illness isn't real. see

stop taking ssri?

>Sadly there is no cure for schizoid.
We get more bullshit "mental illnesses" by the day it seems

I dont take drugs though.

How does it feel. ;_____;

Some days good, some days bad.

It all melds.

Wouldn't recommend.

Recently cut a borderline freak out of my life AMA

schizophrenia is a real illness

Based retard

>I doubt goverment regulated brain poison will help me.
At least try going to therapy man. Even though the medication didn't do a lot for me personally, psychotherapy and especially CBT helped me a shit ton.

Hang in there user

>The 'secret schizoid'
>behave with socially available, interested, engaged and involved interaction yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world

this describes me perfectly and i can't believe i'm just finding it

How is cock and ball torture going to help me?

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I know you don't feel like doing anything currently, everything is meaningless and dealing with your mental health problems may feel like torture. But try talking to a therapist about it. CBT is great because it helps you to acknowledge that a certain behaviour or situation may produce a feeling or thought. After realizing that you are in much more control of your mind.

it's an antidepressant. doctors give it to people like candybars these days

I think what we have here is a clear lack of communication. He's referring to something else with the CBT acronym. Not Cock and Ball Torture or at least I hope he's not referring to that

Stop watching porn.

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I already know what my feelings are though,and i know what makes me feel that way. How is wasting money on some guy or girl telling me the obvious going to help me?

Holy crap that sounds so much like me. I constantly have to put on this damn facade that seems like I give an ounce of care for anyone and pretend to feel excitement and joy.

It's so exhausting to have to keep this up all the time. Honestly I wish I could get by being mute.

I mean i can't possibly summarize everything you learn by going there in just one post. CBT works really well for someone like me who used to have anxiety attacks coupled with depression. If you're just suffering from depression, regular psychology might be a better approach for you. What feelings are you having and why are you feeling them? When are you feeling them? Is there any way you can prevent them from appearing in the first place?

>people reposting the pics you post here
feels good
have another OP, hope you find happiness :)

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I lost my dick in an accident and I'm not a bottom fag.


Believe me, you don't want to meet a schizophreniac during one of his worse episodes and especially when he mixed his drugs with alcohol.

desu, you'll enjoy games way more if you manage to do other stuff to.

Schizoid has been around for awhile now. You need to attend DSM Bible study more frequently, you're falling behind.

Do you work? After my dad died, I found a little job and with cash in my pocket I had the will to go out.

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I am currently getting prepared physically for the army. My grandmother is letting me live with her until i am ready to join.