Confess your vidya sins

Confess your vidya sins.

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I play games on easy mode.

My first time playing Snake Eater was on the 3ds

Never 100%ed any zelda because searching heart pieces is tedious

I don't even like vidya anymore, I only come here to shitpost


never played any Mario or Zelda

I always make female characters in games or I feel uneasy while playing. I don't have gender identify problems, it's only related to video games.

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but that's fine, user

I just boxed my starter in Pokemon Silver.

I refuse to let people watch me play or play with me, because I'm afraid they'll make fun of me or get angry at my failures

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how is that a sin?

I buy games play them less than an hour and then never again.

Im 25 years old, ive been playing vidya my whole life and im still terrible at them.
There isnt a single genre or even game i can say im really good at. I mostly just finish stuff on normal and move on, and never stick to any online game for long

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Re1 remake is too hard for me, I got lost

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I almost never use the starters either. I always go for a theme and it's almost never fire/water/grass. If I do bug pokemon, I might do the grass type if I like it in that game.

I pretend to be a guy.

you will never be a woman

But that's what you're supposed to do to keep retards from sperging out over your existence.

I own a Switch but I don't like most 1st party Nintendo games except Animal Crossing for some reason.
I bought it for the JRPGs and monster collection games that won't be on either PC or PS4.

The last time I played RE:make I managed to get all the way to at least the labs with relative ease. Now I run out of ammo and herbs in the first hour or two and have no choice but to restart.

K. Rool's return is the only recent video game news I have cared about since 2011. I don't even like Super Smash Bros.

Me too, but I take it a step further by complaining about the game being too easy and not having enough enemies and then I post about it on Yea Forums.

I pretend like I know a whole lot about classic arcade games and like I emulate classic arcades to sound cool and interesting but in reality i just watched longplays or 1CC clears of those arcade games because I actually suck at playing them

i bought mine for mario odyssey, also bought botw with it but it sucked
i had nothing to do with it afterwards so i hacked it

I ship ZeLink.

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Who taught you that this is somehow not normal? For every person who's got a lifetime KDR of 20.0 in their FPS of choice there's one who's KDR is like 0.08. More importantly, who taught you that you should expect to be really good at video games just because you've played them for a long time? Most people who are "good" at video games have been playing one or two genres and nothing else their whole life, and usually there's only one or two games they play for years. I don't get how people have convinced themselves that there's something wrong or unfair occuring when they've got 30 hours of gametime in some game and they suck total ass compared to a guy with 3000 hours.

I regularly read guides of games when I play them, but usually don't follow them that much

Not him but everyone I know averages KDRs of minimum 4+, while I'm between 1-2.
Having a KDR below 1 means you're actual fucking trash unable to learn, so might as well quit.

Pride is a sin

i bring my ps4 to hotel rooms i stay with my gf. i play it in front of her after you know..

I play sport games to be better than my normie friends, barely knowing the teams or the sport scene in general.

Video games are played to have fun, if you are having fun in easy mode, keep doing it.

that post doesn't really scream "pride" to me though
imagine the smell

can you be more specific?
I think I know but I'm not sure

I unironically enjoy League of Legends sometimes.

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I used SAM to get TF2 hats
I was so ashamed at myself that after some time I decided to just reset my achievements, but that also reset my hours and stats. I suppose that's the price I had to pay

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I spend at least an hour in the character creation screen no matter the game trying to create the perfect human. If the game's got a detailed character creator, I'll spend even longer going through every option to see which combination of features and sliders are the most aesthetically pleasing

I only Play games where i can savescum. I have no time to replay a level because of bullshit..
>Looking at you soul games

i struggle to complete games because i get too attached to the characters.

I've never played through the saints row games as a woman, I think it's unrealistic for a woman to lead a street gang, and you can't play as a woman in SR1 anyway so it'd be inconsistent.

I have probably thousand of hours in ultra street fighter 4 and I love it but all of those hours I have spent playing with ai or training mode

Haven't finished a game in years. Bought a switch recently to try and fix that but no luck. I work too much and il go out if I have free time . I wish I had infinite free time .

i do this as well
>souls games
that's only a real problem if you actually suck ass, and even then there's pic related

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I like to the sexy minigame in Senran Kagura with Mirae

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I care about lore

Do you pick different games depending on how the sex went?

fucking gross m8 I asked you to be more specific not pics of two naked skellingtons

bro... you just posted cringe...

>Twink wearing a wig

It's been 10 years since I've played a game near its release. It's been 4 now since I've played a game that wasn't old.

That's not a sin, that's a virtue.

define old

>I play games
Stopped reading right there.

I know that fucking feel. I marathoned Tales of Berseria but I loved how the characters intereacted with each other and how the grew throughout the game. I got to the final stretch and just stopped because I didn't want to the ride to end.

i bring games that i think might impress her like to show her how cool i am.. ive played alian isolation, mgsv, bloodborne, sekrio in front of her out of all those she reacted most positively to bloodborne
she has the body of a twink, tomboys are what im into

ah, so you like movies?

gave myself full combat and charisma/speech stats during my first playthrough of VTMBL. Still had fun.

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>she reacted most positively to bloodborne

I think spending more than a couple hours on vidya on a weekend is a total fucking waste of your time, speaking from experience my biggest regret was spending 6+ hours a day playing vidya on/off with friends instead of playing pickup sports outside. I've come to believe children shouldn't play videogames because I know it's addictive to their simple little dopamine factory minds.

>my biggest regret was spending 6+ hours a day playing... with friends
You absolute faggot. Any time spent having fun with friends is not wasted. Although I agree with your second statement about how parents shouldn't allow kids near today's video games.

I play BF4 but only on Operation: Locker or Operation: Metro.
I bought No Man’s Sky after the last big update and have 50-60 hours in it so far. (I rather like it but the procedural generation gets repetitive way too fast. They need to make exploration way more interesting with better landmarks that aren’t copy-pasted.)
I guess I’m a contrarian because I always pick off-meta/weak/underdog classes/guns/characters in games

Forgi/v/e me father for I have sinned.
It's been 7 months since I last confessed.
My sins are:
>getting banned 3x in a row for posting in a non vidya thread
>letting out my stress by shitposting sometimes, even if it's to prove a point
>pirating a lot of vidya
>not yet getting a job to pay for vidya
>sometimes reading gamefaqs guides because I don't like missing out on stuff, it irks my autism which makes me drop games sometimes

how many hail marys?

You are 5/5 for doing something totally acceptable to Yea Forums. Yea Forums wouldn't be Yea Forums without a little bit of not-video games.

>tfw no gf so I can let MGSV play in the background to WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO while sex

I like Battleborn

I tell my parents that I'm going out with friends but I actually just bring my ps vita with me and play jrpgs, because I don't want them to think that I'm a friendless loser.

>I bought No Man’s Sky after the last big update and have 50-60 hours in it so far.
would you recommend it if i'm interested more in the space exploration part?

>buy a game
>look up any exploits for it on yt

>pirating a lot of vidya
not a sin, everyone does this

I can't play tf2 without buying keys so I stopped playing completely years ago,

not him but i only care about the exploration part but its tedious as fuck even with all new updates i honestly havent even gotten beyond the first solar system because its just fetch quests

I almost always make a customer character to my sexual specifications, but since my taste is so broad it's hard to tell. I enjoy anything from Amazon women and huge, ripped monster guys to pretty elf twinks and bombshells.

>find someone afk in Dead Island
>find exploding canister
>throw it next to him and shoot
>leave session

I pirate fighting games to look at the hot girls for a bit and then I uninstall them after doing the story mode of the girls I like.

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I have fun in Overwatch competetive

>hey user, why don't you invite your friends here for dinner? here's the phone :)

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But that's exactly the definition of a sin, user.

I have a lifetime to cheathappens. I don't play games unless it's one they've got full support for.

I’m excited for the next call of duty

so it's skyrim?

I play open-world rpg games as linearly as I can, only doing sidequests if the game slaps me with a level based barrier.

You're not missing anything, they're mediocre games who's main appeal lies in their nostalgia.

I've never beaten a megaman game

I played a lot of fortnite in 2019.

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I was born in 2000, and I fucking hate it. I missed on on 2D games, the MMORPG boom, gaming magazines, Nintendo before they became a gimmick company, Sega, Konami before they went to shit, and so much more. I hate being a zoomer

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I yell spells in rpgs and shit when I’m alone, when the hero dropped I looked like the biggest ducking retard in the world

I gave up on Darkest dungeon.
I'm considering going back and trying it on easy.

lmao what a loser

you're not alone, user

My kindred spirit. It was Symphonia for me.

How do you catch other pokemon without your starter?
I've never played the games. But I've been told you need to weaken them before you can catch them

This is fine. The game is designed to be a grind and little else.

I play Cod, Fortnite and Overwatch every single day and enjoy it.

it's not too late.

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I bought a vita the launch week at full price and i haven't touched it in years, i only bought 2 games mgs and assassin's creed.

I think user goes into the wilderness, captures a pokémon after fighting it a bit and then goes to the pokécentre to heal and box his starter.

I bought skyrim 4 times: on xbox 360, pc, ps4 and switch. The way i enjoyed it more was vanilla on 360.

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My real name is Christopher Poole.

I usually play on the highest difficulty. And then savescum a lot in immersive sims and that sort of games that allow it.

I used to get all my gaming opinions from e-celebs way back when.

You just kinda use the starter to get yourself started. It's been a while but last time I did this, I got my starter to level 16 (because I'd rather not use Ratatta/variations for the millionth time) before boxing it. Once I found a pokemon that I wanted to be my lead, I box the starter.

Can you see how much you are justifying the skill gap? Some people just fucking suck.

I like Link

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I played a fuckton of PUBG solo when it came out.
I always dropped in sparsely populated areas and then would ERP while I waited for the circle to move.
I'd usually finish in the top 10, get boxes, sell them, repeat. Sometimes I'd play squads, but queue solo so that I could finish higher.

this is honestly not a problem since I've started so many games and hated the way my characters looked afterwards

I still can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080

I still didn't finish real classics like Doom1&2 (and 3/4) or FF7, or other overrated super popular stuff like GTA5.
I got modded Doom and I'm close to finish it at least.

Yes you can.

I really can't

The real sin here is you lying on the internet.

Usually when people on Yea Forums whine about censorship or politics in any game (that's not an ecchi weeb game or something everyone thinks is trash like ME:A) I'll buy it.
Because I hate you.

I genuinely wish I could get into older games but they often have outdated mechanics and interfaces it's such a pain (See: Gothic, tank controls, etc)

I haven't played a video game made before 2005.



i know what you mean
if you didn't experience these games at the time they were released in it's so hard to get into them, because by the time you decided to try them games were already using improved mechanics
i think that's more of an actual issue in old 3d games, because the way 2d controls has stayed the same and everything else that's mechanically old about old 2d games is more of a nuisance than anything

I'm not lying tho

i had sex with the red hair character of metal slug


I give my little sister the mic while playing games online so we can target and milk free stuff out of thirsty guys. Sometimes we get them to buy stuff that neither of us actually want just to see if they'll do it. In 95% of cases, we remove the person shortly after getting what we want.

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I used to have this problem until I just forced myself into it for like an hour and got over it.

I savescum as often as possible in pretty much every game I can

I dislike F.E.A.R and think it's overrated.

i played minecraft for the first time in 6 years because of pewdiepie

explain yourself

Worst sin ITT

This is based, fuck thirsty white knight loser beta faggots.

Unless you only tried it on 5 inch screen then maybe.

i prefer controller over kbm in fps games like doom and wolfenstein i dont know why but it just feels better to shoot

This is actually based. You get free shit while you and your hopefully real sister teach massive betas a lesson.

Not a sin in most of the games