Eventually the thrill wears off. I remember being a piracy addict 15 years ago, ended up spending a bunch on extra storage for all the games/movies/music/anime I pirated. Then at some point, I realized that I simply had too much stuff pirated to actually consume or enjoy all of it, and I eventually stopped caring about grabbing stuff at release. I still pirate the occasional album or film, but I'm more apt to just buy games given that most of them need updates and most pirate copies don't tend to get much more than v1.01 at best.
I did it. I pirated a game. It was so easy and simple
Brayden Brooks
Jacob Thomas
I seriously think the trend of developers releasing broken games is an anti piracy tactic.
Aaron Walker
Matthew Harris
If its a game you had no intention of buying no. If its a game you wanted then honestly fuck yourself
Nolan Collins
Pirate it, especially if it has a DRM.
Buy it if its a multiplayer game or you want easy patches and updates.
Then pirate it again with an older patch because the new patches are shit and introduced garbage mechanics.
Evan Sanders
Dominic Cooper
You need to be 25 use this site
Kevin Mitchell
Just listen to this once in a while and you're fine.
Aaron Smith
t. thepiratebay shill
Aaron Moore
What's the go to now? Pirate bay is dead right?