Yeah, this is the game of the generation
Jesus Christ dude I thought 120 hours was too many before realizing I was in a Skinner box
>Skinner box
Explain this to a brainlet and how MGSV is one
>hurr skinnerbox bad
bro that's the whole point
>Nothing to do on most of the "LE OPEN WORLD"
>Nothing to do in or with mother base, chinese mobile games have more in depth base building mechanics than that shit
>majority of outposts play the damn same
>most companions and gear in the game is a novelty and you have to impose challenges on yourself to get any fun out of them because otherwise you can just go with the CLEARLY most efficient shit like Quiet, heavy armor and tranq gun into every single mission.
>Ground Zeroes was a vastly superior experience and all of V should have been designed like it, a bunch of hand crafted semi-linear levels instead of two boring-ass open world shit maps.
You have to be a total autist to think V was good. I'm talking "I pretend to be immersed while crawling and stealthing in the savannah, even though I know their shitty open world game design doesn't actually spawn any enemies outside of bases." kind of autist.
>You have to be a total autist to think V was good
No, if you are a normal healthy person you will enjoy MGSV, if you are a Yea Forums mentally ill retard who spend his time shitposting and hating on games then yes you will hate it.
Menu Gear Solid V: Time Eater.
[Tactical Espionage Distraction]
>if you are a normal healthy person you will enjoy MGSV
AKA if you're a complete and utter casual at the time of first playing it.
Amazing rebuttal to all his points there user. You definitely aren't a contrarian.
>make your stealth game open world
>can't destroy enemy's storage shed while in said open world, browse menu/deploy to do that instead in minutes
>can't choose to go OSP
>can't pat down enemies for items like in 4
>animals are just decoration, can't eat them
>Demon mode is just low camo and stench mode
There is a lot of room for improvement but they are too dumb to do anything with it.