Probably because no one cares about dr mario lmao
Dr Mario World is Nintendo's worst performing mobile game so far
>Animal Crossing
>"Player, I think MEOWCAT is a meanie-bo-beanie because she trampled on my flowers :("
>Genuine social interaction
Babybrains are *almost* as bad as cumskulls
Okay we get it already. You don't need to post it more than once.
it's nice to see that super mario run is in second despite being a one-time payment to unlock the whole thing instead of microtransaction gacha trash
Yeah coz it's fucking garbage
Shouldn't have fucked with the formula
Oh by all means, I am so jealous of people who spend thousands on fake friends because real humans scare them.
The time when matching puzzles were the rage for mobile is pretty much over. It's like the Wii. The thing that made it popular a few years ago was bored mothers, and they aren't returning customers who will look for more in the genre. All those countless bored moms buying Wiis and playing Candy Crush simply don't care or even know what a Wii U or other puzzle games are, hell they barely played the thing they already have.
The reason a game like FGO or FEH can do well is because they effectively target the whale.
you have no room to complain about anyone
FGO is a bit of an anomaly, it's got waifu pandering shit, but a lot of it is just in the fact that it's something you can do, where you feel like what you're doing now matters for the future, and you get a consistently decently written bit of fiction with familiar characters coming out.
It taps right into a lot of stuff we like, which makes it perfect for a 15, 30, or even hour long commute. So as well as whales it gets lots of people who will dip in every now and then for a guaranteed ssr.