Why does no one show RE7 any love?

>Dogshit gunplay
>Terrible western writing (not campy terrible, actually just fucking terrible)
>Shit "bossfights"
>Cinematic shit like forced walking
>QTE final boss
>Awful "scary little girl" horror
>Fucking abysmal enemy variety
>No real merchant
>Ending that makes no sense - allow me to explain. At the end when you see them flying in an Umbrella Helicopter you're meant to go OH SHIT all this was Umbrella the whole time! But in the Not a Hero DLC you hear that Umbrella are good now that Chris is running them. So what was the point of that ending?

I know that Chris's look changed between REmake and 5 but that just isn't Chris Redfield.

It was more of an RE game then 4 though?

Isn’t that the game where everyone has screaming powers? How the hell is that better

>combat, movement and exploration are fucked because this was built as a VR game for the söy station
>more plot holes than any RE game
>dlc is fucking garbage

3/10 game

It's boring, the main character is the most forgettable pc I've ever encountered, the story is uninteresting, the guns feel like peashooters, no enemy variety at all, the redesign on Chris is laughably bad.

Fuck RE7, it was just as bad as RE6. It was a different kind of garbage, but garbage all the same.

Forgot to mention this, too. The whole game was built around VR so it's just a rollercoaster. Plus its graphics were gimped so it would run on PSVR.

>He didn’t like boxing hill billy grandpa the game
Terrible taste

Condemned 2 was unironically the worst game I’ve ever played. I returned it the day after I got it and lost $40 but I didn’t give a fuck because I hated it so much

>all these seething RE 6 fags
How’s it feel knowing action RE is dead?

Attached: 46E8EF04-600F-4534-BA8A-4A4C19BB0783.jpg (407x482, 23K)

RE2 was action RE, you babbling swine.