How the fuck is this game still so fun after all this time? Playing on GZDoom and having a blast

How the fuck is this game still so fun after all this time? Playing on GZDoom and having a blast.

Attached: Doom_cover_art.jpg (220x327, 29K)

Because fans made it better thanks to open source.

You're not playing it vanilla how it was. It's a better experience now.

What was are you playing?

Attached: fun.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>saying vanilla isn't fun

absolute pleb

Plus you can get a near-vanilla experience on gzdoom by turning off gay shit like crouching and vertical mouse look

There is a metric fuckton of WADs to play, too. Esentially infinite content at this point (there are even random map generators out there).

Because maps are unbelieveably easy to make and eventhough you cannot have a room above a room (normally), the creativity in both gameplay and architecture is almost endless.

I just played Resurgence and the maps there have some great ideas i've never encountered before in other Doom maps, like time travelling.

Because even vanilla Doom1/2 are pretty timeless if you come back after awhile. Also Doom despite being easy to beat after awhile atleast the base maps is not easy to beat and be godlike at. So there is that constant skill ceiling of improvement.

Oh you play at 800x600 do you? With the 35fps lock?

I played the Master Levels recently and some of them were good and some dogshit. Also I dunno if it was the same dude who did all these levels that did this but there are so many secrets at the end of levels that are flat out pointless.

Like the Catwalk has a bfg/megasphere room but there are only 5 shotgunners left in total by that point.

Chocolate Doom is broken, atleast the version I played last time. The frame rate was way, way lower than it should be. My Doom on MS DOS did not run with such a gimped framerate, there are atleast 10 fps missing.

What is doomguy holding weapon?

I get the feeling the Master Levels were only made to look good in magazine screenshots. Like that huge "tower" in that one map, which was godawful. These maps weren't made for good gameplay, just look impressive (for the time).

I do but at 320x200 like it was meant to be played.

Attached: Plutonia.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

Some of them are okay. Escape from Titan and Attack stand out in my mind as being pretty good. Attack is especially good as a first level. But some of them are ridiculously bad. One of them has the rocket launcher on the fucking exit pad so its useless in the level itself and almost everyone bothering to play them is going to do pistol start anyways.

That god damn level with the room of revenants that feels like you're bound to try your luck at getting a good point to hunker down at. And ending the damn thing with a surprise haha Romero head sequence is just fucked.

Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.08.09 - (1600x900, 905K)

Doom 1 is just perfect desu it's so easy to get in the 'zone' and finish a playthrough almost without even thinking once you git gud. Everything after messed with the formula and became less fun.

>Tom Hall maps
>Most of episode 2

Its a shame because the first 2 levels or so are some of my favorites but up until maybe the 3rd to last the whole of episode 2 is so fucking bad. Episode 3 has some baddish levels but overall are great and Warren is my favorite secret level out of original Doom style maps.

Ill never get why people give episode 4 so much shit. I found it to be the best and only having like 2 bad levels.

>why people give episode 4 so much shit

because normies hate to conserve ammo.

Map 1 is literally the only map with this though and you just lure the Barons to the barred window and splash damage them with the rockets.

gzdoom makes a lot of subtle changes it even fucks up the rng, hence the lack of demos
use prboom or crispy doom, the differences between those and gzdoom is night and day
it's also badly optimized because graf is a fag

It's just a satisfying game to play. You get into a kind of trance and just shoot stuff. I end up putting on audiobooks and blowing through doom, just got done listening to Slaughterhouse 5 a few days ago.
What do you guys think about plutonia? Personally I think it's one of my favorites. I just really like how the maps are small but packed with shit to kill.