Speedrun of a game is 3+ hours

>Or tricks
Everything is a fucking trick
Show speedrun

At first it's pretty reasonable. Canceling out a fall damage sequence with another move is very common in 3d platformers.
But then he starts really pushing it.

isn't that just a longplay?

>60-hour 100% speedrun ends up being two weeks long because of some arbitrary item
Fuck you Baten Kaitos and your Shampoo

>watch speedrun labeled video
>it's not actually a speedrun, it's just the guy jerking off about the tricks he knows while constantly dying to stupid shit because he's not even paying attention

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I want to see a lost coast speed run where they don't just bypass the entire thing with a leap into the air.

>Speedrun is entirely RNG dependent

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Why do people like speedruns? Shits boring as fuck to do.

I wish single level runs were more popular. It's way more fun trying to improve a small segment, and I can't imagine trying to do everything perfectly for hours on end.

>speedrun of an obscure game is made by some random dude and despite being only 15 seconds away from the half hour mark and having a major choke on one of the puzzles they never attempt to go for the sub 30
Lust for darkness was shit so I wish at least something interesting could have come from it.

It's interesting to learn how the game works mechanically at the core level, however very few speedrunners showcase those aspects.