Attached: combat-arms.jpg (379x296, 25K)
Itt: Games you only played
Dylan Nguyen
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Jose Young
World Super Police on the ps2.
David Howard
Hold on a bit
David Torres
it had its flaws but overall a great experience
most detailed way to equip your character of any rpg I've played
Owen Rodriguez
I unironically loved that game, before they put mario kart powerups all over the place. Zombie lockdowns were great.
Andrew Stewart
Sebastian Jones
I played a bit of Combat Arms when it first came out and I needed a break from Maplestory. I remember one map had a slightly glitched U-turn shape where you could fire through to the other side.
Andrew Sanders
holy shit combat arms damn I miss that shit I would play that oil rig map for hours
Samuel Garcia
I loved playing this game even though I was ass at it.
Caleb Foster
Angel Bell
I played this. Elf with kitana and invisibility bullshit was my jam
Parker Cruz
Was it good?
Looks like loli SMT
Isaac Martin
i played this game for 30 mins a few years ago
what makes it good?
Asher Ortiz
Had pretty kino games before it got plagued with community devs who do nothing but churn out simulators because it's easier to make money that way.
Ryder Morales
Its solid fine. Doesn't re-invent the wheel, doesn't have particularly gripping writing. Its easily the best 3DO game.
Robert Richardson
Never seen anyone else talk about it
Alexander Morris
I am almost certain that I am the only one who has played this. Everyone always talks about that bitch Krystal when referring to this game but she does literally fuck all in the game. Nobody ever talks about:
>the invisible maze
>the entire area that's just a short as fuck rail shooter which you barely explore
>how you literally can't even get a game over because your health bar is so insurmountably huge and that you can carry 10 bafomdads, essentially making your life bar 10x larger
>how the "climactic" General Scales fight ends after TRYING to hit him once
This game is so atrociously bad. No wonder Krystalfags even attempt to defend it or even talk about it.
Jack Bailey
Combat arms ruined my life
Lucas Gomez
I have it, did you like it?
Nicholas Adams
Combat arms ran on my toaster back then and was free, so nope. I was a beta tester, prolly played 2008-2011.
Eli Baker
No, I still have the disc, I enjoyed it as a kid.
Kevin Cook
Science and industry mod for half life.
it still being updated
Colton Jackson
Holy shit I used to play this 17 years ago. Didn't realize it's still being updated.
Brayden Cruz
Last patch was january 19
Carter Hall
what really
i tried it out 10 years ago and it had literally 0 active servers
Justin Garcia
I upgraded my computor to play combat arms, it still sucked
Brayden Ramirez
if you had actually played it you would've mentioned the test of strength
Adam Peterson
Jaxson Phillips
Me and a few friends played CA a shitton in middleschool.
James Martinez
You're apparently supposed to let him win and then start mashing like crazy and that's how you beat him. I have no idea what they were thinking when they made that part
Sebastian Rogers
and not that gay shit that was AQW
Jonathan Clark
3D third-person flight game that took place in a Steampunk world. Fun game but very short storymode.
Femme is cute by the way
Jace Foster
Cant remember anyone ever talking or writing about this great game.
Kevin Hernandez
What do you think about the soundtrack user? I personally loved it.
Jaxson Peterson
combat arms was cool and all but did yall niggas play CROSS FIRE? ghost mode was fucking bomb af
Robert Murphy
Slayers online
Chase Lewis
Don't have a full screenshot, but I do have one of the girls from it
Jayden Adams
It was so corny and took itself so seriously that it had a certain charm
Brody Rodriguez
this one
Daniel Thompson
Don’t forget the barebones Arwing sections that are somehow on rails even more than previous and later titles
Isaiah Morgan
and this
Charles Cook
I REALLY wanted to play Factorio but all I have is a lousy laptop so instead I bought this for the PS4.
Josiah Thomas
almost ready
Brody White
Noah Stewart
I'm not a fan of shrumps but the I played it anyway because a friend liked it
Christian Rodriguez
William Baker
Levi Clark
I remember glitching into the maps in this game
Jordan Perez
>but the I played
Hudson Price
it was good
fuck you
maybe play more than the first level before writing your fucking review
Angel Fisher
Parker Clark
I played this the other night, nostalgias a hell of a drug
Charles Price
I never met anyone who played this.
Zachary Taylor
i played this
it was really unpolished and the person responsible for the bear figght deserves a spot in hell plus the ending was really stupid
but fuck me if i didnt have a good time playing it
now i raise you this
Ayden Torres
>11 years old
>trying to make a name for myself on the forums as an edgy troll
>dutch guy starts encouraging me
>he's like 17, I think he's cool as hell
>we talk to each other on xfire
>he shows me ED and Yea Forums
>one day comes on talking about how he's going to overdose
>I'm an 11 year old who's just been shown encyclopedia dramatica I think it's hilarious
>never saw him online again
has it really been 11 years?
herbtheguy, if you're out there,
Adam Torres
Thomas Peterson
Ayden Jackson
I loved this game.
Easton Phillips
To this day I eagerly await a new custom robo. and a girlfriend like Liv
Cameron Murphy
You can apparently cheese it with the pen mashing trick, but it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
>Meanwhile Liam during their lets play tries to defend the design choice
Chase Young
Jackson Wright
Remember that time the History Channel made videos games? I do because I asked my mom to buy this. One of my most regrettable decisions. They also made two American Civil War FPS games which were far from good but are nonetheless noteworthy for the mere attempt at a FPS game where it takes half a minute to load a gun so bravo to them. I remember reading on gamefaqs that the grenades in those games would send people flying and it was noted as one of they only fun things to do in that game.
Matthew Cooper
Chase Lee
John Davis
How old are you? This was a hugely popular game, it was made by rare for fucks sake. It was awesome but the tribal hunt was bullshit, I never found out what you got for collecting all their heads either
Camden Barnes
Considering the low amount of people who've even heard of it, the art talent was quite wasted.
Leo Jenkins
this game has almost been erased from having ever existed
Angel Green
God tier shit right there. Jamming some jet wings onto your pz4 and chasing a fucking plane was kino.
Camden Foster
Parker Jenkins
Probably one of the most tedious games ive played. It started off very promising though.
Oliver Parker
This game right here. Nicw
James Harris
I remember hearing there was a way to take stamina out of the equation via patch or memory edit, but I never got a chance to try.
Austin Martin
Hudson Russell
this thing is actually programmed to be harder the harder you mash
Jaxon Brown
>prince abassi of nigeria.
back then even spam was amusing.
Ayden Nelson
i played that chink knockoff too is it still alive? Loved that fucker
Angel Ortiz
How bad was this game? Also, do you have a video of those grenades in action? Sounds hillarious.
Jeremiah Morgan
Is it the one with the demons and shit? I never got past the first hour because the rom i downloaded was corrupted
I played this too, the Wii was a goldmine for shovelware kino.
Gabriel Ramirez
>The main character's ( Falcon ) special ability was launching a volley of missiles
>If you got close to someone and activate it you'd get a guaranteed kill
>When playing with friends that one guy who played Falcon would tried his best to do just that
>Everyone would run away from him in panic
Owen Bell
sequels were cursed on the Dreamcast.
Blitz 2, Crazy Taxi 2, powerstone 2.
Dominic Fisher
>Japanese soldiers could see you through the jungle foliage and gun you down before you got close
>Terrible voice acting
>Hard to aim
>felt like moving a tank cannon
>dumb AI
>Music would cut out awkwardly
It was just bad in every way and no I don't have such footage unfortunately. As stated that was hearsay from the forums from the few people who bought the game.
Joshua Stewart
It seemed like a good idea at first.....
Matthew Hernandez
oh no no no
Bentley Howard
Nigger I fucking loved Combat Arms get out of my face.
I searched my folder for old screenshots and I found a screenshot of me on top beating Greatfuldead who was the highest ranked player at the time. It's not like he was the "best" player or anything, he just had the highest rank and I felt cool.
Christopher Russell
Jose Jones
He passed the curse onto you so that he could die in peace.
Remember, you're here forever.
Connor Phillips
still the best mario kart clone ever made. and i'm still furious that square cancelled the sequel they were going to make for the 3ds.
Jackson Allen
i had the first one on dreamcast.
Austin Turner
Just play SRB2 Kart. Its FREE
Also I guess this can count as something obscure and played by few
Adrian Bell
Basically Star Wars Rouge Squadron but in world War 2
Ian Morris
That sounds fucking awesome.
Carson Gomez
I miss Xbox 360 avatar games
Ryder Russell
wrong one, this is the one I had
Dominic James
Just had an nostalgia nut from this image alone god fucking DAMN that shit was hard when I was a kid fuuuuck me dude
Thomas Stewart
This and Inuyasha: Feudal Combat.
Jordan Turner
Where my Cookie and Cream niggas at
Luke Taylor
steam release when?
Liam Stewart
HD rerelease any day now
Xavier Foster
LBX was pretty good, so of course we never got another one of those either.
Tyler Brown
I unironically liked playing that game with friends years ago.
Zachary Campbell
yo, was this the shitty f2p online shooter? I spent ages just laying prone and camping a door in that god-awful map with just 2 fucking doors in each spawn and a big-ass box in the middle
also got my ass beat for sneaking around and wasting like a hundred bucks in dial-up charges
Andrew Price
tanlines, especially weird ones, are the hottest shit ever
Evan Evans
I couldn't stand the sheer volume of dialogue or obtuse rpg mechanics. Seemed like something special, but never been that much into RPGs and boy was that a heavy one.
Blake Taylor
Ayden Lopez
Samuel Walker
I faintly remember trying to install this on my dad's piece of shit laptop and it not working
Ayden Lee
Dylan Robinson
Joint Operations
Aaron Diaz
Beat this
>Pro tip you can't
Ryder Rogers
>The fucking fortune teller tank
>Put in a cheat code to get a lil flag item.
Charles Wilson
>need medickit
Jordan Reyes
That game was actually legit fun in the beginning. Then some sort of meltdown happened within the company or something like that, can't remember exactly. The zombie cabin mode was also really good
Parker Martin
I rented this game from blockbuster many years ago. I hated it the whole way through, but was committed to beating it, and I did.
I don't remember jack shit from the game. Hell, I doubt I'd remember Krystal if it wasn't for furfags spamming her over the years.
Joshua James
Nigga pls. CA was my shit in 2009/2010. Too bad they added specialists and all the other P2W garbage and let the BRs take over in full. That fucking snow map with the giant tower in the middle was super cool too.
Ayden Diaz
You eyes will bleed from the colours but it's fun especially co-op
Isaac Rogers
Have you ever met anyone?
Elijah Powell
I didn't play as much of that one as I did of this, but you are exceptionally based.
Thomas Miller
Man, I fucking remember looking at Greatfullded's rank on the top lists on their website and being super jelly that he all the shit unlocked.
I think I still have some shitty Youtube montages I made on a really old YT account.
Hudson Nelson
Strucky, I...
Ethan Hughes
i really played this shit, rented it from the rental store many times until i finally beat it.
Caleb Allen
I'm the only one that ever played this. I know this to be true.
Juan Garcia
Played this as a kid but didn't beat it until years later. A lot of random lines and scenes from it are burned into my brain for some reason.
Tyler Howard
>pretended to be a girl and got all the female skins
>bombarded by horny spics sending me gifts constantly
>almost every special crate weapon permanent by the end of the year for free
Angel Sanders
russian autism is gr8
Austin Robinson
No, I've played it too. Never beat it, but I liked the system.
Josiah Murphy
I bet you zoomers never even heard of this
Connor Torres
I fucking loved combat arms, played it nonstop everyday with friends, spend like $400 on it in 5 years, worth it.
Nexon tried to be like everyone else and tried to make their own popular FPS, Dirtybomb.
They took all the CA NA devs and moved them to work in dirty bomb then made CA EU to be in charger of both of them, the problem, CA EU dev team fucking sucks and they went full retard in every single choice possible to the point they made everyone quit playing of how much they fucked up the game.
>Rental system
>Telling people that spent money in the game to fuck off
>Removed Papa server
>Nerfed exp/gp rates to abismal rates
>Fucking 35-40% speedgear
>Nerfed zombies so they died instantaly fucking up QR mode
>Fucked up QR experience/gp even more
>Nerfed fireteam making it useless to grind
And so on.
Meanwhile dirty bomb devs bought the game and left Nexon.
Jeremiah Moore
Great game, although I prefer Front Mission 4 more.
Elijah Morgan
You got to fight the final boss. Ending was not worth the effort.
Joseph Flores
Is that Dragon Unit? Man, I'm still keep replaying it sometimes, the game is so fucking based.
Tyler Bailey
Oh they also censored the game and sold the game for $3000 and Nexon KR CEO back then went to Sweden to tear them a new one.
Justin Smith
On retrospective Nexon KR cant manage their workers for shit outside Korea, they had a huge amount of problems with their EU workers, NA ones didnt fuck up that much.
Hyper Universe for example where the flat SJW dev started censoring the game and starting shit against both west and KR communities killing the game in both places.
Ryder Hill
Its a horrible idea to have a game where the economy is managed by the playerbase, eventually a jew will come and fuck it all up till the game hits Zimbawe levels.
Carson Barnes
Fuck yea. Laboratory never got old.
Camden Reyes
Also unironically one of the best games I've ever played if you ignore the awful awful cutscenes and near exclusively play as the dog guy. It's like Jack and Daxter 1 crossed with Zelda and the Elder Scrolls with a shitload of content.
Blake Hughes
PVP in this game was broken.
Jack Butler
I want a fucking remake
David Gutierrez
>the baby and mom Sasquatch area
Elijah Roberts
looks epic, but considering this might play like palnescape torment. I pass