Tfw we will never get a branching-path immersive simulator with good combat, level design, and no RPG level shit

>Tfw we will never get a branching-path immersive simulator with good combat, level design, and no RPG level shit
>The only thing that comes close is Postal 2, which has lots of strokes of genius but also lots of jank and room for much greater potential

I guess dream game/Postal 2 appreciation thread, whichever you prefer.

Attached: the fukken goat.jpg (500x500, 68K)

Attached: Postal 2.webm (480x360, 927K)

It's as close as we've ever gotten to someone taking the ultimate concept for a video game and executing it well. It's literally is just some minor, and entirely overlookable, jank away from being the ultimate video game. MAYBE it could stand to have a little more depth of interactivity, but that's the only other thing and even that's debatable.

What exactly are Running With Scissors doing? Have they made any progress on a Postal 3(4)?

They said they were devving a new game, that isn't Postal 4 at the moment, but but a new Postal will "probably" be made in the future. The current RWS team is only a few guys working part-time, so they're basically an indie studio. I think the Postal 1 remake was to help fund their current stuff, and the Postal 2 Paradise Lose DLC was obviously their response to the failure of Postal 3.

I'm surprised Postal 3 is even on sale anymore, also it was nice of them to make 1 open source, hope they do the same with 2 one day.

>but a new Postal will "probably" be made in the future

Link to a quote on this?

One of their podcasts on YouTube. I don't remember which. The channel is just called Running With Scissors.

I'll look for it then. Thanks.

wait what's so special about postal 2 besides the epik violence?

Narrative choice design and roguelike mechanics

Freedom, choices, inventive mechanics. It's a crude game, but it's also deep.

You can do whatever you want. Total freedom. The ultimate trolling simulator. It never punishes the player for playing the game exactly how THEY want and not how the game is trying to get you to do it. It's one of the few 3D open-world games where you can go in every building. A absolute textbook lesson on game design, which other developers could stand to learn from.

Plus the humor is genuinely funny, assuming that you can appreciate that old school late-90s/early-2000s "fuck everything" attitude and "nothing is off limits" style of humor.

It's honestly pretty fucking ambitious for it's time, being essentially an open world FPS game with branching paths, free roam, and a shit ton on interactions the player can do.

And that's not even mentioning the the Gore/dismemberment system. Im struggling to think of another game that honestly let's you do so fucking much to someone, because in Postal 2 you can drug them, infect them with the plague, chop them into pieces, set those pieces on fire, piss on them and feed their roasted, piss covered head to their own dog.

I'm not saying this shit is fine art, but on a technical level, or a sheet "What can I do in this game?" level, this shit is impressive.

>do whatever you want
Right but arent the choices just either kill people or dont

Oh, ok
Im this guy, i can see the appeal

Yeah, and you gotta keep in mind this shit was released in 2003. The shit this game pulls off, some of which hasn't even been done or done well since, is fucking phenomenal.

Wrong. Postal 2 is the most true art game ever made because it's real expression.

you can manipulate a pedestrian to puke on someone, who will then begin puking themselves, and potentially start off a chain reaction of puking. if you cut off someone's head while they're puking, puke gushes out the neckhole instead of blood.
it's the little details that take it up a notch from just a shooter into a ridiculous sandbox game. it's basically like someone decided to follow through on the principle set by the monster infighting from doom. the game world runs on consistent rules that can organically snowball into chaos.

It's not really an "objective based game". Your objectives/quests/missions are just "buy milk" and "pay parking tickets" and other random shit like that. You play the game to just dick around and do random shit. The "objectives" are just there to do in between the random fucking around so that you can eventually go to the next level/day.

imagine this with realistic graphics
people will be puking IRL

>ridiculous sandbox game

This is the single best description of it that I've ever seen. It's not even a FPS, it's a "ridiculous sandbox game".

>the fault light on the outlet coming on
every fucking time

The 'games journalists' who trashed it back in the day because they wanted to pretend they were mature should sit down and replay it. If they have any balls and brains they would realise it's a good game.

Attached: 1486707615728.jpg (900x900, 97K)

I liked Postal, is this one anything like it?

Attached: Too much blood on me is mine.png (640x480, 182K)

It's made in a licensed engine, so that won't happen.

They'd hate it even more now. It's one of the most politically incorrect games ever made. The sjws that have taken over the industry now would refuse to even review it like they did with Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

could he have died from that?

Completely different style of gameplay.


You're looking for STALKER

I think Postal 2 is a game I respect more than actually have fun playing. I think there's so many interesting systems going on and what you can do with that game are fascinating, but whenever I fire it up, I always feel like I do a cool thing or two, get about two days in and go "Eh".
Though I will say, using matches to trigger the fire alarm at the police station to escape prison is fucking INNOVATIVE.

I only just started a run on postal difficulty.
Are there any downsides to setting pedestrian count all the way down? When I had it maxed it took ages to progress, plus npcs spawn right behind you all of the time

I've had lots of fun with the game. I recommend you do a playthrough on the harder difficulties so you really understand the weapons and what works.

Postal 2 is the ultimate casual filter.
So many people have dropped it because IT'S JUST MURDERPORN, and so they miss out on videogame in one of it's purest forms. There's so much love put into this game, it's crazy.

>If you manage to get stuck in some wonky geometry
>"It looks like you're stuck."
>Teleports you to a nearby position.
>"There you go... Now stay outta that spot!"