Memes and shitposting aside, is it a good game?
Memes and shitposting aside, is it a good game?
If you liked skyrim
its a decent 7/10
Yes of course it's a good game.
Man I'd fuck her dry
Its a tech demo, not a game.
its a very good endless game
only for the first time tho
It's objectively a good game, maybe even a great game, but it has some flaws.
For example, the world was underdeveloped.
t. sony
Not that user but he's right. BotW has very little meaningful content other than the thrill of discovering things, which is enough to carry the premise. I'm hoping the sequel adds more traditional content, maybe some harder dungeons and reasons to use the runes in combat.
He's right, BOTW was created to reboot the series & serve as the foundation for future Zelda games. They streamlined traditional aspects in favor of perfecting the common complaints that people had about Twilight Pricness & Skyward Sword
I liked it enough to sink hundreds of hours into it. I hope BOTW 2 has similar replay value for me.
If the latter half is a lot more difficult, I'm with you
It's easily the best, albeit very flawed, 3D Zelda but Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, and NES are greater and I wouldn't begrudge anyone who prefers A Link Between Worlds or the Capcom games.
>If you liked skyrim
What is that even supposed to mean? People ignorant of Skyrim's flaws/being shit will 'fall' for Breath of the Wild? Skyrim is a movie game and shares no flaws with BotW other than healing on the pause menu, armour swapping on the fly, fast travel, and area text.
Yes, it would surpass even Ocarina of Time
>Skyrim is a movie game
Do you even know what a movie game is?
weapon degradation can go
It's a solid 7/10.
> Fully flesh out all of the islands with content
I would say that the 1 island per map square idea was sort of lame. I'd prefer a more natural arrangement of islands, with some big and detailed ones as well as a smattering of small and weird ones.
> Tetra remains your permanent companion
Through the magic stone thing.
> No manual sailing, instead it remains a Pirate game like it was at the beginning
If the map were designed differently, sailing between important islands wouldn't take so long, so that's when you would come across interesting small ones/treasure/enemies. And then you get the warp song to skip sailing if you want.
> Time skip halfway through, rest of the game involves exploring the underwater Hyrule
Disagree. Maybe some more stuff to explore down there to like unlock entrances to the temples above. But not a full Hyrule.
> Water, Fire & Ice Dungeons instead of cutting them from the game
Agreed. 3 dungeons for the pearls, the tower, the fortress, then maybe 4 elemental dungeons.
A tech demo for what? Don’t worry, he won’t answer, he’s a drooling idiot. Watch.
I'm buying a Switch when the new model comes out to play this. It better not disappoint.
it’s not as bad as the shitposters say and it’s not as good as Nincels will tell you but it’s definitely better than 90% of games that release now and it’s worth playing
I wish this game would be "2019, I am forgotten"'d so Zelda threads can fucking move on.
I wanted to enjoy the game so badly because I usually do enjoy Zelda games like the Minish Cap Ocarina of Time Twilight Princess Wind Waker Etc but it just didn't do it for me I just didn't like the open-world aspect and the weapon degrading
Amnesia really Nintendo?
So because I didn't like that I will now be buying Link's Awakening remake to get some kind of balance back and enjoying a new Zelda game since the new one didn't do it for me
Just like any other medium of entertainment something can be critically acclaimed and still disliked by an individual so it's all a matter of taste I think mediocre fits breath of the wild perfectly
not them, but probably botw2
which will probably be shit too
When I first saw a shrine entrance in the 2016 BotW trailer, I thought "wow, I can't wait to scale that mountain to reach the entrance to that temple". When I found out there were 120 shitty shrines scattered arund the world, my heart sank.
>Link's Awakening remake
It's literally a reskin of an old Gameboy game.
Just emulate it.
I like how Treehouse showed off all the decent shrines then said there were "over 100 shrines", implying that all the shrines were at that level of quality.
Then you play the game and realize how many of the shrines are either empty, fights against the same robot, or painfully mediocre/short.
How can you say a game is a tech demo for another game that isn’t even made yet? It doesn’t make sense.
literally everyone outside of Yea Forums loves it and considers it one of the best games ever made, what the hell do you think, op?
I never finished it and the remake looks fun.
I still remember the part where they showed the dragon head that looked like a classic zelda dungeon entrance and teased that's what it was when it actuality it was a fucking blessing shrine
Don't question it. Yea Forums will call a game that started exclusive going multi "beta testing". Just assume no one knows what they're talking about here.
It's a nicely polished 7/10. Basically what I expect from Nintendo these days.
it wouldnt make sense for it to be a tech demo for a game that came out before it
could've been refined further, but theres a hidden gem waiting to be uncovered. BotW is 7.5/10, better than serviceable,but still has a long way to go before 9/10, but the groundworks is there. Lets just hope the next game really refines the fun parts instead of rehashing the same game.
Do you like empty open worlds and shit story? If so than yeah
BotW is a 7 or 8/10, maybe better if it gels for you specifically i.e. explorer's high/imagination or whatever. But just running around and finding stuff for that first blind playthrough is great. It's a race to see how long you can stay invested before you realize koroks/shrines are pretty repetitive.
Brainlets whine about them but the divine beast dungeons are great. They're just too damn short. That's what everybody wants out of BotW2: take these existing systems and engines, give us some BIG ASS ZELDA DUNGEONS, expand the beastiary and bam easy 10/10.
If you're gonna actually play it OP you only need two bits of advice: You don't need more than 50-100 Koroks to beat the game handily and DO NOT play Master Mode DLC, it is not significantly harder it is just significantly more irritating, a serious downgrade to the game.
No it's not. Piss poor easy puzzle with the same generic looking shrines. The combat is so fucking boring cause you literally only have to mash one button unless you want to be like those retards on the web showing themselves using a fucking crate to hit them for 5 hours. The story is so non existent and what is there is so lackluster with characters that literally do one thing and then disappear from the story. The music is also the worst in the series. The only bad soundtrack in the series cause pretty much all of them have been great.
And what about the adventure itself and intrigue?
Well he used the "every encounter is vs stock Bokoblins" troll so he's not going to give you a real answer.
"best of the worst"
its still an open world meme game, but its the best one of that genre
Yeah I know, I just...Blindly hope to one day actually discuss this game in a environment that isn't just shitflinging and buzzwording. Same with Shantae, Hat in Time, Splatoon, Sonic...
It felt more like a far cry than skyrim to me
I really enjoyed it the first time but every time I start a new playthrough I lose interest. Once you've discovered everything the exploration aspect of the game fizzles out
The map is fucking beautiful, the level of detail is amazing and the fact that every other area has a name is really neat, more so that there's enough Zelda games that everything can be a reference like Tal Tal Peak and Koholint Rock.
What did you guys think about the map?
its an excellent game but its not a Zelda game. Should have been its own brand new IP
It's an objective fact that if Wind Waker was actually finished it would be the GOAT
It is more of a Zelda game than anything released since Ocarina of Time, if not before.
You mean walking around aimlessly till you find something that looks interesting and when you finally get to it, it's either a korok seed with the repetitive puzzle or another shitty shrine. The chests in the world are always filled with the same redundant things. Rupees, minerals, or shitty weapons. And they couldn't even add more than 4 minibosses to the overworld. Just imagine if instead of finding absolutely nothing at the eighth heroine or doing a shitty side quest like taking a fucking picture, there was a secret entrance on it to an optional dungeon. You enter it and it had it's own look instead of that ugly blue and brown look the shrines and beasts have. And inside you fight a miniboss exclusive to that dungeon and instead of your reward being the usual fucking orb to raise your health or stamina. It's a rare weapon, item, or armor only found there. But I don't think they'd ever do that as long as the stupid durability system stays along with the lame tablet that replaced some really cool items. Although the yellow and pink runes are pretty cool.
I might exaggerate how bad it is sometimes but in the end its really not very good. 4/10
You're valuing the adventure based on the loot you find. That's the mistake you're making. You played this game with the wrong mindset.
Skyrim is shit but it's still somewhat enjoyable on some level, I can't say the same for botw outside the set pieces and hyrule Castle.
no it's not and the fags who advertised it as a return to form like the original zelda are full of shit
>Skyrim is a movie game
It's a return to the initial idea of going into your backyard as a kid and finding stuff, expanded to a hilarious degree. Wide eyed curiosity is half of the experience.
not them but I played with the mindset of looking for fun gameplay so unlike most people I actually got excited when I found a shrine, but 90% of the time shrines were really disappointing anyways
Sorry to hear that, man. As a fan of the game I wholeheartedly agree that the stars kind of have to align to enjoy the game to it's completion. Though even for me it's an imperfect relationship. I feel the powerups make things too easy and the shooting stars to get the Xenoblade set just aren't worth it.
If you like exploring / discovering things in an open world, yea.
I thought it was a good game, but if you go in expecting a traditional zelda game you gonna have a bad time
BotW is the lowest point of the saga
-Empty world
-one city
-you can abruptly pause the game when you need health or stat boos, you can store infinite health potions on backpack
>repetitive combat and Level-1 enemies. It wasn’t until Skyward Sword where the direction of your attacks actually mattered.
Hell yes. i agree with all of that. It looks like they are in a very good position to a lot of content into the game that BOTW was missing. The biggest wish was for more dungeons like hyrule castle. That was deity tier.
>If you're gonna actually play it OP you only need two bits of advice: You don't need more than 50-100 Koroks to beat the game handily
Pretty sure you dont need any koroks.
Skyward Sword is the lowest point of the saga*
it depends on if you prefer hide and seek over simon says
The loot is definitely a part of it but not my whole reasoning as I just gave one of many examples of how it would have been cool if there was actually something to do at these interesting looking sites instead of just staring at them. I know not every place has to have something to do there. I liked the ranch easter egg. I didn't need to do anything there it was just supposed to trigger your nostalgia by looking at the ruins of a place in past games. But this game takes it to an extreme and doesn't add enough to do or look for and the little it does add is boring like the shrines or literally useless like the korok seeds after the 1st half.
Define "meaningful content."
And don't just say "something other than shrines and Korok seeds," give specific examples of what would be meaningful content.
There are multiple places exactly like that. Like the three labyrinths, which each give you a unique piece of armor. Or the pitch-black forest, or the Great Hyrule Forest, or Eventide Island.
yep. overhyped for sure, but still super fun. O put in aroung 100 hours at launch, left it alone for a year or so, and am having an absolute blast on my second playthrough. Theres so much stuff I missed my first time around, fang and bone, links house, tons of sidequests, plus I bought those chinese amiibo cards so I have all the old armors and stuff. I think I'll get all the shrines and possibly all the koroks if I'm feeling up to it.
I dont think there was meant to be any city. The gerudo place just happened to be much better than the others ones.
any level of actual difficulty for a start, some kind of plot, more variety in how weapons work so it's not just "mmm bigger number I use this"
yeah i gotta agree with this, i hope BOTW2 has a lively world
The puzzles are pre-school tier. Actually calling them puzzles at all lends a legitimacy to them they don't deserve. It's insulting.
there were no dungeons, the divine beasts that they substituted are not the same and are actually boring and tedious. They removed a staple that has been in every Zelda game from the very beginning. Not a smart idea.
The combat is piss easy. You can upgrade armor without knowing how it will actually effect the game and breeze through 85% of it while barely looking at the screen.
Not enough enemy variety. There should be at least triple the amount of unique enemies in this game. Battle shrines that are copy pasted are a joke.
Final boss fight was the icing on the shit cake. Not only did I breeze through the last 85% of the game, I cake walked over Ganon of all fucking things.
I'm sure there's more, that's all I can think of right now.
After playing it recently i have to say its one of my favourite zelda's sure it has its flaws like the weapons breaking to quick, its be good if you could buy/repair weapons but also break them too if you push them to far.
It also lacks good traditional dungeons sure the shires are great but better format would be 120 shrines, 8 main dungeons, 16 item dungeons
I think botw2 will be top teir game if im being honest botw is firmly in my top five zeldas. If they address the right issues that is
I actually liked that the weapons break. It is not the problem, and I actually see why they did it that way. They want combat to feel fast and frenetic, you're breaking weapons, throwing used up weapons, all while dashing around to find new ones. You can tell they really didn't know what to do about the master sword though, so we got a cool down timer. That's a fine solution I guess, but removes all fear of Guardians and cripples the original intent of the weapon breaking mechanic they intended.
The mazes are one of the very few examples of that. The place that's all dark and eventide are not. Their rewards are just another orb, and the puzzles are not unique or challenging from a design standpoint at all. They just place a handicap on you. You can't see or they take away your stuff but put the ball in the hole. The fact that you just get an orb, instead of a cool weapon or item that doesn't break, for doing those just makes them far more annoying than anything. Another example of why I dislike how they handled exploring the world in this are the 3 dragons. They could've have made these guys freaking bosses outside of dungeons but instead they reduced 2 of them to literal farm spots and the blue one barely even counts as an enemy. It was more of a target practice minigame where you just shoot 3 blights and done.
i disagree the world felt really alive and it felt like there was always something interesting around the corner. The koroks for example where a great idea and food/health system is awesome. I think they focused on developing wild life more than enemies for a reason, to emulate the wild. To me botw feels like the foundation of things
It's easily the best Zelda game there ever was, but it still doesn't surpass how Majora's Mask made me feel when it was relevant.
Yeah see why they did it but the weapons break too fast, it'd be better with bigger durability. It'd be cool if you could upgrade and repair weapons with rare materials rather than being too afraid use the good weapons, the armour system is good and makes sense
I will admit, there were many, many times throughout the game when I broke weapons and got pissed off at how easily they break. Just like everyone seemed to. Maybe I just remember not caring about ti as much because it's been awhile since I played it.