Why does no one show RE7 any love?

Why does no one show RE7 any love?
It was of the best horror experiences I’ve had in years and I wish more games played like it

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>that cave part
>that boat part
everything with the family and mansion was cool though

>le spoopy quirky family wants to kill you
>best horror experience

Holy shit I miss being a clueless 15 years old who still enjoys mediocre garbage games.

Condemned 2 was better than this shit and that game came out in 2008.

wasn't a fan of the cave but the boat was great - the whole flashback as mia was the high point for me - seeing all the shit she went through and then knowing she fought for control for like 3 years before breaking was crazy

Seethe more. The game is critically acclaimed and everyone loved it.

game saved the serie

Because it was a good horror game but not a good resident evil game

Because it drops the ball massively in the latter half.

>spend the first 3/4 of a game building an atmosphere
>Completely throw away that atmosphere for the last two segments because this is a resident evil game. Did I mention you're playing a resident evil game? This is one, by the way.
Would have been much better if it was a standalone game without series baggage.

>Dogshit gunplay
>Terrible western writing (not campy terrible, actually just fucking terrible)
>Shit "bossfights"
>Cinematic shit like forced walking
>QTE final boss
>Awful "scary little girl" horror
>Fucking abysmal enemy variety
>No real merchant
>Ending that makes no sense - allow me to explain. At the end when you see them flying in an Umbrella Helicopter you're meant to go OH SHIT all this was Umbrella the whole time! But in the Not a Hero DLC you hear that Umbrella are good now that Chris is running them. So what was the point of that ending?

I know that Chris's look changed between REmake and 5 but that just isn't Chris Redfield.

It was more of an RE game then 4 though?

Isn’t that the game where everyone has screaming powers? How the hell is that better

>combat, movement and exploration are fucked because this was built as a VR game for the söy station
>more plot holes than any RE game
>dlc is fucking garbage

3/10 game

It's boring, the main character is the most forgettable pc I've ever encountered, the story is uninteresting, the guns feel like peashooters, no enemy variety at all, the redesign on Chris is laughably bad.

Fuck RE7, it was just as bad as RE6. It was a different kind of garbage, but garbage all the same.

Forgot to mention this, too. The whole game was built around VR so it's just a rollercoaster. Plus its graphics were gimped so it would run on PSVR.

>He didn’t like boxing hill billy grandpa the game
Terrible taste

Condemned 2 was unironically the worst game I’ve ever played. I returned it the day after I got it and lost $40 but I didn’t give a fuck because I hated it so much

>all these seething RE 6 fags
How’s it feel knowing action RE is dead?

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RE2 was action RE, you babbling swine.

the house and the bakers were amazing but everything after was lazy garbage to pad the playtime.
condemned 1 was better than that shit and that game came out in 2005
you have played very few games or you had a big butthurt baby reaction to a 6/10 slightly mediocre game.

If RE 2 was action then there has never been a survival horror game ever made
RE 2 was more of a survival horror game then the original was


I have it, but can't get past the opening part. I always turn it off after watching the VHS tape. I feel too much anxiety trying to play it.

Never had this issue with any other RE games

You are a retard not worth arguing with.
Please remain silent for the remainder of the thread.

are you retarded?
>no melee attacks
>limited inventory
>low ammo
>encouraged to avoid enemies
RE2make is like 75% old RE and 25% RE4. changing the camera doesn't change the core mechanics.

>game journos LOVE it!
haha ok kid. back in reality though, it's fucking shit. unless you like super scripted spoopy house streamer bait shit which you clearly do because you're a literal child.

>I have no argument

I think you might actually have autism

>western writing
Japanese can't write to save their fucking life. Get out

I did like it and Not A Hero was also not shit but everything else is fucking garbage

Do these chinkniggers dont know people hate wave survival minigames? Imagine taking the WORST aspect of your game (the combat) and making a mini game around it.

Or that fucking dogshit blackjack minigame where you have to sit through 50 minutes of unskippable cutscenes ON A FUCKING LUCK BASED GAME.

I wont even mention that timed based garbage minigame with Jack or the other survival shit with Ethan.

Besides Wesker Jack is the best RE villain I wish more villains could be as fun as him

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The whole boat sequence to the ending was anti-climactic, but the whole residence area was decent.

Neat. Your opinion is worth less than shit in not only mine, but everyone's point of view.

Because it's so drastically different. Retards can't comprehend to stay relevant and alive in an ever-growing business world like the video game industry you have to change. With all the dlc and game in one package it's one of the most complete packages with tons and tons of hours of stuff to do at a good price now.

Compared to better RE games It's a short, uneventful adventure which relies heavily on 'the experience'. The story is bland, the characters (apart from Jack and Marguerite) are bland, and the last half of the game is distinctly undercooked, so much so that the rest of the game literally got repackaged as free DLC.

It's a good game in its own right but as a RE title it fails to stand out apart from the fairly well done first person gimmick.

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>I love dyed hair nose ringed commie dykes controlling the stories in western games
Oof, son

Lucas was fucking great screw you

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It's alright. What I really liked about action RE is the gunplay and RE2make has it. I really like RE4 style gunplay for some reason, I find it incredibly satisfying maybe because of how restricted it is.

Better than 5 and 6 by far. So yes, west can write. Also, RDR2 is better written that any weeb shit from Japan. Can't wait for RE8. Hope they keep taking chances and trying crazy ideas for new games instead of generic of the generic 3rd person over the shoulder or fixed camera shit that's getting stale.

I can respect that have a nice day user

Son you only have the tech and things in your house hold because of the white west free world. Fuck off.

The Evil Within is honestly a much better post-RE4 Resident Evil.

If you think Resident Evil 5 has worse writing and characters than Resident Evil 7 then you are clearly the most bottom-of-the-barrel, plebbish, charlatanous bully victim I have ever met. Please stay off my board.

>commie dykes

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>survival horror isn't action

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What the fuck are you even trying to say here?

He means that any game where you defeat the final boss with a minigun and blast enemies with high-mag machine guns is clearly an action game.

>when you see them flying in an Umbrella Helicopter you're meant to go OH SHIT all this was Umbrella the whole time! But in the Not a Hero DLC you hear that Umbrella are good now that Chris is running them
Dude, what? Umbrella literally saves you at the end. I never thought this.

Ah so we really are dealing with 5-6 apologist. That's fucking sad.

>edgy Saw incel in RE


The blast the shit out of pyramid head with a shotgun and even fight him with a giant blade
Is that an action game now?

I thought you anons would connect with Lucas since he’s pretty much the same as all of you

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Its dogshit which is a shame because I loved the first one

More that all of the RE games require dexterous movement and the screen is often full of quick-moving things trying to collide with and kill you

RE has been action from day one, the fact that they define the survival horror genre, despite the normie misappropriation of the term, doesn't stop them from being action games at heart

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Pretty sure back in reality everyone loves it. But from how angry your posts seem I doubt you've left your house in years

>if you have gunplay your official an action game
Christ by this logic almost every game is an action game now

Survival Horror is more of an atmospheric classification than an actual style of gameplay. SH2 is often considered the pinnacle of the genre but the game rains down ammo and supplies on you, while Siren has very limited supplies but most consider it kind of jank.

Am i retarded for not seeing the Mia works for evil corp. Twist coming? Nobody seems to talk about the story which i thought was pretty good

I literally closed the game after you get assaulted by your gf. I'm too scared

Personally I hope RE 8 is a direct follow up to RE 7 I want to know more about the story

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Actually I have, you zoomer piece of shit, go fuck yourself and cope more with your shitty little """horror""" game, cuck.

How is me calling you a fat bitter angry loser coping? We're just talking about reality, remmeber user?

what is capcom doing next RE8 or nemesis remake?

Now it all makes sense, you're a third world monkey, LMAO

Loved the boat the cave can get fucked for life though.

Garbage game. Anyone who likes it should stop liking it before they embarass themselves further.

>that feel when horror RE is here to stay and games like RE 6 are dead

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I just hate how bizarre the whole thing was, the setting, the junkie house, the characters, etc. Literally never felt scared, just really grossed out.

The only redeemable thing is the molded's design and to some degree the inventory and save systems.

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It’s the best RE is rearms of atmosphere prove me wrong

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Still a better Chris than the roided retard.

I wouldn't classify any SH game as survival horror, but SH2 least of all, it's ridiculously easy

>I'll just divert before he checks under my folds and finds my copy of re1

Sorry fatty, not a third worlder

The situation has been grim for years, but in the end we won. Action RE is finally dead.

>but in the end we won. Action RE is finally dead.

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It's nice for an atmospheric VR game but without enemy variety it holds little replay value. I'd love a game in this style with all different types of classic RE monsters mixed throughout.

Immediately after that part the game stops being horror though. You just chase your cute yandere wife for a bit and then the campy and fun family part begins. It's honestly not scary, just a fun ride.

And I'm a massive pussy when it comes to horror games, you should be able to handle it.

Because it's fucking shit.

>It's another "It's not a bad game, but a bad X game"

The only difference between this and the original is the camera angle.
I bet youd say the original RE was action too if it had an ots camers

>It was of the best horror experiences I’ve had in years

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All these people saying it’s a horror game seem to forget that part where zombie grandpa did donuts in the garage while letting loose a rebel yell. It’s campy and funny, but definitely not horrifying at all, all tension gets broken by the MCs dumb quips

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>There's some action in it, so it's an action game.

Oh yeah, remember the part in which Leon suplexes the Tyrant? Me neither.

RE7 and 2R are the best thing that happened to this series after the cancer started by RE4.

>rebel yell
It was a barbaric yawp, know your scream facts.

That's because RE has always been a trashy B-movie kind of horror. Not a sophisticated kond of horror.

And in general, gameplay plays a huge role in horror games in order for them to be classified ss such.

i would be ok getting another re4 style game, maybe not as mainline but as a spinoff or a new series. After the death of dead space i feel like there was an hole in action horror games.

>you have played very few games or you had a big butthurt baby reaction to a 6/10 slightly mediocre game.
no, he's right. anyone who claims any RE game has made a mockery of the series clearly never suffered the trauma of getting Condemned 2 after waiting since the first game's release. what a fucking travesty that was.

>Dogshit gunplay
Gunplay is fine and its survival horror unlike the action REs. The game isn't trying to be RE4 or 5 you dumb shit

>Terrible western writing (not campy terrible, actually just fucking terrible)
Terrible how? It's actually better than most RE storylines, also
>playing RE games for the story

>Shit "bossfights"
A couple were good, a couple were bad. Like many RE games

>Cinematic shit like forced walking
boo hoo

>QTE final boss
Ya fuck that

>Awful "scary little girl" horror
I kind of agree, but if it "ruins" your experience you're a little bitch

>Fucking abysmal enemy variety

>No real merchant
So fucking what, the only merchant was in RE4.

>I know that Chris's look changed between REmake and 5 but that just isn't Chris Redfield.
He looks like a real human now and not Donkey Kong

user i'm afraid you might be mentally disabled.

>He looks like a real human now and not Donkey Kong
top kek

Based user.

Even though, i'm not against the evil child trope in horror. The problem with RE7 is that Eveline doesn't get any sympathy, despite being a victim as well to some degree.

It wasnt particularly scary but I wouldnt call that a flaw especially in the context of the series. Most genuine RE fans are ambivalent to it/ like it but dont ultimately pay much attention to it since its a game that doesnt offer much replayability since it has too many forced cutscenes and railroading compared to the best RE games. Also you have the pile of redditors who dont know anything about RE but try to pretend like some true OG.s by frothing at the mouth over how its an "outlast clone"

Perfect example of the type of mouthbreather who knows literally nothing about game design but still thinks their epic opinions are worth typing out

blah blah blah shut the fuck up assburger

RE7 was surprisingly okay after more than a decade of no horror RE to exist, but REmake 2 is a better game in every single possible way, and is truer to RE as well.

>a dumb piece of shit game entirely designed for PlayStation VR that pisses on the grave of Resident Evil was good

Play Condemned 1 & 2 you stupid zoomer fuck. These are the games that Capcom ripped off and even called the protagonist the same name.

RE7 is quite possibly the worst RE game with no replayabality.

>forced stealth missions
>can't kill family bosses
>house is actually tiny as fuck
>if you die on a boss you have to rewatch "epic" cutscenes
>choosing is a girl to save doesn't even matter in the end
>that boat level with areas ripped straight from Revelations 1

People do show the game love. It's extremely highly regarded and barely shitposted about on a board that does nothing but shitpost. Hell, even though RE2 is better overall it STILL gets more shit on here than RE7. Why do people do this "hurdur why does ____ hate gaem" when it isn't even true? RE7 somehow managed to barely get hate at all besides the boat complaints, which many also disagree with

go kill yourself mikey, RE7 and condemned have literally nothing in common

Re7 was written by a japanese man you dumb fucking mongoloid

Condemned 1 is my favorite horror game of all time outside of RE2 (original). You are fucking retarded and RE7 is fantastic, ESPECIALLY in VR which was one of the most impactful gaming experiences I've had since playing OoT in 1998. Literally kill yourself if you truly think this. Otherwise, shit bait because both Condemned 1 and RE7 are worth playing and you're a fucking retard

posts like these are killing Yea Forums.

Having a gf in vr fel way too real and scary to me too but I came instead of getting scared

>>I'm easily impressed by low quality games and VR sends my sõy receptors in overdrive!!

RE7 can be easily skipped. It does nothing for the series and if you played Condemned there's no point in playing this high budget knock off.

Sounds like you have anger issues and a mental fallacy that makes you pick and choose between two pieces of entertainment, as if you have to, rather than enjoying both. And they're nothing alike, no one is reading your posts and like HOLY FUCK HE'S RIGHT DUDE so you're accomplishing nothing

Because although the game was a great experience, what the fuck is there to talk about that hasnt already been stated in release and dlc threads?

Re2Remake wouldn't exist as it did if it wasn't for Re7.

Is the game more fun in VR?
Kinda thinking getting the PSVR for thig game.

Still praying one day, somehow, VR comes to pc

It was the best RE since the original trilogy.

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I liked it but I didn't like how clearly it was designed to be a VR experience

REfags got pleb filtered hard with 7. I feel it's mostly 4-6 fans, though. The rest of them understand 7 and properly recognize it as the best RE.

Extremely fun in VR, wish it had support for move controllers because you aim by looking so its kinda easy mode.

RE8 is rumoured to be next gen

R3make is in development by an unknown Japanese developer outside of Capcom and is apparently largely complete

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>It does nothing for the series
Except for change the trajectory of the series from action back to horror, and is the only reason REmake2 is on the RE engine and not the same shit as revelations.
Its also why you're getting a REmake3 AND Resident Evil 8 as proper horror games

>First Playthrough (Normal)
Fun game, great return to the roots of classic RE, can't wait for Not a Hero and DLC 3
>Second Playthrough (Normal)
Getting the collectibles didn't really give me much, but hey, it was fun.
>DLCs 1 and 2
Bedroom and 21 were great, the rest kind of sucked though.
>Third Playthrough (Madhouse)
Why is this mode so horribly unbalanced? Why are there so many OHKOs even with all the steroids? Why did I just now notice how railroaded the entire game is? The last few areas are literally straight lines. At least I got the Platinum so I won't replay it again.
>Fourth Playthrough (Madhouse)
Holy fuck this game sucks. Why did I replay it.
>Not a Hero
More fun than the main game
>Not a Hero (Hard)
Master of knifing
>End of Zoe
That was retarded and added nothing.
>Fifth Playthrough (Normal, back in January)
Why did everybody like this game again?

Because you're an autist that played it several times over. Of course you'll get tired of it.

It really was good. Not exactly what l expected as a RE game, and at the same time, I found it totally REesque in terms of feeling and ambiance. It's rare when a game manages to both subvert your expectations and give you a sense of walking in familiar territory, it's a difficult balance to achieve.

Here's my total amount of playthroughs for each mainline RE
>Resident Evil (1996)
7 (on PS1 (original, Arranged (twice) and Dualshock), DS, Saturn, PC)
>Resident Evil 2 (1998)
Too many times to count at this point for the juicy unlockables on multiple consoles.
>Resident Evil 3
Only 5 times, still like it more than 7.
>CODE:Veronica X
3 times, god this game is a chore to replay given its length.
5 times, GCN and PS4.
6 times, I don't even know why
3 times
Twice, it's fucking garbage, worse than 7.
3 times, PS3, PC, PS4.
>Revelations 2
Once, despite liking it more than REv1
Twice. PS3, PS4. Awful game, Chris' campaign was fine though, and Jake is a nice addition as a character.
Five times.
It wasn't an issue of getting tired of it, it was noticing the many flaws it had. It tried to be RE1 again with the setup in terms of level design, but was horribly small, possibly due to also requiring the development of an engine and making sure the game works well in VR to warrant the support.
Compare the opening bits of RE1 to RE7. In RE1, you go through 2 linear halls to the first zombie, then you go through a cutscene and are free to explore around 4 paths, each of which will have something important in them for progression.
In RE7, you have a whole area filled with walking segments and unskippable cutscenes that concludes in a very okay boss fight. The following segment, the Main House one, is oppressive in its linearity. Get the key to go to the save room to get the knife to go to the garage to get the dog emblem to go to the main hall and so on. The only glimpse of non-linearity in this design is the dog emblems, where you can choose to backtrack to the clock to get one, but even then, it's literally only 2 rooms away.

I just moved to North Caolina and I've met tons of people just like or worse than the family in RE7.

The girls here are built like fridges except for the thin ones who are usually meth whores.

>it needs to have a suplex move to be an action game

We're dealing with special kinds of retards, tonight

replayability sucks, which is weird for a re game, much like re6

A game that isn't worth playing through at least three times is worthless

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retard, re games are MADE to be replayed lots of times, re7 just sucks in that regard

It was the first game I bought after I got VR as a gift, I had a great time with it.
I never finished it out of a combination of the long loading times and me being a cowardly impatient retard, but I still feel like I got moneys worth of enjoyment out of it.

>didn't play on Madhouse first playthrough
>plays it 50 times
gee no shit

I didn't pre-order it faggot.
Also, if you don't replay RE games, you're more likely than not an even bigger faggot.