Dr Mario World is Nintendo's worst performing mobile game so far.
Dr Mario World is Nintendo's worst performing mobile game so far
>The most successful is the waifu bait trash
I was right about Fire Emblem fags
So an average Dragalia Lost player spent around 25 dollary doos? That's insane
Who cares? Let's talk about how pathetic FEfags are for falling for the gacha meme and paying for pictures they can easily google.
The game fucking sucks
I'm suprised they got that far without anybody telling them it was slow and boring
>fire Emblem
>Fate Grand Order
Why is the world so into waifubait garbage? Is the whole world c u m brained?
Use cumskull, numbskull.
Because "most of the world" read unfuckable losers use gacha as a substitute for friendship, and why they can't handle animal crossing because the pressure of genuine social interaction scares them.
>WAifu trash is more popular than games where you must think
Probably because no one cares about dr mario lmao
>Animal Crossing
>"Player, I think MEOWCAT is a meanie-bo-beanie because she trampled on my flowers :("
>Genuine social interaction
Babybrains are *almost* as bad as cumskulls
Okay we get it already. You don't need to post it more than once.
it's nice to see that super mario run is in second despite being a one-time payment to unlock the whole thing instead of microtransaction gacha trash
Yeah coz it's fucking garbage
Shouldn't have fucked with the formula
Oh by all means, I am so jealous of people who spend thousands on fake friends because real humans scare them.
The time when matching puzzles were the rage for mobile is pretty much over. It's like the Wii. The thing that made it popular a few years ago was bored mothers, and they aren't returning customers who will look for more in the genre. All those countless bored moms buying Wiis and playing Candy Crush simply don't care or even know what a Wii U or other puzzle games are, hell they barely played the thing they already have.
The reason a game like FGO or FEH can do well is because they effectively target the whale.
you have no room to complain about anyone
FGO is a bit of an anomaly, it's got waifu pandering shit, but a lot of it is just in the fact that it's something you can do, where you feel like what you're doing now matters for the future, and you get a consistently decently written bit of fiction with familiar characters coming out.
It taps right into a lot of stuff we like, which makes it perfect for a 15, 30, or even hour long commute. So as well as whales it gets lots of people who will dip in every now and then for a guaranteed ssr.
No user it's only waifu loving faggots that can't talk to humans
I think they would've made a lot more money just by having it be a one-time purchase. Nobody is going to whale for fucking dr. mario, but a lot of people probably would've paid for a quick timewaster on their phone.
fuck you gonna do about fag, cry to a janitor?
>it’s this ugly fag
No one wants u here kys
Nobody gives a shit about Dr. Mario.
How did they not know this?
Is FE somewhat challenging?
It's not like I have to play it now, because I'm about to start 2nd playthrough of Three Houses, but I want to know.
dragalia lost held that title for like a solid year as well
There's a lot of really subtle shit in FGO that I feel like people miss.
Like take the lack of autobattle, it's super important to the game imo. The way that events work means that if you roll for something and fail, at the very least you end up feeling powerful as fuck during the event because of all the CE's you get. So you can clear that shop and it gives you that little rebound of the game feeling rewarding as a f2p player (or small spender) which helps retain them. The whales get to feel like gods constantly clearing every event shop they deem fit. And if they had an autobattle they'd need to make it grindy, which would make it feel like shit if you didn't roll for CEs rather than "okay if you don't, but great if you do"
And it even hits that right note of reusing a cast constantly, you know these people, they're a little different but the familiarity is there, and it hits that feeling of rewatching a show.
And I'm 100% convinced they stumbled into this accidentally given how much of a clusterfuck launch was.
This chart shows that Animal crossing fans are based and FE fans are cancer
Nintendo made a Dr Mario mobile game? well shit no wonder it sold badly, i never heard of it.
A lot of Animal Crossing fans I know installed the mobile game and then just immediately uninstalled or left the game because of what a boring slog it is.
Honestly all these numbers are pitiful. This is the F2P cashcow that publishers are lusting after? Would they really have done worse just making a P2P regular game for mobile?
>Like take the lack of autobattle, it's super important to the game imo.
No it isn’t. It’s there to keep you staring at the screen longer so you feel more justified in spending money. The game is still grindy and dull. All that carries it is waifubait and typemoon autism.
Remember when we were afrais of phone games taking over
Turns out only the same 5 games are still on top almost 10 years later, there are only so many whales and they only play the same 2-3 games and 99% of normalfags dont pay for them it turns out
Man we dodged that bullet, now we only have to worry about streaming and lootboxes
The game is a fucking slog and boring as shit
I didn't even finish all of World 1. I just got bored out of my mind after 30 or so levels.
Annually Fire Emblem Heroes makes more money than the rest of the Fire Emblem franchise has made in it's life combined. Just to put this into perspective just how much money Heroes makes If we count Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem is Nintendo's 6th most lucrative franchise just behind Zelda and ahead of Donkey Kong and Kirby.
If we don't count Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem is Nintendo's 18th most lucrative franchise between Star Fox and Pikmin.
The game is a chill as hell hangout game. That's the point of a mobile game. It's something you can relax with if you have 10 or 30 minutes.
What you're describing is Azur Lane (or worse GFL), not FGO. You can clear an FGO event shop in a matter of hours really. Unless you engage in lottery autism, which is a choice, and something you do for later down the line which has it's own appeal even if it drives people to despair (i.e. you feel like you're getting to be really efficient.)
FGO can be rewarding in this way of throwing 400 of the current event currency at you if you rolled like, 40 times in the current event shop (a chunk, but not a crazy chunk even for an f2p player if the shop has stuff you want) because it's like "hell yeah you can do like 20 battles and get most of the good stuff, do it on your way to work and back home during the week bro"
Look at those poor desperate AC fans
what's Dragalia Lost?
never heard of it
Stopped playing once every level has hidden blocks
Just as bad as instant hidden death traps
it's always the whales inflating these numbers and keeping this type of market alive
think less '$25 per player' and more '2% of the players are responsible for 90% of this revenue'
you are an addict