Why is DaS3's replayability so low?

Why is DaS3's replayability so low?

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hardly any build variety, linear compared to previous games etc

be better

Why didn't they just put one in between where the two are

One is generated by defeating a boss, and the other one is close to the entrance of a new area.
Either they deleted a piece of content between these two bonfires, or they just didn't feel like breaking their own bonfire placement rules.

Same with

Linearity and how the gameplay is only really suited for one playstyle.

I disagree it's the most fun one to playthru. Clocked in more in 3 than all the other ones.

For me it's the overload of swamp. Aside from the 2 major swamp areas, you get a big swampy cathedral with swamp floors, a big swampy lake in ice city, a big fucking swamp in lavaland and another nice load of swampass in mythical end-of-time city.


>it's the most fun one

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that's just because you got fucking casual filtered and uninstalled in 10 minutes from the other games you piece of garbage

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>getting casual filtered by games that are easier
how does that work?

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You guys are playing this Kino right?

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dumb rule should've stuck with ds1 system

Way too linear.

But a second lamp wasnt there in the final release

Farron Keep

But a second lamp wasnt there in the final release

it's not low but i do think it's lower than 1, when i think about replaying it i think about how it took 150 hours to collect every item on my old save which is deleted and my autism doesn't let me commit to a file unless i think i will one day 100% it. basically steam achievements ruin ds3

I think it's because I got older. I beat DS1 at least 5-6 times, DS2 4 then DS3 and Sekiro only once.

Because you are a faggot

Because you have already played the same game at least two times.

The areas are painfully dull and boring, I can't fathom playing this game more than twice. Most games have "that level" but DS3 is nothing but those levels

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I liked DS2 but I couldn't get into DS3, I never even finished the DLC


gael is a very beautiful fight, up there with o&s in spectacle, the lightning and music give me goosebumps

If you are on PC. Have you tried the Cinders mod? It fixes linearity, has poise and gives you regenerating FP, making spellcasting and weapon arts much more viable.

It was probably implemented to make boss co-op easier, not that I particularly care for it.

trying to collect everything in demon ruins is aids, the lake part is fine

started with des and das3 is the only one i bother replaying anymore

That might just mean you're autistic, user.

Reminder that DSP beat the final boss of Sekiro within 10 minutes of starting it for the first time.

The boss was a pleasant surprise. I was expecting another le emotional fight.
I unironically did a basedface when he did his sword jump into crossbow into 2 more sword attacks.

It isn't, you're just a contarian faggot who thinks "popular = bad"

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sell me on deep rock galactic

Not a very good game

Liking Hallway Rolls 3 is contrarian.

2 was way worse in that regard. All the areas in that game just feel lazy. DaS1 had some shitty areas towards the end but I think it still had the most quality areas out of the 3 games.

Kek, can’t argue with that.

It's pretty replayable. Sekiro on the other hand, not so much.
Bloodborne is the exact same shit. You can spam dodge with impunity.

>It fixes linearity

i love how much ds1 is in ds3.. it's a sequel.. the final sequel.. it's fucking epic how it all progressively gets more deteriorated until the world is just silt like prenature

god I fucking hate 3, its almost worse than 2. The worst part is when motherfuckers act like Gael is way deeper than it actually is

>DUDE, hes like, your equal.......its like just two nobodies fighting in the middle of nowhere....woah....
>except he's literally 3 times your size......and the most powerful being in the universe....woah...but hes JUST like you.....damn......kino
>dude he can literally flip 3 times in the air and shoot a crossbow in-between and shoot lightning out of his asshole, but like hes your EQUAL dude.......FROM did it again.....wow....

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Not him. But that picture means nothing to me, since I don't know what order DSP played the series. And I don't know how much help he got in one game compared to another game. I also don't know what his playstyle was in each game, as that can drastically alter death counts.

For example, I've been watching the soul games on twitch for a couple years now. And by the data I've gathered, it appears that slow cautious players die a lot less than fast flippy players. Which is odd, you would think that high mobility and rolling is better. That is the narrative within the community. But in practice, the faster players die more frequently, while also pushing through the game faster, because they recover as fast as they fall. Failing quickly leads to quicker progression. Meanwhile, slow player die a lot less, because they avoid most ambushes and traps. They tend to avoid simple mistakes like falling off cliffs. But their caution means they progress a lot slower overall.

So the only information I can truly glean of this image, is that DSP got more reckless over time.(Assuming the image is in chronological order)
For Demon's Souls, he's in heavy armor, with a heavy weapon, forcing him to play slow.
In Dark Souls, he's all in heavy armor, and he used an OP weapon.
In Dark Souls 2, he's in decently protective armor.
I can't say about Bloodborne, because I never played it.
But in Dark Souls 3, it looks like he got cocky, and went the path of the dragon. So no armor. Meaning, he was probably getting his shit slapped like crazy. This is what happens when you fall for the light armor and roll meme.

You THINK you're getting gud, but you're just dying faster.

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no, you can't
dodges cover a shorter distance and enemies are far more aggressive

i like brightcove (spider sand area) think it's well designed and felt like an alien sandpeople village

>sekirofag butthurt that people forgot his game but still make threads about worstsouls


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It is worse than 2.

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>Which is odd, you would think that high mobility and rolling is better. That is the narrative within the community.

That's after your first playthrough and you can just sprint past everything because you know where all the traps and pitfalls are and where important items are to pick up.

i didn't actually care who the last boss was, i just wanted a good fight which gael is a great fight

He didn't actually use the path of the dragon during his playthrough.

by your logic you must be a Demon's Souls fag since you posted a Demon's Souls picture right?

you must be seething. cope dilate poetry meme

>gael is a great fight
You need to be 18+ to post here.

I never understood this argument
Yea shit players can spam roll who fucking cares like in the second webm the dude with the sword could have hit his opponent an absurd amount of times the Iframes arent anywhere near 100% of the animation

Legitimately disgusting. FromSoft should be ashamed.

There are hidden objects in the begginig areas that teleport you to other areas. For example, you can go to Archdragon Peak from High Wall, from Undead settlement to Carthus, or from Cathedral of the Deep to Irythill, that I remember.
Also it gives you the option to go to NG+ from the start, so you can level a character much faster.

DS3 was only good for hacking and softbanning players

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Right. But that's not the advice people give new players. Everyone in chat will tell new players to stay light, avoid shields, and dodge as much as possible.
So like 85% of everyone on twitch plays exactly the same: They strip off their armor, because they don't bother to learn how to optimize, and just strip bare. Then they two hand their weapon, leaving their shield on their back. They'll never learn how to use that shield, it will just stick to their back the entire game. And they think they're playing the game how it's supposed to be played, meanwhile, face tanking every blow, because they don't know the timing to any attack, and rush headfirst into every ambush.

I played 5 NG cycles in the first 3 months it was out. TF you on about?

You can't. And getting hit while dodging in Bloodborne will make you eat 200% damage. You need to spam R1+L1 and stunlock instead.

what's a good fight to you

Inherently more replayable than DaS2 simply by controls alone.

Attached: DaS2 deadzones.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

Oh, that's cool. I was thinking something like Smouldering Lake to Irythyll/Dungeon. I guess adding in actual geometry is too much work, or even impossible, but warping is ok too.

It only has 2 areas types
Swamp and Castle
DLC fixed this but still not enough to make it fun to play through

It's not, you're just a fag. If you play it properly and go for the Dark Soul you have to play it up to ng+3 and make characters with different builds for each magic school in the game

most let's plays i've seen ended up in havels, which is fine i love havels, i use it

It's funny that the people who care most about how many directions they can move mechanically, care nothing about where they're actually going.
you'll make a huge fuss about deadzone, just to you can play a game with linear progression.
DaS2 is infinitely more replayable, because you have such high variety of builts, and good mount of freedom to play the game out of order, allowing you to gather what you need for your build. Or just making your own adventure out of whatever path you feel like following.

I literally don't understand that webm
help please

What's the problem people have with rolls exactly? Blocking everything with a shield isn't very much different, it's still just stamina management and pressing a button at the right time much like rolling. And facetanking with poise was always incredibly mindless. Is it just wanting variety for variety's sake?

Let's Players don't have a chat full of Souls "experts", informing them of the shittiest way to play the game. When you're live on stream, everyone wants to help. And the loudest are alway the flippy fags. I try to help too. But I avoid telling people how to play, or what to use. I just tell them stuff like "Pressing X will show you the gear's stats". And "read item descriptions, they have useful info." You would THINK these are the most common tips. But fuck no. On twitch, you have a bunch of faggots who never learned the game, trying to tell other faggots to play the way they did. Never mentioning stats or anything.

Basically the game had a dead zone that straight up doesn't matter and affects nothing.

i enjoyed forsen playing ds2, he lucked into demons greathammer from the crows, chat told him not to use cause stats, it carried him through the game

Mobility is jarring or twitchy. Lock on makes this issue very apparent.
It's why it feels like the player character is skating on ice.

game has less degrees of analogue movement, but ghost and goblins is a sweet game and go see how that controls

Good. That hammer really isn't optimal. But it's still a fine weapon. Katana fags just don't get the joy of smashing things with a single hammer blow.

Is a dex/intelligence build worth it?

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if you find it fun. enchanted dex weapon with light armour can prob get away with dumping most points into spells

Dark Souls 2 had no analog stick movements.
So you're basically limited to 8 directions, like using WASD.