I did it. I pirated a game. It was so easy and simple.
I don't think ill ever be able to go back at least for single player games.
Am I a bad person now?
I did it. I pirated a game. It was so easy and simple
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Patches and updates are a huge pain in the ass
No, but you are a child.
What game?
Also, welcome to the group user. You next step is emulating old games. If you're interested I can help.
Use it only for 'special' occations, user. It'll prevent from spoiling yourself in the long run
It’s literally not worth it if the game is still getting updates but if the game is done w updates,,, well
Pirating is fun, but i'm too much of a pussy to not do it on an expendable craptop instead of my actual computer. Anyone who isn't a corporate bootlicker doesn't really care if you pirate as long as you aren't obnoxious about it and don't cheat on online games.
Yes you are a bad person, for not telling us the name of the game you pirated.
Eventually the thrill wears off. I remember being a piracy addict 15 years ago, ended up spending a bunch on extra storage for all the games/movies/music/anime I pirated. Then at some point, I realized that I simply had too much stuff pirated to actually consume or enjoy all of it, and I eventually stopped caring about grabbing stuff at release. I still pirate the occasional album or film, but I'm more apt to just buy games given that most of them need updates and most pirate copies don't tend to get much more than v1.01 at best.
I seriously think the trend of developers releasing broken games is an anti piracy tactic.
If its a game you had no intention of buying no. If its a game you wanted then honestly fuck yourself
Pirate it, especially if it has a DRM.
Buy it if its a multiplayer game or you want easy patches and updates.
Then pirate it again with an older patch because the new patches are shit and introduced garbage mechanics.
You need to be 25 use this site
Just listen to this once in a while and you're fine.
t. thepiratebay shill
What's the go to now? Pirate bay is dead right?
If you didn't seed.
I just use torrent links off of skidrow's website.
oh no.
If the time it takes is worth the money saved to you then there's no reason not to for singleplayer titles despite buyfags like kicking and screaming. Just don't be a retard and download from shady sources.
I torrent games that I'm unsure if they're worth their price point since they're expensive af retail in canada. Though I make sure to support the less mainstream genres of games i'm interested in like CRPG's.
I have no idea what the difference between a main torrent and a crack is
I've got noscript.
igg games
I never seed. I respect that if everyone was as selfish as myself this would not be available to me but I don't care.
I just buy games because it's less of a hassle really.
I don't want my ISP giving me shit.
>just use a vpn bro
Why would I pay to pirate?
why is he wearing shoes