Why aren't you a game developer?

Why aren't you a game developer?

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Every account from people working in the video game industry makes it sound like absolute hell


No acumen for programming
No artistic talent besides playing a few instruments
Idea guys are dime a dozen
No real desire to be a marketer

And even if I could program, I wouldn't bother with developing games outside of maybe some hobby project that I made on my own time.

>any kind of 3D work on an imac
fucking retards

I enjoy playing vidya, not making it
and by playing vidya i mean shitposting on taiwanese crocheting forums

I'm an ideas guy who makes mods that always get 1,000+ downloads, but don't model/animate/do sound design/voice/etc.
Once making complex games becomes RPG-maker tier easy then gaming will be saved as in every company the ideas guy was always the worst coder, but eventually ends up the CEO or someone with high status.

programming sucks dick

>code 100000000000000 lines for pleb pay

I am, but youd' have to be mad if you are not an indie dev

i like working only 35-40 hours a week