Speedrun of a game is 3+ hours

>Speedrun of a game is 3+ hours

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Other urls found in this thread:


>speedrun of a game is 5.57 seconds

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>speedrun is labelled as glitchless
>runner uses glitches


>character looks to the left for a second
>looks down
>teleports directly into the end credits
>'guys I'm really good at this'

it's always been heavily arbitrary

>Speedrun is +12 hours
Some games are just really that "long", see Dragon Quest XI

Exactly what I expected, man fuck that dude

>it's the speedrun of a snoy-exclusive cinematic experience

God damn I had a giggle the whole way through
Is this a skit or something?

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>"This speed run is normally done on Super Mega Chaos Difficulty"
>"But for marathon safety I'm gonna be playing on easy."

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>speedrun doesn't use any glitches or tricks but it's just a guy playing the game pretty well but as intended

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>Or tricks
Everything is a fucking trick
Show speedrun

At first it's pretty reasonable. Canceling out a fall damage sequence with another move is very common in 3d platformers.
But then he starts really pushing it.

isn't that just a longplay?

>60-hour 100% speedrun ends up being two weeks long because of some arbitrary item
Fuck you Baten Kaitos and your Shampoo

>watch speedrun labeled video
>it's not actually a speedrun, it's just the guy jerking off about the tricks he knows while constantly dying to stupid shit because he's not even paying attention

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I want to see a lost coast speed run where they don't just bypass the entire thing with a leap into the air.

>Speedrun is entirely RNG dependent

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Why do people like speedruns? Shits boring as fuck to do.

I wish single level runs were more popular. It's way more fun trying to improve a small segment, and I can't imagine trying to do everything perfectly for hours on end.

>speedrun of an obscure game is made by some random dude and despite being only 15 seconds away from the half hour mark and having a major choke on one of the puzzles they never attempt to go for the sub 30
Lust for darkness was shit so I wish at least something interesting could have come from it.

It's interesting to learn how the game works mechanically at the core level, however very few speedrunners showcase those aspects.

It's a near-endless collection of World Records that rely on being good at video games. I imagine that's something that entices people.

>entire speedrun is out of bounds
looking at you metroid prime


Several answers
>Never played the game and it’s a way to know about it
>Dumb shit that you played and want to see what you could have done like people stuck in some place for 2 hours
>Being bored
>Being a speedrunner yourself Autistic

Those suck, unironically DOOM and Golden Eye fags need to relax, not even Hitman is this retarded

>world record speed clear is 40+ hours

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>"marathon strategies"

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Man, why do these guys always fall back on passive aggression? Why not just call the fucker out for contradicting his own run and get it over with already?

>GDQ Speed Run in 30.50 sec
>Video is 3 hours long

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>Halo 5
Nothing but reaching gaps and invisible ceilings to do massive jumps and skips

>look up speedruns for whatever 'games that only you played' thread worthy title
>find just one
>immediately see loads of obvious flaws
>too lazy to try to beat them

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Some are boring like the 2D Sonic platformers and some are fun to watch like Half-Life


I don't watch much speed running, what does that mean?

Is that 2 years old already?

going slow because you don't want your balls shown on stream due to being bad at the game

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>Speedrunner feels like giving opinions and thoughts about the game
>They are fucking shit and wrong

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play N++

the alternative with IL runs is to reset for hours on end until you get the perfect opening, and then reset anyways because you only practiced those first five seconds. 15-30 minute runs are the sweet spot imo.

>Runner doesn't even know how to play the game normally so if his speedrun tricks fails he can't go on.

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using easier strats that are less likely to end your run

>is dying a glitch

God I'd watch more of this if it wasn't for all the trannies

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It's a joke

>constantly hear jokes about "that wouldnt be allowed in glitchless OoT"
>think its just a joke
>realize the glitchless category has so much arbitrary ruling that its actually that retarded
holy shit

I agree with this reaction

They did that run specifically to mock the glitchless category, it’s scripted.

Some of those allowed techniques really sound like glitches to me.

Something risky that can make you fuck up hard, or just make you lose time
Example youtu.be/GY0HnqnYMO8?t=256

>Rolling from the blue switch in Jabu Jabu's Belly to open the door without holding down the switch
>Touching misplaced or accidentally exposed loading zones (e.g. Early Jabu or Trials Skip)

this is retarded

>speedrun is 340 hours long

>For example, Power Crouch Stabbing is allowed despite it obviously being a glitch simply because it would be silly and infeasble to ban it
But as far as I can tell power crouch stabbing is just a way to deal damage faster, why the fuck would it be infeasble to ban it.

>speedrun is just the player clipping through everything
>game is actually barely played, it's all just wall clip then go to trigger point
I hate these more than anything, watching someone spend a few minutes outside a door while clipping through walls on Metroid Prime for the map to load is so fucking boring

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Post games so shit that even speedrunners don't dare touch them

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The second one is in the banned list.

Are there any WRs that actually last over 100 hours?

Just evidence of how arbitrary it all is.
People are going to have their own views. And it's going to make the whole thing meaningless to at least some amount of people.
It's why early speedrunning didn't bother touching glitchless, they knew that shit would come up. Just, full-glitch any% speedruns largely suck ass, so the culture had to go somewhere else eventually.

...okay? Elaborate.

Read that post again.

They were pretending It was sarcasm but yes its retarded

Because its really really easy to do it by accident.
If a player ever did a crouch stab after a jumpslash the run would be invalid if such a rule existed.
So instead they just don't ban it.
It's really arbitrary, but there's a purpose to the arbitrariness.

Baten Kaitos.
It's real long if you want 100%.

HURRR NO GLITCHES REEEEEEEEE autism is always infuriating but that's fucking hilarious

>why do people want replay value
>why do people go for high scores
>why do people do time trials
>why do people do anything competitive

I suppose that makes sense.

This but unironically. The "replay value" meme is the worst of all, since it tries to attribute that quality to a select list of features, like score counters or randomized levels, instead of recognizing the simple truth, that good games are always replayable because of the quality of the overall experience.

Holy shit, I thought was a joke.

>TAS only exploit.
>Some autist manage to pull in real time anyway.

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I dunno.
Botw is a good game but I would never ever want to replay it.

But games that offer variation in their systems, gameplay and progression wile also being generally well-made are even better. Bloodborne and Dark Souls both offer a high-quality overall experience, but I'm going to replay Dark Souls a lot more because of the greater variation in character building and progression and superior multiplayer systems.

And I'm on my third playthrough, I think it offers tons of replay value as you can progress virtually any way you want and do whatever, whenever

>12 pixel perfect jumps
>RTA* viable** with a setup***

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>history changes as knowledge grows
this is the one thing that makes life harder. we can learn so much new shit that completely re-writes history. sure at the time it wasnt a thing, but now it is

sometimes it just ends that way

I've watched quite a bit of the sgdq2019 vods, and haven't seen a single tranny.

Did Yea Forums lie to me?

>trick requires several blind inputs and requires perfect rng that can't be manipulated without tas
>would save actual minutes of real time
I wonder just how long it will take before one trip bottom of the well becomes a thing if you want to get a good run in OoT.

setting it to easy is always fucking stupid

>look how good I am when theres less enemies on screen and I can tank more hits without dying

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trannies ruin everything

Usually there's a reason for that kind of thing to be fair. How do you get berries? Are they available in the route of the run? If it takes an extra 3 minutes to go and get those berries then it's only worth doing if the amount of team heal spells being slower adds up to exceeds that.

Literally Rainworld

no, why would a pack of prepubescent retards ever lie to strangers?

>Its a speedrun of a bad game that makes no sense, turns out to be great

God that mort the chicken run was fantastic

I love speedrunning too!

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We Love Katamari

Speedrunners can't go one fucking second without cheating. It's almost like it's a crutch or something.

Shut up you dumb retard, generally games are really well optimized and there is a specific reasoning why something is done.

what game?
I am a gigantic speedrun autist and I may be able to provide some insight

Or it's a game no one played and some retard uploaded a pretty bog standard run as a "speedrun"

The joke is that literally all those glitches are allowed in that run, moran

well then
haven't watched it yet, but I planned on it because I loved the first game. ahh well

I'm pretty sure that some autismos managed to pull TAS tricks in RTA on Mario 64.

Unless it's a game that only like 100 people have played that is highly unlikely

nah I can confirm that most games are not optimized. Chances are one guy thought
>hey this would be cool
they came up with a mediocre route, did 2 runs, decided "this isn't really that fun" and left it there.

They tend to put far more effort into passing during these events than they usually do. 0


that's the power of a cinematic experience

Sometimes they reveal really interesting mechanics and tricks. But most of the time they turn a fun game into something that's autistic and boring. It really depends on the game, but there are some good speedruns out there.

I am not /pol/, I have no problem with trannies at the event, but honestly that run is just fucking terrible. Some of the worst commentary imaginable and pretty sub-par gameplay. It's a shame because WLK hasn't been in the marathon in years so I was looking forward to the run

>buh buh two n64 games are ultra autistic and optimized that means they all are

>Speedrun of a game is less than 10 hours
Less than $1 per hour, no buy.

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Never understood the fun in that. Imagine if the game was made to be played like that by design? It would be universally and rightfully panned as a shit game

I'd give it a go but if the commentary is as bad you say then fug

I don't think there are actually any speedruns like that, except for runs no one takes seriously like pokemon red

>speedrunning a game that uses card game mechanics

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>not doing a 19hours run

crystal has one also


>New game comes out
>People speedrun it
>Other people """"speedrun"""" it which means just aping strats from the people smart enough to figure them out
>DLC drops
>"""""speedrunners""""" with elementary knowledge of the mechanics don't know how to cope with new situations
>Get absolutely buttfucked trying to slam their head into the wall repeating the same strategy over and over even though it clearly does not work

why is Yea Forums so stupid and autistic? didn't you fuckers learn anything in school?
the goal of speedrunning is to play a game from start to finish as fast as possible, how long it doesn't matter, only as long as it's as fast as possible
god you're dumb

>speedrun of a game is 2 weeks

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for all those lovely reviewers

>Thought it was a literal who
>look up name
>Find video related
Jesus that is a yikes.

Slay the Spire has speedrunning?

>"is dying a glitch"
>he responds

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fake score

>speedrun is so long, half the audience miss their dilation breaks

what the fuck happend

RNG, his random choice was the correct one

>Speedgame forces multiple $250 anonymous donations

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That one is hilarious

>Speedrunner says they have multiple WRs
>Each one is in an extremely specific category that only they run.

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Name some good speedruns

Mario 64 no stars no tas


>speedrun is 19 hours


42-second smw run

is mario king of speedruns?

I don't get why they don't put that dedication to a game that will reward it like Battle Garegga

it's past your bed time, gramps

I don't even like Yagawashit, I'm a TreasureChad myself. But speedrunners get frustrated because they spend so much time forcing a game to be something it isn't, where if they dedicated themselves to fighting games or a game like Dodonpachi Daioujou they would have a more fulfilling time

>speedrunning Katawa Shoujo

>Speedrunning Persona

>speedrunning a subset of team fortress 2 achievements

He was referring to Hearthstone i think

Kings bounty, but the septor has to spawn on the starting tile, so a 1/10000 chance

let's see you do it

based werster

Time trials are fucking pointless. "Here's a level you've already played, but now we will show a timer instead of hiding it"

the timer is so you can measure your ability.

>Speedruns to reach a level with a character or obtain certain gear
Now this is autism

>tfw bored of playing games
>watch hours of speedruns instead
>sit alone in a dark room with computer only source of light

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I already know my ability is top fuckin notch bro
6'2 btw

>that guy who's basically performing black magic when speed running portal 2

it's for nostalgia and normalfags now
they don't like trannies either and the whole thing was just a huge act of virtue signaling
there just aren't that many trannies and after cosmo they sure as fuck don't want more

Speedrunning was always normalfag central

Yugioh Forbidden Memories speedrunning and its community is a trip in itself.

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>100% speedrun of a game is technically possible, but would be 400-500 hours long and the only person that's ever tried it had to go to the hospital each time time, the first time 250 hours in, the second 100ish hours in

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i had the privilege of watching the very few first live stream of events
back when it was a handful of nerds exposed to alcohol staying at a hotel/convention center
then drama began and people started getting banned

Tell story

>speed run of Pokemon USM/SM is 5 times longer than the next longest Pokemon speedrun
I wish they padded out that game with content instead of constantly being stopped by random NPCs telling you their dog is sniffing something or you're their best friend.

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>game has a speedrun gamemode
>removes all RNG
thanks Axiom Verge

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Wait is her name Woomy or is it like pokemon where that's the thing she says so that's her name

There is a mario world "speedrun" where people do a glitch (granted it's pretty hard to do) and the game ends in like 30 seconds
It's fucking awful

Explain, I'm intrigued

>that one guy who was speedrunning a yugioh game and got fucking exodia'd on the first turn

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>Speedrunners use a hack to remove RNG from the run
Bioshock infinite has this shit

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SM and USUM nearly singlehandedly killed my love of Pokemon and SwSh is going to be the nail in the coffin

This is unironically what I've wanted in speed runs.

Holy shit that guy is fucking based

So one person by the handle of TOTOzigemm tried to theorycraft a 100% speedrun of Digimon World 3, which would include getting all the legendary items/weapons, getting all the cards, and the biggest time sink of all, getting every Digimon to max level with access to every digivolution tree available (not that even in a normal game, you probably won't unlock most of the Digimon trees, and that every Digimon can evolve through the others trees anyways). Therefore, he started out trying to do so, saying it would probably take 500 hours. Well, 232 hours in, and taking very minor breaks and not allowing himself to rest much, he had to stop and go to the hospital, and this was only after maxing out Kotemon (the other 7 digimon still needed to be maxed out). He said the run was an absolute failure since he claimed it wasn't very optimized and said he wouldn't do it again.

He then tried it again, but this time failing after 150 hours, even after now he had found some optimal strategy to get it down to 400 hours (keep in mind that he was basically at the same level of progress as his 232 hour run). He then said the run was probably just impossible and hasn't run it since. Theoretically, the run is possible with proper sleep and all, but there's no real reason to do it. The any% alone is currently at 6h 44m, and the game is slow as molasses, so it would just be a pain to run no matter what. It's at least a run that would be longer than the 300 hour Baten Kaitos 100% runs.

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>we play the sri lankan version of this game because it's faster

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Even worse
>speedrunners use a tool that always gives them the best RNG result because they argue they could get it eventually if they tried enough times
>entirely breaks the game and is the sole reason they can beat it remotely that fast

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They're just super autistic about it and have heavily optimized the game, including being able to manipulate RNG to get Meteor Black Dragon and other cards they need. They also caught one speedrunner cheating recently by pointing out that the the card codes didn't match up with the cards he got and that it was clear that he was cheating, then when he used to cheat codes to cover it up in another run, pointed out that thanks to the duel id or something, it wouldn't be possible for him to get those cards for that particular duel.

Inklings speak a different language. woomy is like their word for rad or something.

Absolute same here.

>segmented speedrun

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fuck off Dark Souls is unspeedrunable without that halberd

>game has a speedrun mode that removes rng
>but the rng it gives is still not the most optimal after various glitches have been found so people need to play on regular mode anyways for the best times

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>Lots of popular NES games like zelda2 or battletoads can be easily completed in a 30min speedrun marathon

MFW I waste hours and hours on these kind of games because I like the challenge they offer, only to ragequit them out of frustration and never touch them again

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DKC:Tropical Freeze removed boss RNG on switch, bosses now always give the fastest pattern. I guess they looked at the in-game IL leaderboard from the Wii U version to see what the optimal pattern was. Pretty cool of them

Don't forget he was a Brazilian retard who wanted to cover his ass by successfully removing the proofs and raiding and doxxing the one who caught him.

>RTA: 96:45:54


You'd have to be an absolute madman to go for a run like that.
Getting every pokemon in the regular games is already a pain in the ass. Doing it all in a mystery dungeon game in real time must be a trip to hell.

why even bother at that point

Those are good runs, they are great examples of how you can do amazing stuff with perfect RNG
A lot of Minecraft and Binding of Isaac runs are like that

>perfect RNG
What the fuck? Do you just spawn in a giant cube made of diamond or something?

Related to world gen seed, stuff that you use to reach "The End" and stuff from villages and chests to make it much faster

>Remove the interesting part of the game.
>Pretty much not even playing the same game anymore.
I understand its in the name of SPEED, but getting Perfect RNG in Binding of isaac or Minecraft is boring as fuck and completely defeats the purpose of the game itself.

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because people want to play the game and don't want to reset an hour in to an item that has a 1% chance of spawning. Also makes it very difficult to compare run quality because inevitably what happens is
>hurr my run was shit but I got HRH first try so I save 10 minutes on u for free :)
Yes, it's a shit speed game because of that. But it's just one thing so people agree to run with it modded out. I ran a game that has a 1/8 dice roll 3 minutes in and even that shit pissed me off, imagine worse odds after an hour. No thank you

>completely defeats the purpose of the game itself
Welcome to speedrunning.

The only good thing about speed running are the summoning salt videos. His docs are always great watch (even of they're probably super truncated)

>because people want to play the game and don't want to reset an hour in to an item that has a 1% chance of spawning
Then don't run the fucking game if you cant handle the rules.

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spoken like a true dumb fuck who doesn't play the game. There's a reason nobody cares about viewers' opinions when it comes to these things.

That's why they don't run the game, They run the edited game that plays like they want it to.

>It's a near-endless collection of World Records that rely on being good at video games

"world records" that would be beaten 100 times over in an instant if speedrunning had even 1/10,000th the talent pool of any professional sport.

Calling speedrunning records "world records" is extremely hollow when you have only a couple dozen people at most competing against you

>Cant stand rules set out by game
>Speedruns a perfect version of it to avoid the "unfun" RNG.
Unless you're going for WR, just use backup strats. Even if you ARE going for WR, just reset pussy.
Ya got me there

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They're friends and it was a bit

A """speedrun""" of a game that's more than 3 or 4 hours long cannot possibly be well-optimized.

>remember some bargain bin game you bought for a dollar a few years ago
>look up speedruns of said game
>game only has one run
>you could easily beat it but don't want to
If anyone wants to beat the Ultimate I Spy world record of 2 hours and 9 minutes then go for it.

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you should check out Sonic Adventure 2: Battle 180 emblem. 9 hour run but the same dude has been at it for years and it's pretty well done at this point.

to keep from looking it up, what makes it long? RNG?

>low-percent run category
>25 hours
Twilight princess is strange

Items in the game change in your inventory after a while of real time play.
One of the items takes a very long time to change.
A very fucking long time.

Digimon World 3 100%

I seriously hate those. They make a run up to get a WR.

Now thats fucking stupid, like Braid that you have to sit and wait for something to 100%

>speedrun a game in a little under an hour
>only one other person has ran it that runs low-quality trash like the type of games I like
>still have WR

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To be fair glitches can be really hard to define.

But also glitchless categories are a joke because they always just use outright glitches.

>interesting and challenging runs of game start with new game and on hardest difficulty
>some dude goes for NG+ on the easiest difficulty and gets a time faster than any other category
>a bunch of gaming sites have it as a headline

Basically Banjo Kazooie speedruns until they found pretty much every glitch. Used to just basically be really solid gameplay with some tricks intermixed until they found shit like furnace fun moves and all the OoB tricks.

These are the most interesting runs

>game has a physics engine

So first I'm going to get the object with broken collision
Next I'm going to jiggle it into a wall for the next 5 minutes to build up speed
And now we're flying over every level

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what if he just turned around and started beating the shit out of that fat nerd lol

>Immediately force yourself out of bounds
>walking along a void for ~40 mins.
>every level is like this

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>game is 20 hours long
>speedrun brings it down to 3
>hurr this run isn't optimized
for your sake I hope you're trolling otherwise you might be retarded

>indie game has speedrunner mode to make the game easier to speedrun

I'd get shit like automatic cutscene skipping and no dialogue but adding stuff like static RNG is just a joke. You aren't good at a game if you can't adapt to it.

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>indie game has speedrunner mode to make the game easier to speedrun
>Speedrunners STILL don't use it because its somehow slower

>indie game has speedrun mode
>absolutely no one runs it
hahaha eat shit devs the entire community hated your game

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What game?

TASes are way more interesting then speedruns. It's more fun seeing games pushed to their actual limits without having to watch basedboys reset just to get imperfect runs anyway.

Some of them manage to combine jankiness with logical gameplay well enough that you can be entertained by the sheer absurdity of it.

Example: youtu.be/lk1w3hcQT7g

It's just nuts to observe

probably unrelated to the thread but
>Rougelite/like has a timer option for speedrunners
>Use it to keep track of my time in normal runs instead of using it for speedruns
Anyone else do this?

I like to see someone speedrun Elite Dangerous...

It's incredibly useful for Spelunky so you can tell how long you have until the ghost spawns. That really should just be on the default UI.

Language differences are cancer and I'll never get over it. Thankfully for a lot of games the time save might be anywhere from a handful of seconds to maybe a minute, but shit like zelda games where playing on JP can save nearly half a fucking hour can fuck off.

And not only that but dont they play in a different console, right?

>in order to save a few seconds you need to play on a chinese cheatbox and hope the game doesn't crash because you used an item in a way the consoles memory couldn't handle.

>Speedrun uses a complete file for a glitch
>The time needed for the complete file isn't added to the timer despite it being required and the runner being unable to do the speedrun without it

N64 games had pretty weak region locking, between NA and JP systems/carts it's literally just a differently shaped tab that keeps the wrong cartridges out.

Another one that's pretty obscure is Ratchet and Clank speedruns, which are fastest on the HD collection being played on PAL PS3s (the console, not the game) for some fucking reason.

I only like Werster.

>wanted to cover his ass
If only.

>game is rated 13+
>13 years aren't added to the timer

>speedrunning a subset of team fortress 2 achievements
actually sounds fun

>new glitch discovered that requires RNG or frame perfect inputs
>the glitch now defines the new meta
>lose interest in speedrunning game cause you’ll mostly be resetting

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Good, I lost interest in caleb since he started only doing RPG shit.

>*angrily answers a question from chat*
>Dead silence for 5 minute
>makes minor mistake
>dead silence for another 10 minutes

I tried watching a few Werster speedruns and I have no fucking clue how he's popular at all.

Long sequences on frame perfect imputs in speedruns are a meme.

I think back to that AGDQ pokemon gold race where one of the runners just choked on the first fucking trick for like 10 minutes because it's just a matter of doing like a minute of frame perfect imputs.

>Streamer actively shits on his chat and bans people at random.
>Somehow popular
I don't understand how people can watch Witwix. Acts like a complete child.

Why should a completely separate file be included in the timing to beat the current file?

>game is a part of the universe
>the age of the universe is not added to the timer

Because the glitch was activated in that file

>Load file 3 seconds from end of game
>WR is now 3 seconds!

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Because the speedrun is not possible to complete without using the seperate file

Except you can't start a run from an already-existing file outside of a few fringe cases such as ng+ runs

beat the record if you think that's too long

What does that have to do with anything? Speedruns are timed from the start of a new file to the end of the game. Are you arguing that all preparation for a speedrun should be included in the time?
That isn't timing from the start of a new file.

If preparation is an entire other file, yes.

a speed run is a speed run, you cant say its only half

>little brother plays through a new file in the game
>go to speedrun in a new file on the same cart
this is what autists actually believe.

That seems incredibly arbitrary and not logically consistent with anything.

Well TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi

but why?

There is literally nothing wrong with this and proves how speedrunning is a joke

>mfw it's 1 hour 50 minutes

Attached: smink.jpg (250x250, 35K)

>Create speedrun file
>Copy 100% file made before hand into the same slot as speedrun file
>Load 100% file

>What does that have to do with anything?
If you handed the speedrunner a blank cartridge they couldn't do the glitch because they need the other save.
By saying other saves don't count you may as well say copying over a half completed save to a new save slot is fair

>Current World Record
>5 fucking hours

Attached: 1560645332250.jpg (1080x810, 430K)

>If you handed the speedrunner a blank cartridge they couldn't do the glitch because they need the other save.
So you don't think you should be allowed to change controls or any in game settings before starting the timer? That's pretty stupid.

I guess Super Mario Bros. needs to retime all their runs because they wait at the start screen to manipulate in game RNG before starting the timer. And all OOT runs need to retime to include the file naming screen, because the length of the name saves frames during the run. And all racing games that use unlocked vehicles need to retime to include the entire unlocking process for that vehicle.

>By saying other saves don't count you may as well say copying over a half completed save to a new save slot is fair
How would that be fair when you don't start a new file from the beginning?

>speedrun is 30 minutes
>all of it is high-octane rapid-paced skips

Attached: Fast Borzoi.png (640x440, 223K)

This is everything wrong with Nu-Pokemon

Super Mario 64

you can't unironically believe that SM64 fits that description.

Speedruns over 1 hour should be banned from these events


>character looks to the left for a second
>looks down
>teleports directly into the end credits
>'guys I'm really good at this'
>retard literally posts a 0 star run
Yep, exactly like I said, it doesn't fit that description

>speedrun has glitch that lets you move really fucking fast

Attached: 1527968377465.gif (450x452, 262K)

>it's easily reproduced in casual play

Attached: pik.jpg (168x180, 17K)

Ditman is the only way to play RE4.
Change my mind
you can't

This one I don't get. Half the run is just continually going to sleep over and over again.

I miss those I-spy CD rom games

Never got why you can't just save/quit and stop the timer. Then restart the timer as soon as you're back.

Is this frowned upon?

that was entertaining, have a (You)

Attached: speedrunners.jpg (389x273, 59K)

You can, they're called segmented runs. They used to be more common than RTA runs, but nobody cares about them anymore.

>Game has a trick that is useful for both speedruns and causal play

Attached: image.png (1280x1280, 55K)

scroll ten posts up you dumb bugposter

Attached: 135692518.jpg (288x450, 12K)

Thanks zoomer

>why the fuck would it be infeasble to ban it.
Because all crouch stabs are power crouch stabs. That damage it does is based on the last attack you do no matter what. There is no default damage for it, it is always variable.

>It's why early speedrunning didn't bother touching glitchless
Early speedrunning banned glitches all the time you fucking mongoloid. In the early 00s SDA had a blanket ban on out of bounds glitches. Twin Galaxies had huge amounts of arbitrary glitch bans.

It wasn't until more recently that the speedrunning community just embraced glitches and made the rules way easier for everyone involved.

>Speedrun is less than a second

Literal, unironic autism.

>Nothing but meta binary inputs by using only the arrows
This looks sketchy

They can't be serious...

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Attached: 1476330183405.jpg (600x456, 29K)

>I wish my mother could ve seen that. Sadly she passed away 5 years ago. She loved sim city on snes.

Attached: 1313946572583.png (800x800, 109K)

Those are great odds honestly

>Its another "donator says shit that makes everyone stay silent for 5 minutes"

Attached: 1563685895997.jpg (720x709, 81K)

Excuse me could you stop?

Ocarina of Time

>10+ hours speedrun
>there is a rng moment near the end which could ruin the whole run

Attached: 1533536176511.png (1000x1000, 163K)

>Boss can randomly instakill you
Fucking Nuke Dukem



>what is Super Mario Bros.

>implying lefties have the guts to confront someone directly unless the situation is stacked in their favor beforehand

No, a longplay tries to show absolutely everything in the game, including attract screens, menus, alternative endings, hidden content, etc.

Leave God out of this.

What are the best speedruns in an entertainment sense?

I really want to watch some good commentators and such.

TAS of Mario hacks

Bonesaw577's Jak and Daxter run at SGDQ2016

Y E S.
King of speedruns, king of platformers, even king of videogames...

Attached: 1542946055024.png (392x378, 156K)

>his speed run doesn't fit in a 3MB or less webm

Attached: Average Speedrun.webm (480x320, 2.4M)

>It's fine okay
>We're taking some creative liberties


It would be weird since they're good friends that are joking around with each other lol

>decide to watch a Longplay of some childhood games
>the person playing it as actually kinda bad and has dead air with nothing happen

Attached: 1564075066003.jpg (451x449, 94K)

This is peak castlekino. They don't make em like they used to.

I think it really depends on the game. Half life 2's glitches are fucking retarded and game killing. But doing the ultra skips in Mario Kart 64, while glitches, are interesting to watch

>decide to watch a longplay of a game
>it has a bunch of jumpcuts midway through to skip combat to get to the plot
But why? The whole point of a longplay is to show what a casual playthrough is like. If a game is so boring that showing someone actually playing the game is too much then why even do it?

Attached: 1544044252942.png (471x513, 124K)

>TWINE level speedrun
>Literally 40 minutes of just constantly pausing and unpausing through the level so the timer never starts

What game? Silent Hill?

The World Is Not Enough

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x214, 12K)

kirby air ride all tracks, thank goodness no duplicate rides exists or else that game would be dead, fuck wheelie scooter

Can I get a little more context?
What exactly is wrong with wheelie scooter?

i run forbidden memories. its a good game if you understand the rng. its got a painful difficulty with a high payoff if you can master it. its got some bangin tunes too.
every part of that drama has been fun to watch and its a good reminder of why autism will win every time

Attached: 0 star run SM64.webm (240x180, 2.99M)

why not post the theoretical speedrun that can be done in less than 5 minutes

Place TAS in the filename?

>some speedruns can be done in less than a minute
nothing theoretical about it user

I'm talking about the Super Mario 64 TAS

Not really necessary. It says it's a TAS at the very beginning of the video.
Although if he's going to post a SM64 TAS he ought to be posting one Key instead of 0 Stars. That's a way more impressive run.

Huh. Interesting.

There's a trick with wheelie scooter that if you spin into a wall while holding boost you get a huge boost of speed, which is the fastest method of basic movement in the game, but it requires precise timing and at the start of the run is basically 60 of them in a row on Nebula Belt, since tracks can be played in any order, and missing any of those wall boosts is a reset. Runners getting tired of constantly resetting runs to missing a single wall boost is what spawned the no duplicate rides category, which forces you to use a different air ride every track, so only Checker Knights uses wheelie scooter and all the other tracks get new strats


Sounds awful. Good to see that they came up with an answer to keep the game fun.

>You're not talking about that

user please i just wanted to post a webm about video games
now let me go back to autistically running games

Attached: exploding dog.webm (720x404, 404K)

>Think I can nab an easy world record for Pokemon Ranger
>They're all decently routed in every category.
Plus I'd have to delete my 100% save files.

Legend of legaia? Wild arms?

>glitches around

That is the joke yes.

>2 hours of zany reddit shit
>the actual speedrun is garbage
why would you recommend this

People only recommend that one because the contrast it has to modern GDQ events. They are so stale, no fun allowed and boring that some wacky reddit cringe shit is considered one of the best runs in years.

that's what this is you moron

>They are so stale, no fun allowed and boring
are you just pretending to be stupid?


Sonic 1 by Dr. Fatbody
Funniest fucking runner I've ever seen.

>anything I don't like is reddit

Attached: image.png (678x712, 254K)

>the contrast it has to modern GDQ events. They are so stale, no fun allowed and boring
No one who actually watched the 2019 events would say this lol

GTA V and the traffic.

I've seen people drop entire runs because of one bad NPC.
The current world record holder crashed several times despite playing almost flawlessly. If one can get better ped placement, it's very possible one could beat the current world record.

Attached: giphy (3).gif (294x259, 2.05M)

>It's an RPG speed run
>it's just fast, aggressive menu usage the whole time

Attached: Hit me.gif (500x308, 899K)

>First thing they do is set the message and text speed to max



>oh wow you speedrun video games so cool
>*sips on wine and scans the room for a real man*

Attached: woman-ignoring-man-in-a-bar-X8A29X.jpg (1300x956, 167K)

>im about to end this man's whole career

>game has a pretty good story
>runner seemingly unironically doesn't know it because he's never played the game normally
>fucks up lore details or just simple plot points when trying to describe what they're doing

Attached: asuka angery.jpg (790x590, 247K)


Still can't get over this. HOW IN THE FUCK DOES HE DO IT?

What is the joke

Thankfully, only top 5 players need to be going for the 1-tiki SBA setup in BFBB

it's really that bad

what game has the most entertaining speedruns?

Attached: 1543853449482.jpg (616x353, 63K)

I really hope Odyssey 2 or whatever keeps the fantastic movement here and actually gives you things to do with it other than break the levels that clearly weren't meant for it.

Odyssey is pretty boring honestly. It's so optimized already because it's relatively easy compared to SM64 or SMS.

I wanna see a game beat as efficiently as possible. Not watch some meat bag try. After getting used to TAS small fuckups in speedruns are intolerable

>Speedrun uses quite a lot of glitches but is also very demanding of the runner's skill
I'll never get tired of Half Life 1 any%


Attached: 5D18AA10-3270-495F-98C3-BD45B4F81A23.gif (499x499, 747K)

>Want to speedrun game
>I have to be over 25 to play it
>Mfw only 23

Attached: 1553342806537.jpg (699x699, 84K)

>90% of the run is just watching unskippable cutscenes

>Doesn't find one because they're all taken by less bitchy women and has to settle for a 7/10 in her 30s

What's so hard about zelda 2?

>There is no real difference between difficulties
>So I'll be playing on easy

This is a problem, but most games that can be beaten so easily have categories without that one specific glitch that messes everything up.

It's fun to watch a game being broken in real time and seeing how you could exploit that to beat it in an unintended way.

>want to speedrun a game
>any% is already solved
>100% category doesn't exist
>have to put in actual legwork to create and route a 100% completion category before i can start running the game


Attached: b9f3270071d2f82189ea79916c78582b--the-omen-fiction-movies.jpg (564x375, 29K)


>speedrun has no RNG
>except one spot halfway through the game

West of Loathing

Attached: aj.jpg (184x184, 11K)

>GTA 100% speedruns

Attached: 1380589055081.jpg (394x379, 51K)

any online resources? That was a pretty fun game

>GTA SA 100%
>there's a nonlinear portion of the run where you go several hours with no specific route, just some objectives that need to be done before continuing the story

Attached: 1563339612891.jpg (900x1200, 131K)

not really

there's an "official" guide for speedruns which is absolutely uselss, and there are no major glitches or exploits to know of.

He raises a good point, why not just call it "no major glitches"

Good video to fall asleep to.

I could tell the big guy was joshing around, but I thought the runner wasn't in on it. He really does sound annoyed.

>retards actually not understanding they're joking around
Yea Forums is autistic as fuck holy shit