Post good skyboxes
I have a big skybox fetish
Post good skyboxes
Other urls found in this thread:
technically not a skybox but its good anyways
most of these
Someone post the spyro ones please
Destiny thread?
what game is that
All the backgrounds from Pandemonium on PS1
why do old games have such a pleasing aesthetic compared to modern ultra realism?
even with modern games, it's always shit like bloodborne or destiny or gravity rush that wins graphically over ghost recon wildlands or witcher 3, at least imo
Play RDR2
I like this one
S O U L coming through
what's your favorite skybox from Spyro, anons? or any PS1 game for that matter
TERA had some amazing skyboxes
Because (simulated) physical realism only deals with the biggest, most obvious things, while leaving everything that could perceived as artistic context out.
Modern developers believe that just throwing a new idea in a same pile of re-usable assets and engine everyone uses is enough for the work to be considered not only original, but of some artistic value.
Homeworld games use the same technique as Spyro to an even more impressive degree.
The best part of Skyrim's main questline for me was the sky and music in Sovngarde.
Any skybox from Halo 3.
Which game is this? You're not alone my dude.
Unreal 1 pic related
You all have impeccable taste
DS2 Majula skybox explored.
Came here to post unreal.
Nah that isn't undead crypt, the old version of undead crypt that's hidden in Undead Crypts map files was in a big chasm in the ground and surrounded on all sides by cliffs, so it can't that building in the skybox texture, It really does look more like an earlier version of FOTFG's fort though.
And fucking prime 2.
Requesting the Agon Wastes skybox.
When you look at the rings of Saturn from your ship, is also cool too.
This is pretty good.
BL2 has some nice skyboxes
>you can see Terramorphus from the tower you assault to reach Angel, and from several other zones