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Itt: Games you only played

Oh they also censored the game and sold the game for $3000 and Nexon KR CEO back then went to Sweden to tear them a new one.

On retrospective Nexon KR cant manage their workers for shit outside Korea, they had a huge amount of problems with their EU workers, NA ones didnt fuck up that much.

Hyper Universe for example where the flat SJW dev started censoring the game and starting shit against both west and KR communities killing the game in both places.

Its a horrible idea to have a game where the economy is managed by the playerbase, eventually a jew will come and fuck it all up till the game hits Zimbawe levels.

Attached: Honeyview_Anim_load0.png (800x600, 784K)

Fuck yea. Laboratory never got old.

Also unironically one of the best games I've ever played if you ignore the awful awful cutscenes and near exclusively play as the dog guy. It's like Jack and Daxter 1 crossed with Zelda and the Elder Scrolls with a shitload of content.

Attached: Neopets_-_The_Darkest_Faerie_Coverart.png (256x363, 194K)

PVP in this game was broken.

Attached: Angels-Online-casting.png (1024x768, 422K)

I want a fucking remake

>the baby and mom Sasquatch area

looks epic, but considering this might play like palnescape torment. I pass