Just use Slippery Bastard as your dead eye perk. When activated, it forces you to manual aim, but makes it so others can't aimbot you.
Hunting buff
sure, with the wrong settings.
Is the online good yet?
what do YOU want to do?
what the fuck even is this update? who the fuck wants to play as a "trader" or "collector" compared to bounty hunter? how can they even be boosting hunting when hunting is the most profitable activity to do in the game? is take two reducing their scamming efforts/launch wave now that there is nothing to scam anymore?
anyway fuck online, it will NEVER be as good as the first game and all it has done is kill singleplayer DLC and ruin the game.
sure, lemme just spend $1500 (which is the equivalent of 1.5 million dollars in GTA$) for an ability that last 10 SECONDS fully upgraded...
no, fuck that, auto aim shouldn’t even be a thing in multiplayer.
im going to be a trader just till i get the weapons locker and bigger satchel. dog companion is fucking stupid and the hunting wagon will be good but they still havent fixed random disconnects so why even bother unless it carries over when you log out or get dc'd. im gonna choose the bounty hunter, trader and collector seems to boring. im sure bounty hunter will get boring too. i cant wait to redo the same shit hundreds of times. see you fags the last day of summer when it drops!
i want a singleplayer DLC where you play as a new character who is a lawman, either a texas ranger (or some variation thereof), deputy, etc.
I like some of the newer showdown modes like 'Spoils of War' where you have to steal loot from the enemy team or 'Head to the Hills' where you must reach a safe zone while being hunted down.
The freeroam still is empty and boring, though.
This and radar-less lobbies and modes.