Watched some streams, there's annoying jumpscares all over the fucking place.
Anyone else getting this tonight?
Until Dawn was full price, is this new game shorter than 9-10 hours?
She's just pixels man, how are you going to fuck pixels?
Richard C. Mongler has seen better days...
>thought their writing in Until Dawn was tongue in cheek cheesy to emulate a teen horror movie
>it fit really well and even got pretty video gamey at times, especially in micheal’s story
>watch their new movie
>turns out they are just really shit at writing and all the “good” writing in the first game was a fluke
>they definitely weren’t self aware with their cheesy writing
It’s weird how much of a step down the new game took. Not one of the characters are likable, all of them are awful actors, the scares are cheesy, they didn’t learn a thing about design after the wendigo criticism.
It’s all pretty disappointing
Yes, 6-7 hours
Just watched a playthrough on twitch. Some neat ideas, but 30 dollarinos is way too much. Maybe I'd get it if it was like 10 bucks.
Is it 60 fps on Ps4?
Lol more like 4. Nice try shill.
it warrants at least one other playthrough though