Why do you like cumbersome and outdated games, Yea Forums?

why do you like cumbersome and outdated games, Yea Forums?

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>m-muh drumpf!

Attached: Untitled.png (613x94, 5K)

>I wish this XD re-release would have added things like checkpoints or extra mission intel to help smooth some of its outdated rough edges without sacrificing the core design and intended challenge.
what the fuck this sounds reasonable how am I going to get angry when they're making sense

they come from a time where devs were experimenting and making shit they were passionate about, and not whatever the focus group thought was best

Because the game was never actually all that good and people only like it because of Two Best Friends Play and how totally epic it is. RICHAAAAAAAAAARD XDDDD
Should've been left in 2004 where it belonged. Also $25 dollars and 30 FPS can fuck off the edge of my dick

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I like jank games

>metal wolf chaos xd
With a name like that you know it's going to be a shit game.

>30 fps lock in 2019

Honestly, this.
I think people MASSIVELY OVERESTIMATED just how many people gave a fuck about this game and the supposed "cult following" it had.
Nobody i know really gave a shit about this game aside "yeah ok that looks like quirky i guess", and i know people that are into extremely obscure shit.

I'm sure there's an audience, but the audience in question isn't as big as people assumed it to be.

Hello and welcome to Yea Forums's video game board! It looks like you are trying to use a tripcode, would you like some help?
You don't seem to be a developer, video game journalist, or some other kind of industry professional - nor do you seem to be contributing to a Yea Forums/video game-based project (including drawfaggotry or dumping a series of images) so it would seem that trying to establish an identity here is meaningless for you. In fact, your identity doesn't seem at all to be noteworthy. Your identity doesn't seem at all pertinent to the discussion of video games.
One of the primary appeals of Yea Forums is its "Anonymous"-based posting. It's part of why Yea Forums has been popular all these years. Since you are posting with a tripcode while lacking inherent noteworthiness, you are, in fact, actively fighting against what makes Yea Forums special and remarkable.
Now, you might think something along the lines of "having a tripcode makes me think about how my posts will reflect on me, thus making my quality of posting better" and while this is true on other websites, it is widely held on Yea Forums that most users wish to ignore a person's identity (unless noteworthy) and instead judge on an individual post. There are many other websites that would probably fit you. Perhaps you should try going to reddit, neogaf, or 9gag to establish your identity instead of using a tripcode here.
TL;DR: here is a video testimonial from epic maymay Tyrone - youtu.be/YgHNtzxO0y8