Confess your vidya sins

I refuse to let people watch me play or play with me, because I'm afraid they'll make fun of me or get angry at my failures

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how is that a sin?

I buy games play them less than an hour and then never again.

Im 25 years old, ive been playing vidya my whole life and im still terrible at them.
There isnt a single genre or even game i can say im really good at. I mostly just finish stuff on normal and move on, and never stick to any online game for long

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Re1 remake is too hard for me, I got lost

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I almost never use the starters either. I always go for a theme and it's almost never fire/water/grass. If I do bug pokemon, I might do the grass type if I like it in that game.

I pretend to be a guy.

you will never be a woman

But that's what you're supposed to do to keep retards from sperging out over your existence.