Anyone else getting this tonight?
Want to swap ps4 gamertags so we can do the co-op campaign together?
It's from the people who made Until Dawn , an amazing horror game.
Anyone else getting this tonight?
Want to swap ps4 gamertags so we can do the co-op campaign together?
It's from the people who made Until Dawn , an amazing horror game.
Other urls found in this thread:
I looks uncanny as hell. all graphics and no art direction. aka Souless
gamers rise up
The fuck is this shit about?
It's just about some biological gaz weapon, ghosts aren't real, don't waste your time
The story is about a group of friends that go sailing for underwater 1800s sunken naval ships and during a storm end up on board an abandoned vessel (ala Ghost Ship) where they need to find out what's going on and how to escape. You can play it co-op where each person takes control of a character and play through the story interconnected and meet up certain points and change the outcome of the game.
So.... nobody?
It's only 30 dollars
$30 is expensive for a movie
Watched some streams, there's annoying jumpscares all over the fucking place.
Until Dawn was full price, is this new game shorter than 9-10 hours?
She's just pixels man, how are you going to fuck pixels?
Richard C. Mongler has seen better days...
>thought their writing in Until Dawn was tongue in cheek cheesy to emulate a teen horror movie
>it fit really well and even got pretty video gamey at times, especially in micheal’s story
>watch their new movie
>turns out they are just really shit at writing and all the “good” writing in the first game was a fluke
>they definitely weren’t self aware with their cheesy writing
It’s weird how much of a step down the new game took. Not one of the characters are likable, all of them are awful actors, the scares are cheesy, they didn’t learn a thing about design after the wendigo criticism.
It’s all pretty disappointing
Yes, 6-7 hours
Just watched a playthrough on twitch. Some neat ideas, but 30 dollarinos is way too much. Maybe I'd get it if it was like 10 bucks.
Is it 60 fps on Ps4?
Lol more like 4. Nice try shill.
it warrants at least one other playthrough though
None of the characters were as hot as Sam and Ashley
Why does it look worse than Until Dawn? Like the mouths mouvements were recorded after the facts?
LOOKS amazing
Alright, well if nobody wants to play with me at midnight im just gonna make myself sleepytime chamomile tea and pass out.
Fuck you
What game?
LMAO le pewdiepie movie game
Yes right at the top of my list
What would be sadder you being a shill or doing it for free lol
Aw, you just wanted someone to play with.
I'm sorry senpai but no one here actually plays games. Except you that is.
I'll probably watch it on YouTube, no commentary.
Here you go senpai.
Reddit spacing
>you can't play this game if a big e-celeb played first
zoom zoom
>youtubers who spoil everything in the screen cap and title
Who hurt these people
Most reviews I’ve seen say it’s only 3 lol
Trailer for the sequel
I would play with you but I got it on PC.
Sounds gats as aids, and you wanting to play it on the PS4 just makes it super gay.
Erm what? Sequel and game isn't out yet.
no thanks, shill
It’s an episodic anthology that’s supposed to release every 6 months. They started development on the first three games at the same time.
She reminds me of the alternate version of the Joker, where Bruce was killed and his parents survived. Thomas became a Batman that mostly kills people, and Martha, who thought it was all a dream or some fictional comic book or some shit, became the Joker as she laughed hysterically over her dead son's body. Neither could kill each other, and they both miss their son.
Wow Flash, you're a fucking dick.
Was Until Dawn really that good?
Neat, it’s the Bandersnatch dude.
It’ll be a bad ripoff of Silent Hill.
This has already been a bad ripoff of Ghost Ship which wasn’t a great movie to begin with.
I swear, if the ending turns out to be that the ship had some bioweapon that attacks the mind I’m going to be pissed. I don’t even know why I’m still watching at this point.
It wasn’t great, but I’d put it a few notches above any of the other interactive movie “games”. A lot of it was due to strong voice acting and presentation though and those are terrible in this game.
is this a single comic i can read or 300 issues across 4 titles?
Until Dawn and Detroit are the only decent movie games
man the voice acting is just off this time around compared to until dawn
especially fliss and the one eyed pirate fuck, they sound jank
>an amazing horror game.
And right after I said it
>this isn’t a ghost ship, it’s a floating bioweapon
Fuck sake, who wrote this?!
Don't listen to this nerd. Muh Uncanny valley
Literally DC re-written.
real fucking shit compared to until dawn.
Is it better or worse than Hidden Agenda? I didn’t hate that game, but I only paid 5 bucks for it.
Was top cute, I did my best to protect her in my playthrough and she survived
>mfw checking the Making of/interview videos
>mfw Ashley actress looked nothing like the character unlike Sam's
Son Im disappoint
so 300 issues across 5+ titles. pass. fuck modern comics.
I might this weekend depending on what's going on.
What's your gamertag?
>sleepytime chamomile tea and pass out.
pretty based i do this myself
I'll just watch some youtuber play it. Even if it's shit it'll be comfy for me.
I wonder what the other 6 games will be? I’m guessing:
>Friday the 13th knockoff
>Alien knockoff
>Blair Witch knockoff
>The Descent knockoff
>Saw knockoff
>Cannibal Holocaust knockoff
Their models are based on real people
Cool cool.
probably the best “movie game” types there is
Not him but noted. I'm interested in playing a more narrative-focused game so I might check out both soon.
>The Descent knockoff
This would be sick.
Detroit is very messy, but it's one of the few types of these AAA games that talk about choices affecting the story and somewhat has some changes, enough to warrant a second playthrough of the opposite choices. As fun as until dawn was, things like getting everyone killed off or saving everyone has a disappointingly small effect on its story, but its central story is fun enough for the one playthrough.
ITs out
>horror game
stopped reading right there
>seeing a LP of the "demo"
>black guy
>"Julia's boyfriend."
>I bet Julia's white with blonde hair
>and she is
So predictable.
There's a movie or you could just read the comics that have to deal with the alternate universe Batman and not the entire thing.
No. It has an awful story and characters. Detroit is a vastly superior movie game. If it was a horror movie it would be panned hard
Do people actually like this shit?
All the cancerous shitposting in the thread.
Yea OP im gana get it, enjoyed UD thoughly.
This will go the same. I love that it take place on a sub
>It's actually only one game
>an amazing horror game.
you mean a decent horror movie
characters can't react properly to things that happen around them
they always act like some retards and that kills the horror
it's fucking laughable
I liked it but I've been told I have terrible taste in movies.
tell me the ending
I wouldn't mind an Alien or Blair Witch knockoff. The premise is so good I can watch these kinds of movies forever.
It's qte moviegame actually.
yeah, gonna need a model of the polynesian girl for sfm please
not video games, interactive movies belong to Yea Forums
Playstation owners on suicide watch.
Cool 2 hour "game" bro
And Julia brother Conrad gets with the Black girl, but you don't care about that you just see what you see....
my roommate and i played until dawn and had a blast. Gonna get this once a few other games get wrapped up first
>qt white girl has black bf
no thanks
Just wanted to say this game is great and ya'll really missed out. The story is actually really good and just as interesting as Until Dawn. The abandoned ship is a great setting, and all the characters are good (except Alex voice actor is really really bad and falls extremely flat). Conrad and Fliss did fantastic voice acting.
I'll just watch it on Youtube
>you literally can do nothing to stop the trust fund babby from pissing off the fishermen
>when characters are aware one of their friends is in mortal danger they feel comfortable plodding slowly through rooms poking at everything and making jokes that were written by an idiot trying to emulate Joss whedon
>Despite being at sea/underwater for about seventy years various WW2 artifacts are in recognisable condition
Does the game even try to explain WHY a WW2 freighter could survive at sea without sinking, being discovered, crashing, capsizing or rusting into a pile of flakes held together with salt? Does it explain how the rats survive for seventy years with no food?
Because that shit was driving me nuts when I watched some of it. The game hadn't presented this setting as being magical so I could just not buy into the idea that this setting could be real. It looked like it had been beached for twenty years, not afloat for three times that.
This movie doesnt look good at all.
look at this poor desperate shill
>2 hours long
LMAO just watch a let's play I'm basically a movie with *some* variation in between playthroughs
What is the Install size?
Steam page says 80gb, but torrent says 35gb.
If this shit is huge, I may just watch NL play it instead.
I didn't even realize it was released. I've heard fuck all about it, apart from it just being Until Dawn:Boat Edition
download size for me was 27 or something. It's really not that big.
high quality
I’m watching MatPat and Steph play it on GTLive.
>haha there's even more race mixing than you thought
>guess that proves you wrong
I don't pay for movies
She looks more like MatPat than he does.
Still a better Joker compared to the one in MKXI
Stephanie is fucking based.
Why its ao often that a big black guy is paired with white qt? You see it so often it really makes you think.
Not to mention all the Sex/penis "jokes" by the white girl and implying that the black guy has a big dick. What a degeneracy.
You must be giga cuckold to enjoy this game.
why the fuck did that fag not upload fahrenheit and why did he decide to show his ugly mug in cam when he's alone?
Im gonna buy it after work and unironically play it in coop with my mom who lives in another country. She enjoyed until dawn and beat detroit bh 3 times.
Are you the user obsessed with those two? I remember you posting about them 10ish times in a thread about youtube channels or some shit.
that sounds like a very weird relationship
I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.
The bodies the ship was transporting were contaminated whit some kind chemical that makes you see horrible things all the shit the characters see are just hallucinations, In the ending i watch everybody escaped on the boat.
So this is quite literally just the actual urban legend, but in game form w/ jumpscares. I thought they'd do something interesting with it, like how they handled Wendigos in Until Dawn.
Yeah i love the "Monsters were real all along" since i watched Hey Arnold.
The Secret World is what did it for me. To have everything be real and there's someone covering it all up is pretty cool.
It has a online coop mode that seems kinda interesting.
Very streamer friendly, which was probably exactly what they were going for.
>watch Markiplier
>he's never scared at all, laughs at all the glitches and acting
It's going to be shit, isn't it?
kill yourself
Aren't most of the scares just rats and animals jumping at you? Pretty weak.
Janky as fuck, badly animated, the voice acting and the way the characters act is literally Andromeda-esque. It's the most funny clusterfuck I've seen in a long time. It's more comedy than horror.
>in before "it's meant to be like a cheesy b-movie!"
look at this shill lmao
That spookyface is something straight from the cover of some trash horror dvd lying in a forgotten bargain bin.
A little bit more effort could've helped.
So, can anybody explain this shit? Cuz flashlights don't do those kind of things and the cast wasn't even near the ship yet.
Played through half of it already and it's pretty obvious they are doing a serious story. It's not a scary game though.
Because it's SPOOPY