Did they forget to make a bad ending? Whether you kill WAU at the end or not makes no difference...

Did they forget to make a bad ending? Whether you kill WAU at the end or not makes no difference, you get the gay paradise after the credits either way. I guess it's a good and bad ending all rolled into one, but it's strange that that particular choice has no meaning. I was really expecting to see some sort of horrifying hell on the ark.

All in all it's about a 6.5. Takes a while to get interesting, the lack of choices sucks, puzzles are simple and the annoying two main characters with their shit voice acting and their upbeat bazinga dialogue killed tension and trivialized whatever might've been at stake.

Attached: b47b15b146fd466c2c08c09ce1fd351e8e22b589.jpg (616x353, 27K)

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eh, the ending is suppose to have you question whether or not out MCs in the ark are even real or not since they're not the one's we've been playing as and with the entire game

It's also meant to be gut punching since you actually do lose and end up trapped under the water on hellscape earth forever while a digital copy of you gets to enjoy the paradise of the ark without ever thinking that maybe he's just a copy and the transfer failed because he's an idiot who doesn't think shit through

The transfer didn't fail because there was no literal transfer in the first place, just copying. Catherine lied to you since the beginning about being able to transfer your conscious so she can string you along and get you to launch the ARK.

Why would your WAU decision affect the ark? WAU had no influence over it.

She didn't lie though. She did transfer you. It's not her fault that the transfer left the old one behind. You were never anything but data after that initial brain scan, it's a bit too late to be worried about it now.

And she told Simon the truth halfway through but Simon is too much of a brainlet to understand it. In the end Catherine gets so frustrated about Simon not understanding something that simple that she self-destructs and Simon is rightfully left to slowly shut down alone in the bottom of the ocean.

the ending is bad no matter what happens buddy. you may have missed the point

i'd agree on your overall rating though. it's a cool story decently executed with sub-par gameplay

Why would the ark be hell? Why do you need choices in a game trying to tell a single story?

It did certainly pose a threat throughout the game and it wouldn't have been farfetched if it turned out it did somehow influence the ark. It felt like it all built up to nothing.

Simon was outright told that the transfer was a coin toss, a 50/50 chance of working

Simon getting frustrated and not realizing that simple fact that was spelled out to him is his own fault and he should have known what was likely going to happen since there was already another simon copy in a robot suit that he finds in the game

The ending can be considered shitty since you have to have the character be that stupid to have an ending like that but it's overall pretty good despite Simon's low IQ

It's been nearly four years now, I want to see Frictional's new game

>Did they forget to make a bad ending?
no, the whole game is shit

I hate how the personality test bullshit has no effect on anything. I think they should have changed Simon's personality and responses based on your way of thinking. If you're adamant about the inhumanity of brain data in a machine and refuse to change your mind, you get the normal retard Simon who doesn't understand anything. If you dislike the idea at first but change your mind by the second test, you get a Simon who begins to understand the magnitude of what they're doing and his role in it. -And if all the way from the beginning you're okay with the concept of living as data, Simon is on board from the beginning and both he and Catherine know what they're doing when they're hardware-swapping and leaving their previous copies behind.

>50/50 chance of working

that's not how it fucking works. it has a 0% chance of "working". i mean it will work as intended but the simon to initiate the process will always be the one left behind.

>Simon was outright told that the transfer was a coin toss, a 50/50 chance of working

That was Simon's own moronic justification that he made up, which Catherine didn't bother to correct because it was clear Simon was rejecting any kind of logical thinking about the copy and paste

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

>Why would the ark be hell?
It could be similar to that virtual worlding from Fallout where one guy is controlling the lives of everyone else and can kill people over and over again without being stopped.

>coin toss

To be fair Simon was data from the first ever brain scan and was just stored as a personality template. The fact that he even understood as much as he did was somewhat impressive given his origin.

Honestly what the fuck would the Simon who got left behind even do?

Is there any solution, could he at least kill himself?

>fly around in space for a few hundred or thousands years until the ship runs out of power
>good ending

>could he at least kill himself?

His battery would inevitably drain, maybe he could reach back and rip it out

It might seem unintuitive, but it actually does work that way perspective wise. Both the original and the copy have from memories up to and including creating the copy, so until the copy is made it’s impossible to know which one you are. Think back to the beginning of the game when Simon was initially copied.

I've gotten the impression that the whole 50/50 rhetoric was actually Catherine's own speculation based on nothing that she kept telling herself to quell her own anxiety and tried to tell Simon as well.
In reality the hypothesis makes absolutely no sense. There is no electrical signal continuity between neurons A and neurons B, just an activation of separate copied neuron states elsewhere. If there was a signal continuity you'd exist in both brains at the same time and then the previous one would shut down. There is no physiological circumstance that has room for a 50/50 random chance. You either copy yourself and have a 0/0 chance of being your copy, or there's signal continuity and you have a 100/100 chance of being your copy.

>he doesnt realize that the first ending was the real ending

>immortal robot with the capability to make infinite clones of yourself
>bad end

the only reason its a bad end is because the playercharacter is a canadian brainlet. WAU was very clearly getting better and better at remaking people, given enough time you could have rebuilt the earth with or without its help. It's not like you were literally trapped at the bottom either until the retard started throwing his autistic shitfit.

I enjoyed the game but it could have been much better. Death has no real consequence which makes monsters an annoyance rather than a threat. This normally isnt even an issue since most games with checkmarks/saves do the same but they completely ruined the great atmosphere the developers had created. One second you are exploring a spooky dystopian future, rumaging through people's stuff and solving the mystery and BAM. TIME FOR RUN THROUGH THIS SECTION ISNT IT EXCITING YOU CANT FIGHT BACK DONT YOU FEEL HELPLESS TEEHEE.

Either give me the ability to become a robobad ass, or just make the world entirely desolate so that the creepiness comes from the mystery/loniness. The robot people losing their mind and the consequences of some of them not even realizing it was way more unsettling than dumb shit like akers trying to roleplay a xenomorph.

They did try to address that with the notes left by the crew who killed themselves right after their scan in the futile hope that it would maintain continuity.


Wasn't there a submarine outside of the final station? He could use it to reach the surface.

that's wrong. the new copied consciousness can't know, but that's not who she made the promise to. she made the promise to the original consciousness who has 0% chance of ever ending up in that new body since his data doesn't get moved.

There's no point in reaching the surface.
It's all fucked up.

It's better than slowly dying in the bottom of the ocean.

He's a robot though, it's not like it matters.

>it actually does work that way perspective wise
Yes, because your perspective is wrong. It's like saying "you know, 1+1 can be = 3 perspective-wise, if you're an idiot who doesn't know how math works".

Yeah I don't understand the death mechanic at all. Your screen fads to black, your enemy fucks off a few dozen meters away, and you get up exactly where you went down. It makes no sense.

Why would killing WAU make any difference?
Its something that will impact the future not your current situation.

If you kill WAU human kind is dead and forgotten, if not his abomination suffer but he creates more and more working sentient machines that eventually will pick up the pieces.
Its up to you to decide if that option is moral or not, ether way its a hard choice and there is no winning side.

Also the space simulation ending is also a bad ending, no matter what Simon is left alone, but if he didnt kill WAU he could if he dosnt kill himself use it to literally bring the dead back to life. But the game wasnt about that. It was more about the nature of life and the horrors of copying someones mind.
I would consider the bitch you travel with to be the real villain of the story, she manipulates and uses Simon for her own ends, always lying to and misleading him.
And in the end she rather live in a made up fairyland and pretend nothing happened.

That's why they added the easy mode so people wouldn't have to deal with it.

you are right, but it's a great lie. The copy of the people who dont understand the science will think they are real and not question it and be entirely happy living their copy-lives at least in so far as the transfer is concerned. It was basically a religious belief rather than a scientific one, a coping mechanism but of course the consequence of that is for the real people left behind, since they 'lost' they just dropped into more hopelessness and despair. Its entirely believable that some dipshit with a psych degree with start an underwater cult and then justify killing themselves while dragging as many people as they could down with them because that field is just chock full of delusional psychopaths.

But you get wounded which severely hampers your movement speed until you can heal, and if you get caught twice in a row you get a game over screen.

In what way is slowly dying somewhere even worse better than slowly dying at the bottom of the ocean?

You're right, it doesn't matter, it would be pointless.

You need to get hit a few times to actually die. The monsters might as well not be there.

It's fucked up for people, and there are signs the planet is getting better. This is implied because the ocean is getting better as well. Besides, it's only fucked up for people, you are a machine.

No offense but you're an idiot. Yes, both copies will have the MEMORIES of creating the copy, but if you are at present existing in the moment before creating the copy, you already know the copy isn't you.

Dying in a pitch black abyss in the bottom of an ocean < dying on the surface with real sunlight and actual visual reassurance of the state of the Earth

>so until the copy is made it’s impossible to know which one you are.
No, it's impossible to not know which one you are. You are yourself and the copy is someone else. It's literally just the electrical states of your neurons being catalogued and then written onto an external object to be activated exactly as they were written. If someone 3d scans your dick and prints it out using human biomass, you can't get off with someone jacking that thing off. It has never had any connection to your nervous system.

i mean simon would die a hell of a lot faster if he was an organic being than if he was a robot running on a battery because there's 0 food left to eat and god forbid any drinkable water, he could potentially 'live' weeks or so out as a robot to at least potentially see how fucked up the world became or if he was really a human just die down there trapped in the base after about 3 days. doesnt matter if you're a robot or organic your existence is on a strict timer if you arent being constantly refueled anyway, there's no immortality for anything

shit dude, you could build your own vehicles with all the resources pathos-ii has. one chick even climbed up the spacegun and chilled on the platform before dying from breathing too much poisonous air. Apparently she was able to get into their canned foods and other stored stuff before dying so its not like the entire surface was vaporized. If some research station in the middle of the sea survived then surely theres other stuff scattered across the planet. Simon even had that autistic scientist girl in his hand. She could guide him all over the place so it wouldnt even matter that he was from a different time period.

Did you even listen to the dialogue or story? She says multiple times that its a copy, not a transfer from one to the other. Its the player character that keeps confusing it with a conscious transfer (first point of contention being when you have the option to kill your original diving suit body after becoming the deep sea diving suit copy)

I've been a big fan of Frictional Games since the first Penumbra but Soma left a bad taste in my mouth. I felt it was too scripted and there was way too much dialogue, also overpriced for being so short. Ended up refunding it but kinda regret not buying it on the summer sale.

Still looking forward to whatever Frictional is working on now.

The comet hit was probably bad enough to cause a similar phenomenon as what happened to Mars. A giant impact could slow down the magma currents inside the planet to such an extent as to stop the planet from forming a protective magnetic field. The refugees had to move under the ocean because of the surface being unshielded from cosmic radiation.

I remember reading a short story a few year similar to this. Humanity had found a vast network of relays that apparently transported you from one to the next but eventually they encountered one that appeared to be broken. You stepped inside and nothing seemed to happen. Eventually it was revealed that it was only partially broken, you were being copied to the next relay but the one left behind wasn't being destroyed as it had been all the previous times. Naturally this was quite the shock to all the people that never realized they were being killed each time they used it.

I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what you're replying to.

if you know ahead of time that you are going to be copied into a computer then, if you have any brains, your copy will know they are a copy when they instantly pop into computerland. Simon certainly was fooled because he had no context, but everyone at theta knew the score.

>an actual on-topic thread on Yea Forums

Do my eyes deceive me?

Really? I made a mistake and immediately found the post I was trying to respond to when I looked at your post. I guess you just didn't try hard enough.

I didn't expect much from this thread when I made it, haven't properly been to Yea Forums in years. I guess the solution to a shit Yea Forums literally is to actually discuss videogames and stop shitposting.

No I thought you replied to me on purpose, I was just trying to parse what bit you were expanding on.

>Simon was outright told that the transfer was a coin toss, a 50/50 chance of working
That was never a thing, and Catherine explained it to him in great detail several times.

unfortunately Yea Forums has unironically become a place where people come just to shill videogames, not talk about them. It got so bad that /vg/ and /vr/ was made but those boards just turned into circle jerk erp general faggotry...

>he thinks the coin toss is true

I really enjoyed this game, short but neat. I like the mindfuck plot points, it's good stuff.

>Thread just permanently loops the same replies

It's unironically because brainlets play this game and then need the same thing explained to them eight times even though it's a pretty simple concept.

I really appreciated the monster variety in this game. My biggest complaint with Amnesia was how nearly every encounter was just the same copy pasted grunt over and over.

Writing sucked but the gameplay and action was much more enjoyable to me because of this.

>go to archive site and get posts from previous threads
>people respond to them normally

I believe the conversation between you two is:

>it doesnt matter if you cant get to the surface because the surface is fucked up
>it doesnt matter that the surface is fucked up because you are a robot and wont be effected by that
>Actually it could be so fucked up that even a robot would still be effected by the residual damage caused by solar radiation.

you could practically get a procedurally looping soma thread simulator because they are all the same

It should have had an extended sequence in the Ark where it was revealed that MC carried WAU into the Ark with him, and it's now taking over and making a hellscape of massively duplicated SIM-people (literally filling all available space and hint of non-euclidean recursive space literally all filled with duplicated people). Maybe tie it to player choices/performance (use of the WAU save/heal nodes or how many times they chose life vs death).

And a further epilogue where you snap back to the original MC that you left behind when you 'transferred' to the deep-sea suit (if you did leave them alive), where you are simply free to wander back through the rest of the facility, with some unique dialogue and encounters with some of the 'survivors' (if left alive), and a possible hint of these people actually coming to terms with their circumstances and successfully moving on, continuing to survive in their strange new world and forms.

Oh yeah no definitely, my thing was that whether you could survive up there or not there's still no point in actually going.

Game suffered from a lot of heavy rewrites. Story was initially supposed to be something else entirely, which is probably why the whole WAU conclusion at the end is the way it is, quickly cobbled together at the final stage of writing out the story.

>dumb shit like akers trying to roleplay a xenomorph
I kinda really liked the Akers encounter because he has a clear setup and his gimmick is indirectly explained in the world before you actually encounter him unlike almost all the other monsters that just exist to be obstacles. Especially the teleporting ones I find don't actually really fit the game at all. Why can they teleport and why do they go nuts when you look at them?

Attached: Most of frictional stuck in an elevator for an hour.jpg (720x960, 37K)

Couldn't he just go back and let one of the spooky monsters yeet him?

ngl darksydephil's playthrough of this wasnt that bad until he actually got to ark lady
he's just as smart as simon is so it's interesting to watch dsp try to figure shit out

Catherine anger'd herself to death because of Simon's retardation and her operating system was the only thing that allowed Simon to move around the base. iirc Simon can't even get back out of the launch platform without the omnitool's help.

thank you for not lying

I haven't felt interested in a dsp video in a long time until this.

>It should have had an extended sequence in the Ark where it was revealed that MC carried WAU into the Ark with him,
That makes no sense.
WAU is as dumb as a bag of bricks, its not an real AI thats why it cant comprehend what life is and why it things those weird monsters are no different from humans. WAU has no digital presence and infects things physically by connecting directly to them through the gel.
And once away from WAU the gel becomes an extremely advanced conductor, it needs a centralized network and electricity to work.
The whole point is that if only WAU was slightly more advanced and if anybody gave a shit about it this whole tragedy could be avoided and most people would survive. Then again WAU did step in since survivors were killing each other and most went insane confronted with the idea of living alone under the sea, whole arc project proves a lot of those people were retarded and would die anyway.

Wrong. An appeal to science falls apart because the caveat of the science within the game is that your consciousness is seamlessly copied (as evidenced by the transitions from one version of Simon to the next in the game). It is assumed that consciousness can be broken down and copied perfectly, and is therefore separate from the biological form. Kind of like how you can copy a file on a computer perfectly, even if that file's location is different on the computer's memory.

In other words, it's not a lie: you literally experience the feeling of transitioning from a non-copy to a copy multiple times throughout the game and Simon is none the wiser, which is why it was so easy for him to believe. Both the original and the copy, at the moment the copy is created, are equal, and are therefore interchangeable. As such, it is basically a coin-flip as to which one "you" will be.

The real crux of the argument is the idea that, at least within the science of the game, there's nothing special about our physical bodies that is necessary for consciousness. So, if you only want there to be a single, seamless "you", then you could copy yourself and have the pre-copy version die immediately so there's always only ever one version of yourself.

Of course, there's no REAL answer, because it's science fiction. We can never REALLY know if it's 100% seamless - maybe 99.9999% still wouldn't be enough for this argument to hold water.

>Why can they teleport and why do they go nuts when you look at them?

I don't remember the reason but I do remember on my second playthrough that it was explicitly explained, just not in a telegraphed read-explanation-then-encounter-monster way.

Also, anyone else having weird shit happen on Yea Forums lately? Yesterday I clicked to enlarge an image and it opened a completely different image in a new tab and just now trying to click and drag the text I was quoting caused a thumbnail of some kid to appear next to my cursor as though I was dragging an image link.

I actually liked that the choices in the game don't affect any later outcomes. You can stay in the moment in do what you think is right. There is no "oh you pulled the plug on that guy so now you're locked out of 3/5 endings" bullshit. Every choice you make is focused solely on your morals and what you think is the right thing to do, nothing else.

Catherine only used the 'coin toss' as a way to explain it to Simon because he has literal fucking brain damage and can't comprehend the simple principle of copying consciousness.
In actuality, there is no coin toss. There is no 50%. It is in fact, 0%, and for the sake of the game, direct consciousness transference is not possible.

It was only shown to seemingly work this way in the beginning for the sake of the narrative, because if it wasn't, there would be no game, and you would just go back home and die in Toronto, roll credits.

>if you are at present existing in the moment before creating the copy

Each copy IS you. It's a coin-flip because once you copy yourself, no single version of yourself is actually "you". They are all valid versions of yourself; no one is different from any other. The idea being, even if you didn't copy yourself at all, your mind is constantly operating off the thoughts and memories of previous versions of yourself. You are not the same "you" as 5 seconds ago, you're a new you.

>Game suffered from a lot of heavy rewrites. Story was initially supposed to be something else entirely, which is probably why the whole WAU conclusion at the end is the way it is, quickly cobbled together at the final stage of writing out the story.
That goes for any game made ever.
But from a point it seems they had a very clear idea about what they story will be about. Just by how unified the art is, especially the monsters and their backstory, or how the gel works, how WAU works and spreads and how its incorporated into level design and those smaller stories of survivors we learn about.
There is just no way they written and designed those levels before having the story mostly mapped out, some smaller things could have changed, but the whole bit about WAU, infection, survivors killing each other in a delusion of virtual life, end of world had to be mapped out really early.

>It was only shown to seemingly work this way in the beginning for the sake of the narrative

It happens multiple times, and it is very much for the purposes of explaining that the coin-flip is a real thing (at least, as real as the science of the video game is concerned).

The physically nonsensical coin-flip (that just happens to always go the same way and the game never randomly ends after Toronto) is completely unnecessary if everything until the Ark is copied Simon's memories.

>that guy you keep bringing into and out of existence that begs for you not to delete him

Attached: 1558489964043.gif (500x500, 53K)

I feel like you read like 5 paragraphs of a Jung text and called it quits, no one could possibly use so many words to say so little and with such little relevance if they knew what they were talking about.

>I've gotten the impression that the whole 50/50 rhetoric was actually Catherine's own speculation based on nothing that she kept telling herself to quell her own anxiety and tried to tell Simon as well.
Did everybody forget there was this huge part of the game that we learn people started killing them self believing this transfer shit?
They got so delusional they believed that if they kill them self fast enough they will get magically transferred as they were getting manipulated by few insane survivors like Catherine.
She clearly dosnt believe it, but she dosnt care.

brainlet here
even though the whole theme about copying/pasting consciousness etc were explained in the game would it not be safe to assume that in that world actual transfer would be possible?
like the technology is advanced enough to download a literal consciousness, I dont see why a "file transfer" or even just a migration of said consciousness would be completely out of the question.

Attached: 1562153078898.jpg (640x732, 120K)

>that just happens to always go the same way

It doesn't go the "right way" for one of the endings, though.

>It happens multiple times, and it is very much for the purposes of explaining that the coin-flip is a real thing (at least, as real as the science of the video game is concerned).
You are as stupid as Simon, and people say nobody is that naive and that hes an unbelievable protagonist ....

No, literally the WHOLE POINT of the game, the entire headkicker at the end is that this technology is LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE. The only reason we ever have threads about the game is someone finishes it and then posts about how dumb they are.

>people say nobody is that naive

Yeah, people who don't know what they're talking about.

Within the context of the game, the implication is that the copy is equally valid to the original version, and there's nothing special about the original physical body.

The whole game is based around our primitive scientific understanding of consciousness, so any actual transferring of consciousness would be in the realm of magic.

Are we ever going to get a sequel? A story set in PATHOS-II right before the comet or maybe what happens to Simon post launching the ARK. God I love SOMA

No, it's not possible. They can only create a simulation of yourself, not transfer it.

You could simulate a transfer by killing the one who's being copied as soon as the copy is over however.

You fucking idiots, there is no coin flip
The whole game takes place from the perspective of the Diving Suit Body, that's why it has the memories of both the original Simon and the Robo Simon
The only real switch of perspective was when the game showed you what the inside of ARK looks like

You need to replicate your neural network onto an external hardware in a way that lets every neuron of your brain to be simultaneously connected with your brain and its corresponding copy neuron in the other brain. One neuron at a time your brain state is replicated in real time while still maintaining the connection with the rest of your old brain, and one neuron at a time the old neurons get deactivated. Your consciousness continues to operate identically, your neurological processes just exist in one place, then two places and finally in another place and the transition is done gradually. When the last one of your original neurons is deactivated your have been successfully transferred with no break in the flow of consciousness. You haven't been copied, all of your braincells have simply been replaced. This was done to J.C Denton in Deus Ex except it was easier there because nanomachines simply catalogued, replaced and consumed each of his neurons one by one inside his brain.

Catherine was at least autistic if not a complete sociopath and that was before the transfer.

That has nothing to do with anything I said. We're not discussing whether any one copy is more "valid", that's completely irrelevant. The point is that if you are AT PRESENT existing before the copy, you have a 100% chance of not being the copy once you create it. I don't know what is even hard to understand about this.

>The whole game takes place from the perspective of the Diving Suit Body

When you play as Simon in Toronto, you are Simon in Toronto. It's not retroactive, you ARE him, then your consciousness is copied and you become a new version of him.

>The whole game takes place from the perspective of the Diving Suit Body
That makes no sense because you switch bodies at one point. You can't be playing from the perspective of the suit because then you'd be left in the room where they switched to the other suit.

You managed to read half of the sentence before your ADHD kicked in, good job

Not who you're replying to but this makes sense in the real world as well as narratively. At the point where you find out you're a copy, the Toronto shit is all in the past. As in you, the player, have a memory of playing through the Toronto shit. But since you're not currently in Toronto you can't actually be sure it ever happened to you. I'm not trying to get all meta, this is just legitimately how the transfer works.

Killing the WAU is the bad ending brainlet. The Arc is a fucking mausoleum and the WAU was actively innovating and improving and was the single greatest chance of recreating a robotic version of humanity that could grow.

If the copied Simon isn't Simon, is Okabe from Steins;Gate the same Okabe after a time leap? They are essentially the same concept, just different tone wise. Doesn't Kurisu and the loli both say it doesn't matter, it's still you? Why's Simon different?

Attached: kurisu.png (1280x720, 1.72M)

>you have a 100% chance of not being the copy once you create it

This is wrong. Even if the copy wakes up a million years after the original "you" died, it will still be a 'you' from that point at which you created the copy, which is why the rambling about memory and experience is relevant. Our definition of what "you" is/are is different.

>the WAU was actively innovating and improving and was the single greatest chance of recreating a robotic version of humanity that could grow.
Was that implied in any texts or messages? Cause I didn't read most of them.

Well since you're willing to go so far as to dismiss Toronto as a memory, then I'd suggest just considering everything before the Ark scene to be memories too. That way there are zero plot holes or mysteries. No direct transference, no coin flips. Simply copies of copies from beginning to end. Star Trek teleporters. Dead you's who's lives you remember.

I meant the Power Suit, not the Diving Suit
my bad

Yeah, that's kind of my whole point. Direct transference is literally not possible.

No, WAU was an inhuman monster only capable of building abominations. The idea that it would ever create anything productive is pure fantasy.

Only if it was done at a live atomic level.
Despite us thinking the brain "turns off" when we got to sleep it actually never stops being active, we just dont remember it as being unable to move would probably be nightmarish, but we need sleep to rest and repair body damage.
I mean there will be always an original left, and if you just destroy that original then you just did a copy, not a transfer.
I cant even start to imagine the tech required to be able to real time scan and convert the human brain into data, be it by changing other fundamental particles into photons one after another at such a speed there is no brain activity interruption or by mapping the brain activity 1 to 1 instantly insculding all chemical reactions taking place. Shit like this is something we may see thousands of years from now and not something we see in this milenium.

It's just evolution without the survival of the fittest thing. Kinda fucked up when you think about it.

Our definition of "you" is not remotely different, you're just being wilfully obtuse because accepting that two people could have the exact same traits and memories and still not be experiencing the same consciousness is for some reason impossible for you to wrap your head around. If you die and then 1000 years later someone wakes up with your memories, it doesn't change the fact that you died and thinking it does is so ego centric I can't even break it down any simpler.

It created Simon, so you are wrong.
If Simon wasnt a moron and instead was capable scientist who knows how WAU and the gel works he could do wonders.
WAU can bring dead to life, it just has no point of reference on how a Human works or is constructed, it cant tell a difference between a human and any life form at all. Just by supplying WAU with anatomical databases would change its creations.

The only way you could justify believing this is if you literally do not care about experiencing the next moment in your life and every second you exist you have no excuse not to kill yourself. If something else in a different time or a different universe that is identical to you can be defined as "you" by you and that's good enough for you, then why are you alive? You're just wasting your breath. You're not you. That something else is.

No. You are you and your copy is just a person who remembers being you.

The WAU has a very twisted idea on what "life" actually is. It's in various texts and journals throughout the facility. The WAU has realized that it can't keep humans alive given its constraints. It can't make more food for them, can't keep supplies stocked with no more deliveries. It has thus decided that humans in their current form aren't worth saving, and so it is building something different.

>Direct transference is literally not possible.

I think my issue with the way this conversation is framed is the idea that "transference" is what is happening. Nobody thinks one consciousness is "transferring" from one body to another - at least not exactly. Rather, at the moment of copy, t(0), the copy and the original have the same brain (where t(0) is relative to whichever brain you're talking about). Within the context of the game, consciousness can be broken down into ones and zeroes, so at that t(0) moment, the only way you can know which one you will become, the only differentiation between versions, is when they live to the next moment, t(1).

Like, let's take a robot brain, pause it, copy it, and put the copy into a second robot brain. So, Robot A and Robot B are both frozen in time, and the brains are identical. Then you take both their robot brains and shuffle them until you can't tell which body belonged to which brain. Does it matter which is which when you resume their consciousness? Why should it matter if you physically shuffle them at all?

How common is this trope because iirc Horizon Zero Dawn has the same story and these games were made at the same time.

>Nobody thinks one consciousness is "transferring" from one body to another

A cursory glance at this thread proves that no, there are plenty of people that retarded

There are characters in the game who offed themselves hoping that the universe would somehow snap their reality into the existence to which their thougts were copied. So it's not just limited to this thread. Even the scientists responsible for saving our species managed to be that retarded somehow.

The problem of consciousness itself is as old as time and has had people calling eachother retarded for centuries, just like this thread.

>WAU is as dumb as a bag of bricks, its not an real AI thats why it cant comprehend what life is
no, it is absolutely a 'real AI', just the worst kind of that - a rampant optimizer. it's not 'dumb', at all, it's hyper-intelligent, but has a very particular directive (something like 'preserve human life against catastrophe') with unforeseen consequences.

>WAU has no digital presence and infects things physically by connecting directly to them through the gel.

The gel is just generic utility nanotech shit. All the crazy shit it does is because of WAUs constant direction. Of course WAU can make a digital kernel of itself to infect the Ark, if it saw doing so as valuable to its directive. and Simon is WAUs creation, for unknown purpose - certainly possible to hand-wave as merely another life 'saved', but also very easy to believe could have been for greater purpose (especially given how uniquely fully formed, and therefore capable, Simon was).

What a surprise that not only do retarded anons believe it, but also retarded fictional characters believe it too. Almost as though there wouldn't be much of a story if they didn't.

The copy and the original don't stay the same forever, they diverge once they live new experience. But if I copied myself a week ago, and the copy woke up today, that copy would be an equally valid version of my week-old self as I was a week ago.

Seems pretty common, but I like the trope. AI is basically a set of algorithms that react to constraints we program in. I mean, you could say human consciousness is the same in a way. You try to be happy and do the things you like given your constraints (how much money you have, who you're sexually attracted too, what makes you happy, etc). The trope kind of takes it to an extreme, if we let a machine run our lives, will it at some point realize that it's much simpler just to get rid of us?

Since the ARK launched, that means the barrel for the Omega space gun is clear. He could climb that and reach the surface. Seeing as he's just a robot head in a suit, he doesn't need to eat or sleep or anything human. My dream is that he reconciles with Catherine somehow and she helps him make a new battery pack that can recharge somehow. Maybe he hooks himself into the PATHOS-II power grid. From there he could stay at Phi for a time seeing as there are no creatures there and it's pretty chill. Eventually perhaps he could head to the surface. Omega, the space gun's muzzle, seems to be okay because the CURIE was docked there post-impact. If he climbed the barrel he could make it, or perhaps flood the barrel in a controlled manner and reach Omega. Then, provided he has a way to charge his batteries, he could begin to head to land. He's impervious to the poisoned atmosphere, doesn't need food, rest, etc. He could be a wanderer with Catherine, trying to find maybe survivors or find a good place to die.

I feel like YOU don't even know what you mean by the word "valid". It just sounds nice to say in lieu of an argument.

No, I'm saying the people you THINK are talking about "transference" are actually talking about something subtly different that you're not fully understanding. Not in a "you're dumb" way, but in a "that's not quite what I mean" kind of way.

No I'm not saying YOU think that, but there's no doubt it's exactly what a lot of anons here think. Even the fact that anyone brings up the coin toss means they have a fundamental misunderstanding of how any of this shit works.

You're not wrong that I'm using that word pretty loosely. When I say valid, I mean to say that no version of a copy is any more or less legitimate than any other. I would use "equal" but they're only equal at the point of copy.

I think I finally figured out what your problem is. You define yourself externally while others define themselves internally. For an outside observer, copies of you are both equally valid and you base your definition on that for some reason that I won't be able to comprehend. Everyone else defines themselves as themselves and their copies as different people and when the copy disagrees because of its memories, they're simply incorrect.

I blame Star Trek for this with their "oh no you're not being copied and destroyed" transporter.

What does "legitimacy" or "equality" have to do with any of this when the discussion is directly tied to YOUR OWN consciousness?

Holy fuck Simon shut your trap.

>Even the fact that anyone brings up the coin toss means they have a fundamental misunderstanding of how any of this shit works.
Someone else already brought up a valid point though. What if the game is actually just total science fiction and in its fictional universe the coin flip is true regardless of it not making sense in reality? Afterall isn't it canon that the molecular transporters of Star Trek are not just destroying people and making new ones?

So lemme just get this shit strait, dis bitch nigga hoe makes you plant a copy of you and her unto an ark and then sent the ark into space, while you and here stay down in the sea? WTF IS WRONG WIT WHITEY AND KEKSHIT HAHA

Attached: kangs2.png (959x539, 470K)

I like how the concept of being left behind is mortifying but we've been copying ourselves with the knowledge our consciousness dies since we realized we could bump our crotches desu

we live in a society

>What if the game is actually just total science fiction and in its fictional universe the coin flip is true regardless of it not making sense in reality?
Well then that's stupid, who cares?
>Afterall isn't it canon that the molecular transporters of Star Trek are not just destroying people and making new ones?
Yes, and that's also stupid.

>What does "legitimacy" or "equality" have to do with any of this when the discussion is directly tied to YOUR OWN consciousness?

It ties back into the argument of the coin flip. The problem people have with coin flip is that one of the consciousnesses is YOURS, and one of them is NOT YOURS. So of course you can't transfer what is YOURS. But I believe, at the point of copy, BOTH are yours, and they only diverge when their experience does. Neither version of the consciousness is any more or less "yours" at that moment.

She knew he still didn't understand. She tells Simon that she put the launch and the upload on the same button because "we still need to be here to launch after we're aboard." There was no reason for that except to mislead him, since she KNOWS they would actually still be there to launch. In fact it put their chances of getting on in jeopardy because the upload barely finishes in time.

Oh, so you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the game is literally beating over your head for the last 2 hours. I can't really help you at this point if you think the coin flip actually means anything.

>You define yourself externally while others define themselves internally

I define myself by my mind, my consciousness. If my mind were copied, I would exist in two places at once for that moment. Post-copy, my original body and its consciousness would diverge from the copy and its consciousness, and I would be whichever consciousness I became, and whichever body went along with it.

Yeah but apparently she still didn't believe he'd be that stupid and electro-aneurysm'd herself out of her circuits when his concentrated digital idiocy proved too much for her.

>I can't really help you at this point if you think the coin flip actually means anything.

It does though. The coin flip is a real thing. And believe me, I am fully aware of how many people vehemently disagree with the concept of the coin flip - I just think those people are wrong.

>If my mind were copied, I would exist in two places at once for that moment

Oh so there's the problem, you're fucking retarded. I feel like your mind is barely existing in one place as it is.

come on guys this isn't fucking rocket science

Attached: simon.png (776x666, 16K)

The game itself implies that consciousness is reducible to ones and zeroes. How exactly is 1111111 different from 1111111? Hmm?

You need to do less acid, because what we are literally dealing with is data. The way this shit works, someone could be copying your brain right now and you would have no idea, I REPEAT, THIS PROCESS DOES NOT AFFECT YOU IN ANY WAY.

speak english doc

>and I would be whichever consciousness I became
You would be your original consciousness and not anything else and you'd fucking like it. Everything you're saying is just meaningless drivel that is based on nothing in reality but semantic word games that are of use to neither you nor your copy. Literally nothing in the universe cares about that so-called definition of yours and it serves no purpose than your own mental masturbation. But at least you can feel comfort in the thought that if you get copied, there will be two (You)s mentally masturbating.

Do you know what happens when you move a file on your computer from one directory to another? It doesn't actually MOVE the file. It creates a copy of the file in the directory, then deletes the original copy. A consciousness transfer is the same principle.

could WAU eventually fix things. i never understood why WAU was the evil one

Not even him but this is literally the most concise way of explaining it and if you don't look at that and immediately get it I'm sorry but we have a brainlet alert.

>The gel is just generic utility nanotech shit. All the crazy shit it does is because of WAUs constant direction. Of course WAU can make a digital kernel of itself to infect the Ark, if it saw doing so as valuable to its directive. and Simon is WAUs creation, for unknown purpose - certainly possible to hand-wave as merely another life 'saved', but also very easy to believe could have been for greater purpose (especially given how uniquely fully formed, and therefore capable, Simon was).
That implies WAU is highly competent and knows whats going on, which it clearly dosnt. The whole station is a mess and it creations are a constant failure.

You were so close but now you're going to confuse him with the "then deletes the original copy" part. This guy is a genuine brainlet, I don't think he's budging on this one.

I think people give Simon too much of a hard time.

I mean, from his perspective, he'd just gone to have a brain scan, and he wakes up a hundred years later, at the bottom of the ocean, with the entire human race reduced to like 4 people. Plus he discovers he's a robot.

That, and the fact his brain scan was literally the first one ever, and it was done on a damaged brain to boot, I think contributes to his dumber moments.

Pretty sure the lines represent how much you die, and every time you die the game reloads a save.

here's your difference professor.

Attached: untitled.png (867x191, 8K)

WAU wasn't evil, it was amoral. It was going to keep creating shit even if everything it created was a living nightmare.

>someone could be copying your brain right now and you would have no idea

A side effect of the implication by the game that you can copy the state of the brain perfectly, is the idea that the brain CAN be broken down into individual states. Which implies that my lived experience could be broken down into a finite number of brain states, which implies there's nothing special about my consciousness other than it feels continuous and seamless. I could, theoretically, at any moment, wake up in a lab by some scientists who built a brain identical to mine from scratch, and it would be no less me at that moment.

you could have swapped them and nobody would know

It isn't. A brainscan is basically a file that is recorded to a server. Then the file is opened and used somewhere else. If you opened a txt document and typed "111" and then made a copy of that file they would be identical. Then assume you opened both and started typed something different in each. Now they're too separate files and not copies. At the moment of copying, however, they are exactly the same. That's why some of the scientists down there got the idea that if they died right after the scan they would "hop" over to the copy and live on.
In reality, does this really work? I think it's left open ended for you to think about. If you were in the same situation, what would you have done?
The game explains that the WAU starts behaving very differently post impact. Either it has recorded drastic changes in surface and undersea life (as well as chemical signatures in the water), or it was given a directive by one of the researchers that outlined its responsibilities in a world where shipments of food and supplies won't be coming anymore. It is aware that things are different now, even if it doesn't know a comet just killed everyone.

The thing about the 'coin flip' is, it all depends on your perspective. You can't honestly believe that Simon was magically transferred a hundred years into the future in an instant after his brainscan with David, can you? But from the copied Simon's perspective, that's exactly what happened, since his scan wasn't ever used until the WAU reanimated him.
But there really is not coin flip. The original simon got up from the chair, thanked Dr. Munshi, and went home, wheras the copied Simon instead woke up in a dark room at the bottom of the ocean.

But why do you think the files themselves would be any different?

Plus people underestimate how irrational even scientists can get in the face of death and apocalypse. Anybody can hope for an afterlife of some kind when faced with such odds.

Because part of the data in that file is literally WHERE IT IS, holy fuck you are stupid as shit

Exactly. Prove you didn't swap their positions when you made this image.

The file doesn't know the difference though. That's metadata.

Alright fucknuggets, i made a graph

There are FOUR separate consciousnesses in the game, Simon and 3 copies of Simon's mind

The game shows you everything from the Power Suit Simon's perspective, that's why it remembers everything previous two minds did up until the point they were copied.

Then the ending of the game switches to ARK Simon's perspective to show you the ARK

That's it

Attached: SOMA graph.png (2000x676, 91K)

What a coincidence that without metadata the file is worthless. Really gets the old neurons firing.

Right, and the analog to the real world would be the physical body, which doesn't impact the actual consciousness itself, just like it doesn't impact the data values of the file.

The real answer?
We just don't know.
It is safe to assume, however, that an AI consciousness COULD be successfully transferred, but if you're asking about an organic brain? Not possible. The technology for something like that would probably only be seen in a type 3 civilization.

The coin toss is not a bad analogy, but the problem is that the actual coin toss is a lot more complicated.

You flip a coin: You don't call the coin, because you have no influence on it. The coin might be random, the coin might always land "LOSE" or "WIN". The Coin might be biased in some way.

You look at the coin. It reads LOSE. But it also reads WIN: Either you or your copy ends up being on the far side of the transfer, and there's no way to determine who ontologically.

That's the coin toss: There's no evidence you end up transferred, nor is there any evidence you're left behind: Identical copies are on both sides of the transfer.

Which is why the game fucks up by "transferring you" earlier. It should have been consistent, and could have had the same impact.

If you always are transferred, it should have rolled into the "good ending", rolled credits, and then drew you back to the ocean floor, with Simon and Catherine for the downer of the realization you left yourself to die and are only the copy.

If you're always left behind, the story should have been adjusted in some way to affect this: For the copy; you should not have been given a choice: You move to the new body and when you ask Catherine, she says she shut down the old body out. This gets enforced in the ending with Catherine admitting she knew she killed you multiple times and was relatively certain you aren't the original, possibly with a montage of your previous deaths (Which you never had the context to regret).

By being inconsistent, SOMA breaks the path to the ultimate conclusion: Either "You" escaped and fuck the old you: You're in paradise., or you didn't and fuck the new you, he's in paradise.


Robot Simon, AKA (You) are one of the WAU's creations.
You're basically killing the machine god that resurrected you.

That's one of the things I really loved about SOMA. You're not trying to save the world or prevent a disaster, the world is done and gone. All you're trying to do is a desperate act of self preservation, sending a copy of some tiny remnant up into space to live. Everything is totally fucked, there's no way to fix anything. All you can do is keep on moving and hope that what you're doing is worthwhile.

wou;d it eventually created things that can think?

if so then why not just wait till that happens over and over

i am his lawyer he didn't swap them

I know that
I'm desperately trying to cure his retardation

no, i'm his lawyer, and he did swap them

Also why it's a better horror game that most spooky monster games, the actual concept is scary instead of mundane broken up by shooting zombies or whatever.

Why does everything have to be from the perspective of the power suit? It makes more sense to me if everything is happening in realtime, you're in each body and then switched to the next. That's how I remember it working but it's been years since I played it.

You would think that brainlets would get the idea from the power suit copy if not earlier on, but apparently not.
There are actually some people that think there is a 50/50 chance of either staying in the original body or successfully transferring over.

>It makes more sense to me if everything is happening in realtime, you're in each body and then switched to the next

Then you literally did not understand what the game was about at all.

>thread #11526272882552 of underages and unironic retards not understanding the "coin flip" was bullshit and arguing semantics to seem less stupid
change the goddamn channel

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> Mfw I realised the game is a thematic rejection of Pinocchio being a real boy

Our bodies matter as much as our minds. Even though you save the arc, a couple of 1's and 0's in a computer program isn't humanity. Humanity died with that female scientist you meet.

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So you're claiming everything in thee game up until the power suit was a memory? For what purpose?

for being a video game

The coin toss works when you consider that it's impossible to tell which version you'll be after you initiate the transfer.
The you that you currently are could in theory be a copy that was only created minutes ago, but since you'd have memories that the original created (that you yourself believe to have done) you think that you're actually the original.
Therefor when you push the button triggering the new version to be created you may infact have only ever been watching the original's memories.
This means that the you that exists now could actually only be the memories of a version of you that is yet to be created or exist.

This is the first Soma thread I've seen and I'm literally so mad there are people on the planet this stupid.

They tried to have a similarly original idea in Penumbra too. It wasn't just "lovecraftian horror chasing you because you stole a ball" it was more like "collectivist alien microbe species clashing with an individualistic human species and both being fundamentally unable to understand one another on any level until it was too late."

Everything being a memory takes away every bit of player agency for literally no reason. If I am just watching a dying robot's actions and not playing that robot I might as well be watching a fucking movie.

Simon was the one who thought of the idea of the "coin flip" analogy, and he's a fucking retard. Catherine only agrees with him because she needs him to get the ARK and shoot it into space. She knows it's totally bullshit but doesn't want to make the one person who can do what she needs to do mad.
The only reason you guys think it's real is because you still control Simon after he changes from the diving suit to the power suit, and that was only done because we had to finish playing the fucking game.

>I might as well be watching a fucking movie
Can't argue with that.

Oh my fucking god this has nothing to do with player agency, you are so stupid it's unbelievable.

You're arguing with multiple people thinking it's one guy and I'm stupid? Yeah ok.

what you are saying makes so little sense that i don't even know how to argue against that

YOU ALWAYS STAY BEHIND, ONE HUNDRED (100) PERCENT OF THE TIME 100% OF THE TIME, YOU WILL 'LOSE' THE '"""""COIN TOSS"""""" because it isn't possible to transfer a consciousness directly.
holy FUCK I cannot BELIEVE Yea Forums is this goddamn retarded.
The one initiating the 'transfer' will always stay behind. That's just how it works.

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Not really related, but your comment made me think of this:

what happens when we die Yea Forums?

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I'm pretty sure I only quoted one post, not a good look if you're trying to seem like you're not a brainlet.

Nothing good.

I don't ever want to think about this shit again mother fucker delete it.

But if there's no CTRL+V, then how can we get copied over?
Checkmate, atheists.

A plot point people seen to miss is that Simon is a prototype brain scan that has no room for development. He literally can't learn anything new which is why he never understands what happens despite it being repeatedly explained to him. The new brain scan at the end is a more dynamic model.

Attached: brain.png (845x447, 19K)

this is a good thread :D

No it shows the different simons and demonstrates how the "coin toss" actually works.

There IS a CTRL+V, you dumb faggot. It happens AFTER the brain scan (the CTRL+C)

holy fuck this means that half the people on this thread are prototype of brain scans?

Moving the goalposts again. Typical.

that would have been a lot more of a zinger if you didn't butcher the syntax

i'm giving you a (you) just to make you remember who you are

They are both the ones we've been playing with. The two simons and catherines left alive in the end are the ones we've been playing with. Their consciousness was divided.


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how about you just re-read my post instead, and then lament your own realized stupidity.

>guy has used a computer for a grand total of 10 minutes and doesn't realize there's a difference between ctrl+x and ctrl+v

I'm the one in the original body.

You wake up in a cozy apartment with unlimited access to the internet and all media ever made and a fridge/panty that endlessly restocks itself and you never have to go outside again

>ctrl+f coin
>26 results
every time

Attached: 1541254208350.jpg (609x566, 54K)


So it's just like now? How disappointing.

do you fucking retards realize that when you cut and paste something the computer just copies it and deletes the original?

>Dude on the climber rig seems okay, wants you to go to Tau
>Get to Tau and open the door after waiting 5 minutes for it to open
>See someone in the same suit
>Walk up to him
Yeah, did not go how I expected. Probably one of the most tense moments in the game hiding behind the door and praying it closes before it finds me. Holy shit.

Because I remember my body and the new one isn't it.

I feel like the real interesting meta plot of SOMA is how the brainlet brain, in absence of anything it can remotely understand, will latch onto the first concept it has any familiarity with and ride that out in the face of anything logical.


>anons are still dumb enough to believe the coin flip bullshit Catherine shilled

Wow, this thread shows how many morons are in Yea Forums. The plot isn't that complicated but there are dudes in herr that it's obvious haven't even read a book.

it is physically impossible to directly transfer data
you can only copy and delete, "cutting" just obfuscates this process

Would any of you take a Star Trek-styled teleporter? Is there any guarantee that the you that was beamed up from the surface the same person that arrives on the starship?

Attached: really makes Kyle Hyde think.gif (192x224, 51K)

Are you actually this retarded? When you cut and paste something the file doesn't actually move you fucking dunce, the metadata changes. We can even do an interesting little experiment at home, I want you to copy and paste 2GB or so of data on a HDD and wait a minute or so for that to happen, and then cut and paste the same data and notice it happens instantaneously.

I'm trying to simplify it into terms that the coin tossers can understand.

Sure, but you're speaking from the future. I'm not asking which one you are, I'm asking which one you will be.

Star Trek is supposed to be utopian though, so everything works as intended with no existential crises attached.

Do you guys think if the WAU was left alive it could've at least succeded in preserving humanity and repopulate the surface with robots once its stops burning?

Why do people defend Catherine misleading Simon about how the transfer works?

>That implies WAU is highly competent and knows whats going on, which it clearly dosnt. The whole station is a mess and it creations are a constant failure.
You're not understanding - that's not failure to WAU. It's an optimizer with a poorly considered directive (although of course it's doubtful there ever could be any such thing as a truly good directive). That we don't know exactly what that directive is only a minor annoyance (it is something to the effect of preserving the existence of human consciousness).

The great thing about the people who don't like the coin flip analogy is they don't realize they're actually the brainlets.

It's canon that Trek transporters literally do transport you, continuity is maintained. That said it's also bullshit because it's been shown to make a copy without destroying the original at least once with a second Riker being left behind on a planet for years before being discovered.

Because he's too stupid to understand it, no matter how much she explains it too him, and reading through this thread, I can definitely see why.

Because otherwise the brainlet Simon would throw a tantrum and the ARK would be lost

>files don't change location when moving data between drives

Attached: 1509841017617.gif (1221x1007, 142K)

how did he time travel 100 years in the future if he died from his brain problem

stop replying to baits

also think about this. the space itself could just be considered a plain of informations, so every Planck time or whatever "you" are dying and a new "you" is there

>the ARK would be lost
oh goodie a useless simulation floating through space, humanity is saved :D
Better to stay down in PATHOS and try to engineer a human-machine hybrid race and recolonize earth.

The analogy is fine because Catherine explains it to a literal brainlet (brain-damaged Simon).
It's good enough because it means he doesn't have to think about the implications too hard, even though it doesn't accurately explain how the process really works.

Between drives there's no functional difference between cutting and copying, how stupid are you?

>This entire fucking thread

Attached: 1510002559721.png (394x379, 19K)

>SOMA is just the prequel to Splatoon where the WAU infected squids with structure gel and turned them into land dwelling fucks who like to have turf wars

>it's been shown to make a copy without destroying the original at least once with a second Riker being left behind on a planet for years before being discovered.

That's exactly the episode I was thinking of. With that in mind I dont think I'd want to take one.

The new one would remember his original body too.
The real question is if you're unconscious when the cloning happens.

If you're unconscious, when you wake up you have no way of knowing who you are.
If you're conscious, you know you're the original one.

wow, you just said what I was initially saying
next time don't move the goalposts and pretend to be smart you dumbass

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Wrong retard, he would've understood if she didn't obscure the truth from him multiple times, which is why she hid the truth in the first place.
oh boo hoo a useless simulation that'll die in like 300 years won't be launched. there is ZERO (0) value to that bullshit

Our brain is just a collection of neurons that send signals to each other. If they were meticulously copied, from the point of view of the brain copy, it would just be in another place. From the point of view of the brain being copied, nothing happened. When you start the game, the original Simon is long dead, and you're just copy data the WAU dumped into a spare exosuit. Simon 1 doesnt go anywhere he has an unsuccessful operation and dies shortly after; the perspective of the game changes to simon 2 when you "wake up".

You go back to the same state you were at before you were born. No sense of time, no thoughts, no feelings, not even blackness. Reentering the void really isn't so bad.

Attached: 02-wallpaper_soma_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 902K)

>you are going to die

Attached: 1502841157148.gif (270x175, 1.78M)

the story is a 10 the gameplay not so much

Every time. Every fucking time this thread turns out the same way. Can't you faggots just discuss the game instead of proving your idiocy by not understanding how the consciousness transference works?

>you are going to die

Attached: 1391488101358 (1).png (800x750, 20K)

thank fucking god, immortality is overrated

>If you're conscious, you know you're the original one.

You being conscious has no bearing on whether or not you're the original or the copy.

>Can't you faggots just discuss the game instead of proving your idiocy by not understanding how the consciousness transference works?
Can you?

300 posts of retards failing to understand the implications of duplicating consciousness. It is a coin toss.

I want to fuck Catherine Chun

She's a lesbian though.

Stop posting bait. This is your last warning.

>ctrl-f coin
>46 results
>actually give a glimpse to the posts
>a bait, a couple user that are trying to make the thing have sense playing with words and 43 triggered autists

My bad, my point is quite simple and doesn't bring anything.

Given the scope I've provided: during the conscience "transfer", if you're put unconscious, you can't know if you are a clone or if you are the original.
But if you are not unconscious, there's 0% chance that you are a copy.
A copy won't be at the same place at the same time.

>go to Catherine's room
>She will talk to you about almost everything you pick up
>Pick up her underwear or bra
>Says nothing

Fuck that stupid lesbian liar, and fuck this game for being 2deep4u. I would've thrown the arc into a trash compactor. Fuck future me, if I don't get to go to paradise, that cunt isn't either.

>finally manage to sneak past him after throwing some shit to distract him
>everything is pitch black
>”Now that he’s far away, I better go dig up all the lore and shit here”
>open door to crews quarters
Tau was something else

Could feel my heart pounding the entire time

Oh, I see what you're saying.

>we were born too early to live forever


don't worry user, there is no living forever, even if you go trillions of years the universe isn't gonna let you live forever

>meeting the last human

Attached: 1539742875443.jpg (960x960, 92K)

>game switches around the paradise and transfer failure scenes so the after-credits scene is Simon dying alone instead of the scene where he meets Catherine

Why didn't they do this?

Attached: 1451838314621.png (340x340, 159K)

They probably wanted a "happy" ending

>Giving the last human an assisted suicide

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>staying with her when she asks you to kill her

Attached: 1452630007911.png (382x396, 54K)

Any music been leaked yet?

I never said it would be consensual.

The WAU invented the Ark in the first place. It is more than capable of building functional humans it just takes time. He created Simon and he would eventually create something that would assist in his goal or reach it on his own.

>it’s been years and people are still completely wrong about what’s happening in this game
They really did make a winner didn’t they?

Something happens to "you" after you die, but what? My fear of death is becoming worse every day since I don't know if I'm right or wrong about what I think I know about. I DO know that mental illness is inevitable to all humans, so we're fucked in that way at least.

I need to achieve a new state of existence. There is literally no other way to survive for at least over a hundred thousand years.

>I guess it's a good and bad ending all rolled into one, but it's strange that that particular choice has no meaning.
That's pretty much it. The WAU is just an AI running on machine logic and not intentionally malicious. That's kind of what that particular choice not meaning anything is meant to reinforce. You don't have many options, and are too small to make a big difference or cause any real change. You're just trying to squeak by and accomplish something because you have nothing.
On a side note: this is the first thread where i've seen stupid to the degree that Simon being as massive an idiot as he was seems more believable. We have the benefit of being an outsider looking in and being able to go back and look at everything multiple times and still have people fucking this up.

I don't think the WAU wanted to "create" humans. It wanted to figure out a way for humans to live indefinitely given the constraints that it had. It could no longer guarantee food, air, or clean water post-impact. That's because these things required regular deliveries of supplies. So it began to decide on a suitable alternative to biological humans. It decided that a brainscan put into an artificial body was "good enough", because these artificial bodies really just needed electricity to function. Since PATHOS-II started as an underwater power station, electricity was in ample supply.
I think the WAU's vivarium came first. Put all the humans into a little box with a power cord. Nice and easy to maintain. But they wouldn't stay still, wouldn't use the pilot seats enough to copy everyone. So it decided on mockingbirds. Put people into machines and then kill whoever it could. This meant that new people would use the pilot seats and it could copy their brains. Remember, the WAU wanted to protect everyone. But as a result of its programming, it began to see protection as something that we humans don't see as protection.
We're all in this together man. Billions have died before you and billions will die after. Part of experiencing existence is knowing that it will be over. I like to think that eventually we come to terms with it. Either in old age, or through experiencing life as it happens. We're all going to die, and we'll all see what comes next. As of now, there's nothing you can really do to prevent it, so why worry or fear it so much?

>so why worry or fear it so much?

Lack of evidence, and an irrational fear of being stuck in something unable to do anything, and the fear of dying an extremely agonizing and tormenting and inevitably unstoppable death, with your perception of time becoming distorted to the point that you would believe that a literal infinity is being experienced in nothing but pain.


I mean, I get it. That fear. But there's really nothing you can do about it. I'd like to think that eventually you just come to terms with it. Or hope that your death comes quickly and you don't have any time to worry about that transition.
I don't really know what you can do about irrational fears, or fears about things that are inevitable. I guess the fear of death isn't irrational though. It will happen eventually, to everyone. I think it's a normal fear. Probably why so many people take comfort in religion.
I guess you could think about the time before you were born. Is that like death? You didn't exist, and the world went on. It wasn't endless pain and torment, it was just not existing. I don't really know how to make you feel better, and I also think about what happens after death and get freaked out a bit. I just try not to think about it and realize that basically everyone has to go through the same thing as well. We all face it at some point, and nobody really knows of the best way to begin preparing for it. And everyone that has experienced it isn't going to be telling us any time soon.

>take comfort in religion
Religion isn't much comfort though cause then you start thinking about hell and which decisions in life might damn you to it and which won't.

The Prestige did the twist way better.

>But there's really nothing you can do about it

Unfortunately you are right about that. Unless if some random nuclear bomb suddenly teleported right next to me and detonated, then my death would be 100% painless, since our nerves can't travel even close to a lightning strike, we would be disintegrated into a trillion quantum particles before we realized we "died off".

Nuke in your face = Best death ever.

The prestige believes in the coin toss though, from what I remember.

Well I'm not saying that is the solution, just that as I've grown older I understand why people buy into it more. When you're young and feel invincible maybe it seems stupid or pointless, but as you get older and begin to realize your own mortality I can see the appeal. I don't think I've come around to that point yet, but yeah, I see the appeal to some degree.
I kinda think I'd prefer a relatively slow death. Not painful, hopefully, but I'd like to understand I'm slipping out of this existence. Maybe in that time I'd be able to make my peace with the world and come to terms with it, as it's happening. Maybe not, I dunno. But there's tons of ways to die quickly, and non really give you any time to reflect on your life. Slowly fading away, like drifting off to sleep kind of appeals to me for some reason.

You can't violate causality. It is physically impossible to have an identical copy of your brain existing at the same time as another. You would ALWAYS break continuity no matter how fast you could transfer the information.

I mean, in theory, if you were exceptionally advanced in quantum physics and could theoretically create an entangled brain that exists simultaneously with yours, you could shut off the original with no "gap" because they had identical states.

What if you had nanites that entered your brain and replaced a brain cell with a mechanical/digital analog, one cell at a time. Go all Theseus ship on the motherfucker? Then once the brain is fully digital, cut and paste it to the SSD?

that's the preferred philosophical solution but it still trips the continuity argument

If the state is not identical what comes out of it is not you, but a copy divorced from your original stream of consciousness. It'd be like dying by degrees

When will a hero arise to fight and destroy the personification of entropy?

No, the copy and the "original" always think they are the same person, one used a gun to shoot the other and after that each copy was drowned. There was no coin flip, they each thought they were the original and the drowning tank ensured that only one would make it out instead of having to shoot the other one. Bringing up the coin toss in that movie was more about the fear of the mind not knowing which box he'd think he ended up in, that part was just a mental thing.

or not copy was drowned, i think the first one to step into the box dies so the copy is always the one that walked out, either way, they both had the same memories and everything up till that point so they both thought they were the prime

On the SOMA website there are some short stories, one of them is about a girl who gets sick of life in the abyss and fucking climbs the space gun to reach the surface. On the support platform for the gun there is a comfy little dwelling of some kind. There she finds some alcohol, some books and a change of clothes and sits outside and watches the sunset over the sea while dying from inhaling the toxic atmosphere.

Theoretically Simon could do the same, and he would even be immune to the poisonous air. But the story also says something along the lines of "this had never been attempted before, and would never be attempted again" so who the fuck knows.

Catharine implicitly tells him that it's a 50/50 cointoss, multiple times in fact. Why wouldn't he trust the future scientist?

Simon's not the smartest guy but he's far from stupid like retards in these threads like to parrot because they didnt actually play the game.

He's literally a primitive brain scan of a brain damaged patient.

The issue is thinking there's a "real person" to begin with. One copy of the data stays in the original body, and the other copy is transferred to the Ark or wherever. They are indistinguishable, so which copy goes where? A coin toss.

Did you unplugged her or not? if yes, did you stay with her until she died?

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Yes and yes. It was the least I could do.

What's that vaporware lunar base game called?


Any updates or is it still dead

>Catherine lied to you
How to spot a complete retard

TLDR Dude ghosted his dev team, they gave up. he tried to solo the project went insane and deleted everything. so its dead

Not like he didnt live through the whole "Oh wait, so it just copies me? So there is another me out there running around now? Huh.." He just "forgot" to make the ending have impact.

Sad, same thing happened to that game about alien abductions.

Yeah.. Very little in the way of good horror games coming out anymore.

Simon did have brain damage, so I guess that explains why he's so retarded.

How the fuck is Simon a retard for going through? Wouldn't you do it in the HOPES that you experience the transfer? What the fuck else is he supposed to do? He's a robot and the world is literally destroyed. He has no other options besides death.

Anyone think this whole premise of "we put your brain in a computer; you can't distinguish what is and isn't human" kinda retarded?
Like scifi is scifi, but i can't suspend my disbalief enough to pretend any of that shit is remotely possible. Like something that ridiculous should at least explore the wild ramifications of brain emulation, not this gay ass life after death shit.

The Talos Principle


the premise is entirely plausible.

Had no idea a game actually did this. Thanks user

Retard. He's a retard for somehow not comprehending how the "transfer" works despite it being explained to him multiple times and him LITERALLY having to do it once before on HIMSELF and dealing with the aftermath of that in one way or another.
Yeah it's dumb, but i'm pretty sure most people give it a pass since it's not really a big deal. It might've been a bit more believable if there was more than just Catherine who recognized she was in a robot.

>Despite us thinking the brain "turns off" when we got to sleep
Literally nobody thinks that


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The same kind of thing happens in so many indie games it's not even funny. The lead dev comes out with a demo/trailer/announcement and it's met with plenty of hype and anticipation. Weeks/months/years then follow of either radio silence or sporadic progress updates. At some point all announcements stop and the game is for all intents and purposes vaporware. Bonus points if when the project dies all sorts of drama comes out about how shitty the development was and the lead dev turns out to be completely delusional. Extra bonus points if loads of money mysteriously goes missing. Fucking RIP limit theory.

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That's the end of the game. Actual retard Simon came up with the analogy. The coin toss isn't referring to whoever is copied magically transferring their consciousness.

What drugs do you have to use to think this shit up? Sure their iq is 100 points higher than mine, but that doesn't mean much when it's wasted on meme theories like that


It's like this. There are two rooms: the transfer room and the destination room. They both look absolutely identical to each other. Once the copy is done, neither person can know for sure whether or not they're still the original or the clone, since everything is still exactly the same and both people remember the same room. They'd only know the truth once they exit that room into whatever lies beyond. So from their perspective, there's a coin toss going on.

How the fuck do we translate conciousness when we hardly understand what it even is? How do you perfectly maintain said concious after death when even people waking up from comas can disassociate from their memories? How the fuck do you see human parts on your robot body on top of computers magically being able to percieve in the first place? Like even if you give all this shit a pass, the premise of SOMA explores that setting in the gayest way possible.


Mapping =/= replicating

>the point
>your head


If you call Omicron in the Comm center at Upsilon, Ross will answer. Strasky also answers if you call Theta.

Good story. I preferred A Beast Like Any Other though. Keep in mind how Simon handled underwater and how the ladder snapped out from under him before the first chase sequence. I doubt Simon could make the trip up considering his weight and the fact most of the working electronics/equipment got WAU'd

SOMA was never a perfect game, but the fact that some people misunderstand (willingly or not) one of the core issues of the game is pretty telling. There are so many other things to discuss about the game, but you'll never give up on this one almost arbitrary notion.
There is no coin toss, there never was.

>There is no coin toss
It's a metaphor for whether you get to have the lucky existence or not. Every living thing that has ever existed won or lost the coin toss.

SOMA is fucking trash
play silent hill

Its only a plotpoint to get Simen to launch the ARK stop fucking using it its not a good metaphor.

I explained it exactly how it's used in the game. The fact that you think it's dumb is irrelevant.

Silentfags are the same as Thiefags:
Both are insufferable.

Unless there really is a supernatural element to consciousness beyond our understanding you would always end up at the bottom of that ocean

that's deep

Continuity of consciousness is the difference.

Isn’t that how teleporting works in Star Trek?

>the original or the clone
It’s totally irrelevant. That’s the point. The original Simon was from ages ago. You merely play as his saved consciousness. The game switches POV into the new body purely for narrative reasons.

Doesn't really matter because no matter what she was never the last human. Current Year Technology today means Humanity will never go extinct from nuclear war or a meteor strike. The rich powerful elite like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Rothschilds and their close family, their servants and private army with their families will be sitting pretty in some underground utopia full of preserved food, advanced filtration units that will recycle every drop of turd water for atleast ten generations, tree farms for oxygen with hydroponic gardebs for regrowable food. And either they wait for the surface to cool off to recolonize or they expand underground creating a small city with technology continuing to advance to leave and find a new planet.

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I know. I'm just saying how it looks from their perspective.

>Implying any of those punk ass copies are the real simon
OG Simon lived his life in the past and died normally
The pointless copies are condemned to their fates for humanities hubris and general stupidity coupled with the desperate primal avoidance of death without the societal thought for quality of life

>all of these brainlets who fell for the "coinflip" meme
Holy shit, i didnt think Soma was even close to the being well written and yet it seems like its too complex for some idiots here. I guess my overestimation of the average player IQ has stopped me from giving enough praise to what it decided to present and how it did. Maybe Soma will stay as one of vidya classics in terms of themes just like FFTA after all.

Also, being a dumbass canadian cuck that can't handle tough choices also didn't help.

Seriously, he bitches and moans during the whole game and bitches and moans even more in the end when the woman told him SOMEONE would be left behind.

It all pointless anyways because their plan is a coward's choice. They had infinite time to do anything else besides a dumbass pseudo-matrix heaven that can be destroyed at any moment by any stray space debris.

If they were smart in any way, shape or form, they'd try to study the black goop and use it to remake human DNA and, maybe centuries down the road, actual humans.

lol wut? They created synthetic life. OG Simon was probably a wagie who died like a bitch.

it's pretty obvious since he never flips a coin in the entire game

Ark is 100% a bad ending. You're doomed there no matter what you do, you can't effect change and save yourselves.

Earth will be saved eventually.

You don't understand it at all. She was lying, you can't transfer data. Only stupid/ignorant people don't grasp that. Data never goes anywhere. You don't actually send an item anywhere and no item is sent to you. Everything stays exactly where it is on a computer. Instructions on how to build a copy are what is sent.

She knew from the start that they were both going to be left behind.

>They had infinite time
Isn't a very huge plot point in the game that the exact opposite is true and that they were very rushed for time and had to simply take the first option they could?

>She knew from the start that they were both going to be left behind.
Yes, and she was very, very clear the entire time about that and that you were just copying yourself - not transferring. On top of that, literally all the data logs you have picked up and all the recordings you heard said that as well.

She wasn't lying. Simon and you are just idiots.

Incorrect, even the dev said she was deceiving him. You are in fact the stupid one here, because she KNEW he didn't actually understand what she was telling him. And she took advantage of that. I haven't played this since around release and you have no excuse for not catching that yourself.

I don't give a shit what the dev said. If that was the case, he did not show it at all in game, and stated the exact opposite was true in game numerous times. It's very, very clearly stated, even in the fucking achievements when you decide whether or not to unplug your first transfer.

If that was the writer's intention, he's a shit writer.

Always funny when Dunning-Krugers come in to insult people who understand an analogy that they don't.

Didn't read your post, stay mad.

This, there's no good ending.

quote from the game
>I didn't lie! I can't be responsible for your goddamn ignorance, you fucki-
She says this after simon starts sperging out at the end of the game
Congrats, you are a dumb as simon

In reality they're fallible humans and could just die at random from being in the wrong place at the wrong time if the wrong kind of war broke out and they're all beta nerds with no real life experience who'd die if anything went wrong with whatever survival procedure or any of their underling grunts weren't happy with them.

I was trying to have a discussion and thought you were too. Why are you proud of making a place you spend so much time a worse place to be?

The monsters fucking suck.

>even the dev said she was deceiving him

Hidden, didn't read.

Goddamn you are stupid. She's revealing there that she was tricking him, how do you not grasp that? She knew he was ignorant.

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>telling the truth is actually means your lying if they don't understand the truth

When you're aware they don't understand what it means and you use that to your advantage, yes. There's a legal term for it and everything and it has jail time if it is the cause of anything major.

The bad end is you killing the WAU. It either destroys or heavily delays its attempt to save humanity in the current barren ecosystem. The WAU was seeking ways to preserve the remnants of mankind, but potentially also to evolve it to something reasonable.

Catherine was 100% straight with Simon throughout the entire game. She had no reason to believe he didn't know what was going to happen, especially, after creating "Simon 2".

*Simon 3

Nah, the rush was because the black goop thingy was fucking up the facility. In the end you shove your armor hand in its goophole and stop it.

Nah, you can tell from how he talks that he doesn't understand. If you, a layperson that isn't a gifted super-scientist can understand that, then she understands it several times beyond that and is planning to use it.

Don't bother, he's just shitposting at this point.

That's your headcanon. The concept of making a copy of your conscience is pretty simple. If I, a layperson that isn't a gifted super-scientist can understand that, then why can't Simon?

Nope, your soul receives judgment. Everything makes so much sense once you stop thinking of God as some impossible magic and really an advanced being beyond yourself. Even if you have to believe its in the term of simulation theory (Which means you were created no matter what if you still refused to believe in God) since math simply states the chance of any sapient race being a natural "real" one is lower than being a simulated one...

Hidden, didn't read. Can't waste my time on stupid people.

>his scan wasn't ever used until the WAU reanimated him.

He still wouldn't know, even if it was. Because he's not the original Simon and he's not any of the copies there may have been in between.
He's the one we encounter.

>imagine being a lietard

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The elite are going to see the big one coming long before the nuclear sirens are blaring. There is no "wrong place at the wrong time" if there's a potential that the surface is going to be an uninhabitable hellhole. And the grunts wouldn't be happy if they're on the elites six figure payroll with health benefits and free liquor.

I actually can't remember, is there any indication of how long humanity has basically been reduced to a bunch of AI simulations before Simon gets activated?
Have any humans been alive even recently?

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If Is taken to account the rich elite left in advance to their 500 million dollar underground beneath bedrock reinforced with layers of lead plating, steel and concrete complex full of things to keep at least 10 generations alive with the means to continue advancing technology to either recolonize the surface or find a new planet.

IIRC everything goes to shit a year or two after the comet kills everyone. The underwater facility was made for science, not a fallout shelter

Not all of humanity is in that shitty fish tnk though.

As far as the game concerned, PATHOS-II was the only inhabitable place left on earth.

why did they make a crazy robot instead of putting penis in vagina

I guess for the game but reality just doesn't match up. The 2100's versions of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Rothschilds and Rosenbergs wont let themselves die with the masses.

what the fuck happened to the voice acting in this game? both amnesia games had great VAs

Being the world richest person doesn't mean you can escape a world ending cataclysm. I'm sure they tried though.

Yes it does because thry can afford anything and everything. Their 500million dollar underground utopia in Argentina can withstand nuclear armageddon or Texas size meteor strike.

>Survive a Texas size meteor strike.

They're not living in the surface you frickin' moron.

was it autism?

Public isn't told about world ending meteoroids. We get 2 chances of them every year and so far the rich have not been ducking each time. NASA employees for example are told to stay at work if they discover a world ender, since NASA deciding to shut down during 1 of the 2 passes through meteor fields would tell everyone that apocalypse is coming.

>2 chances of them every year

>this entire thread

Maybe you will, but not me.

no shit user. Estimates say a meteor 8 miles across could wipe out all surface life. Texas is about 750 miles across. The quakes would crumble any underground shelter.

That's why it's dug into bedrock with some advanced siesmic absorption shock platforms. Honestly what the fuck do you think 500 million dollars would buy? Some shitty backyard trapdoor shelter? No it's going to be some advanced top of the line shit money can buy.

presumably one consciousness will experience continuity to the new destination, while another will experience continuity going nowhere

If we get so many brushes with the apocalypse why don't we have anything in development to intercept and destroy/capture/redirect meteors?

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i think you're entering the hundreds of billions of dollars territory

Firstly, bedrock doesn't make structures immune from earth shattering shock-waves. Secondly, 500 million is nothing. It would cost billions to make what you describe. You are vastly underestimating the destructive power of physics.

these threads attract so many fucking brainlets. why do i check them every time?

>Did they forget to make a bad ending?
No. If you kill the WAU you've effectively doomed the last ditch effort at saving mankind. That's the bad ending. If you let it live there is still hope, that's the good ending.
Either way your copy got to the VR paradise inside a satellite that's one day gonna malfunction/crash/run out of power.

I thought both simon and especially catherine were great. Both sounded very real.

No, in Trek supposedly the original isn't destroyed, you maintain consciousness throughout the beaming process. This was illustrated in a dumb af episode where Barkley saw creatures swarming around during the transport and thought he was suffering from transporter psychosis. Turned that no there were actually creatures swarming around in subspace or where ever the fuck they claim you are while in transport. Then again there was another episode where they had trouble transporting Riker off a planet and ended up leaving him behind only they didn't realize it because a second Riker appeared on the ship due to a unrealized transporter error. That clearly implied that the damn thing makes a copy and normally destroys the original in rhe process. Basically Trek is inconsistent af about this.

The life the WAU provides is described like hell.

stop saying af you faggot

Simon takes Catherine's real body back up on the climber. He uses the liquid up there to fix her cortex chip and install it in her original body. They proceed to have make-up zombie cyborg lesbian sex and living happily ever after.

The WAU destroyed mankind's last ditch effort to survive because the WAU has no concept of humanity. Anything the WAU would make could be considered life, but not human.

WAU was learning, and his newest experiment - ingame simon - works out pretty great. The structure gel is versatile as fuck and has infinite possibilites. Give it few years/decades and it might create human like artificial bodies with not-fucked up brain scans of people. It could help repopulate Earth.
Even if it wouldn't manage to do all that, at least it was trying to do something. What the ARK was was pure escapism with no future.

>triggered af

you could say those people are pretty naive

>What the ARK was was pure escapism with no future.
why? because it's digital? Life on the ARK is just as real this existence.

>brainlets in this thread STILL quoting the 50/50 chance concept

There is no 50/50 you fucking spergs. The machine makes a copy of you, there is no transfer involved.

The real guy died back in the present day from a brain tumour or whatever. The whole game except from the first 5 mins is you playing as his copy in the future and copying yourself into new bodies.

sometimes im kept up at night thinking about how WAU is the greatest antagonist in any videogame ever created.

So why did the last copy into the Arc not work as expected?

except it did?

>I feel like your mind is barely existing in one place as it is.

If you read the notes at the end of the game or literally asks Simon if he's ok accepting his new "life"

Notes through the game also say that many people rejected it, they'd rather die than copy themselves into the ark because they didn't agree with it.

The last human alive is the woman hooked up to the life support machine, everyone else either killed themselves, copied their conciousness to the ark or got trapped in the freaky machines that wander about.

I have nothing against digital existence, but the ARK has no means to interact with the real world and as such it can't evolve in any way. The hardware will still be the same, the population/world inside the ARK can't grow above the limits of its hardware. It can't save itself from it's inevitable doom, be it in a few years or a few thousand years.

think of it like this: Until said meteor was announced to strike the earth, none of them though they'd have any need for a survivalist bunker - needless spending. And since you can't exactly build one over night, and since anyone owning one is going to hold on to it during such a crisis, well..

this used to keep me up at night as a teenager and now i have a name for it

People misunderstood concept of "coin flip" in this game. Some people think the "coin flip" means your chance to be transferred into your new body but this thing doesn't work this way.
When Catherine talks about "coin flip" she means your luck. You are just shit out of luck because you will get stuck after your copy will proceed, you aren't as lucky as your copy because you are there before your copy and your copy will always be better off than you in this game. It isn't so hard to get.

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Also, the WAU was trying to help the humans even when they were alive (it built the Vivarium for them), it only went apeshit when they started killing themselves because they were as retarded as fucking Simon. They were fucking scientists and they still thought that when they kill themselves after the transfer, her "consciousness" or "soul" or whatever somehow travels into the copy. WAU was programmed to keep the humans alive so it went like OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO and it started to do all that shit in desperation.
They could've easily work together with it.

chill and wait for the WAU to fix humanity, which it basically did by creating a lucid and non-insane Simon

unless you killed the wau, then you're fucked.

I think it's fairly heavily implied that the WAU is slowly working through iterations of new life to try and create lifeforms that can survive in a post asteroid world.

It's definitely getting better at it's creations as time goes on. Goes from shitty fish constructs and retarded robots who dont even know what they are, to the dude at the end, whose fully cognizant and super strong and shit.

I think that if you leave the WAU alive and allow it to continue, it'll eventually create life that can survive and flourish.

When you're worth billions of dollars your definition of worthless spending changes. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some state of the art private SHTF survival bunkers around.

my friend took one look, stole the ark, turned off her life support, and just walked out on her

Required viewing.
nfb.ca/film/to_be/ (1080)

I see your point but I'd still go for the ARK. Life is cruel, painful, and unjust for the vast majority. Even with it's pleasures, life is overrate.

Yes to both. No way could I leave her alone to die.

I know none of the choices in the game really mattered in the end, but I still felt more impact from the choices I made, than I have in almost any other game.

They definitely did a good job in that regard, giving your choices weight.

Do you realize that they could just upload themselves into the ARK and leave it where it was? WAU would've eventually connected it to power supply and down the line maybe made sure to upgrade it? They didn't have to fucking launch it into space where there was no hope.

They didn't want the WAU to get its hands on the ARK. The WAU would have corrupted it into it's own making.

WAU didn't want to "corrupt" shit, it was perfectly fine with live humans on the pathos-2 and it would have been perfectly fine with the ARK, as I said, it even helped them to create it.

A Texas sized meteor wouldn't give a rat's ass about how far below the surface you were hiding. Something like that hitting the Earth would likely punch through to the mantle and cause the crust to crumble.

It would literally kill everything on the planet, without question.

Wasn't it something to do with the planet itself that caused it to fuck up? Like some sort of energy or radiation or some shit?

Your friend sounds like a sociopath.

the only thing the surviving humans (and most people who played this game apparently) think the WAU does is turn people into monsters and generally fuck everything up.

he just wanted to fuck with me for taking the game seriously but hey you might be right

>it was perfectly fine with live humans on the pathos-2 and it would have been perfectly fine with the ARK
If you ignore the abominations and the little personal hells it made for the brainscans, then yeah, perfectly, fine indeed.


or just google Taurid

I meant until they started killing themselves.
It didn't "corrupt" anything, it just struggled with making a new human from scratch. It got progressively better at it though, proof being Simon.

I don't know why that's assumed, that there were no other efforts made elsewhere to survive the apocalypse, bigass Fallout vaults or whatev

you said there were 2 chances of world ending meteors every year, cite the part of the article confirming what you said

Yeah something in the atmosphere caused the transporter to lose its lock on him while trying to beam him up so they locked on with a second beam if I remember correctly. One beam made it thru, the other didn't and left him behind.

there might have been efforts but a structure like pathos could never be built in the time they had.

Says who? It's the future, they got robots and shit

why are you people so fucking stupid? The point isn't to make you question whether or not they're real. The point is that they aren't the same person you've been playing as. You play as 4 different copies of Simon throughout the game. The Ark ones are just more copies. The Simon you played at the start of the game has been dead for 100 years. The Simon you played after that is either dead or sitting inactive in a booth. The Simon you were playing after you launched the Ark is left alone at the bottom of the ocean. The Simon you play on the Ark is a new, fourth Simon, who gets to enjoy eternity in a perfect computer simulation because of the sacrifices of Simons 2 and 3, which they made unknowingly because they were 100 year old copies of the mind of a dude with brain damage haphazardly jammed into diving suit control chips by an insane AI and weren't smart enough to realize they wouldn't get to go on the Ark. And why the fuck would the Ark have anything to do with the WAU? Whether you kill WAU or not, the ARK gets fired into space well beyond its reach. That's the point, the Ark is a simulation where simulations of humans get to live out their simulated lives. They're "real", in that they are a thing that exists, but they're a computer program designed to emulate human beings, which are extinct.

Thats the Taurid field. Twice a year, on June and October, Earth travels through a meteor field. Every time theres a risk involved that something large is going to collide with us.

You sound like the insane user here who defines his self based on semantics and so if every cell of a brain ends up different it's somehow no longer the same person and if a copy of your consciousness is made it somehow is the same person despite being separate. The whole point of gradual neuron replacement is the maintenance of the stream of consciousness. Every neuron gets an equivalent nanite that is connected to every neuron that the original is connected to, it replicates that neuron's state and destroys the original and its connections while maintaining its connections. Absolutely no change is done to the consciousness active in that brain. Every electrochemical message keeps going through the same way. All the way until the last neuron has been replaced.

Attached: dyhasftbtu.jpg (207x253, 8K)

Huh, they think the Tunguska explosion was due to this swarm. I didn't know that.

the article literally says they're usually well behaved and doesn't mention anything world ending
it says 1975 and 2015, just admit you were heavily exaggerating

There's no good end, the fuck is you smoking bro

This, they need to go back to the Amnesia model, shit was so cash

I think Catherine said in game that ARK would last about decade in Pathos, while it would last thousands of years in space

Does it really matter how long it lasts? Either way it's an artifact of a long dead species that will likely never be discovered by anyone else.

>the analog to the real world would be the physical body, which doesn't impact the actual consciousness itself
[citation needed]

All of them are bad endings

It's a horror game of course they're all bad endings!

SOMA was a masterpiece
Great game, great story

>I think Catherine said in game that ARK would last about decade in Pathos
But why? Did geothermal energy suddenly vanish? As I said, WAU would most likely make sure the ARK was safe and powered.

A signal-broadcasting reinforced satellite on orbit is still more likely to be discovered than a decaying base under miles of water. Even though both are astronomically unlikely, one is still more likely than the other. With good enough technology a satellite can last for the 4 billion years our sun has hydrogen left. That is enough time for alien life on a planet around another star emerging from proteins in mud right now being able to evolve to sentience and into a space-faring civilization before it's too late to intercept our signal and come find us. Hell, with a lucky enough evolutionary progression that is enough time for a star system and its planets to form from supernova remnants and enough time for life on those planets to evolve to come find us.

>new simon gets to live in paradise with an azn qt for a millennium
>bad ending

The WAU would probably try to extract people from the ARK and revive them in Pathos II as miserable robo-zombies.

dont worry, WAU would just make a copy!

I don't feel like Catherine ever had ill intentions. She did TRY to tell Simon, though I don't think she really wanted him to know. If he knew he left multiple unwilling copies of his mind behind to get to the Ark, he would probably be plagued by guilt. He's already proven to her to be irrational, remorseful and volatile when concerning copying consciousnesses. Catherine's previous copy at least was prepared to sacrifice herself, so her mind is relatively at ease.


Yeah, equally real and valuable copies. To the copy, it would be as if they were suddenly just pulled back into hell after tasting utopia. Or, what if the WAU saw the Ark as the haven for humanity it was claimed to be and started uploading its crazies into it.

>its crazies
he only stored and uploaded perfectly normal copies of people, the same as were on the ARK

Soma threads always start a lengthy discussion.

>game goes from 4/5 to 5/5 when you remove the "dude so spooky, it's totally not a walking simulator" parts
the only thing worse than a walking simulator is a walking simulator you have to do multiple times

I miss the ARG threads, good times

>he can't hop between universes
fucking loser

>soma thread hitting the bump limit in 2019
Bizarro Yea Forums.

Also I hope whatever is Frictional's next game can match SOMA in writing, as SOMA has unironically some of the best writing of all vidya.

>and there are signs the planet is getting better
The final cutscene shows that the continents are on fucking fire. The atmosphere seems to have been burned away. There is no way life on earth would survive more than a few years post-impact.

Every SOMA thread is the same
>Catherine a BITCH
>50/50 chance derp
>muh WAU fuhrer
>space disneyland!

I mean, you could basically take any thread of a popular Yea Forums-core game and notice a similar pattern.

The DUNBAT! :3

Attached: Catherine.jpg (700x914, 554K)

Guys, guys, guys,

Simon had BRAIN DAMAGE. The protagonist of our story was LITERARY RETARDED.

Of course he didn't understand shit.

Attached: 1559214557417.png (1080x1284, 937K)

It’s a choice between killing a cybernetic tumor or letting it grow and evolve as the new dominant Terran lifeform

Remember that WAU made it's own ARK called the "Vivarium".


Are you retarded? The fact that his brain was damaged and had internal bleeding doesn't mean his IQ dropped into retarded levels. That's not how brain damage works (at least most of the time). He might have seizures, losses of consciousness, brain fog etc, but he didn't suddenly become retarded.

except it's got human survival in mind, it's learning and evolving, and given it already has nanotech there is literally nothing it cannot do

With no omnitool? Sit in that room until his battery ran out.

I thought the WAU ending was done well. It wasnt meant to give you immediate results based on your choice. It was meant to be something you ruminate on, considering what might happen it lives or dies

Dumb coin flip nigger
Pay attention to the story

This guy is sorta right when he says there is no coin flip. We don't ever actually change bodies as in "Simon goes from Toronto to Diving Suit". That only happens so that the game can continue, else we'd go home in Toronto and eat dinner. The only reason we don't change perspective at the end of the game is so it can say "Look what a twist" when you knew that all along, because you saw Simon in the robo-suit and you knew that he was still there and Catherine tells you that. You even have the option to kill that version of Simon. But if the game didn't force you to swap (there's no coin flip, it's just so the plot can continue), you'd be sitting in that chair and then Simon would walk in and kill you.

The game the Turing Test lays it out in a very interesting fashion.
The AI in that game says that it can't figure out the puzzles, and the Player Character asks how they would solve this one. The AI suggests that you put a box on a button earlier. Perhaps you should cut your arm off and put it on the button. Earlier you also threw a box through a window. Perhaps you should throw yourself through the window. He's trying to work it out, but unlike Darwin, he has no way of biologically figuring things out. He's just trying to randomly optimise.

I thought he might have just been blocking out the possibility that the ark wasn't his ticket out of the underwater shithole to keep himself going

As far as I'm concerned there is no evidence for a coin flip at any point since the game always unfolds the way that shows the maximum amount of the story. If everything before the Ark is a memory there aren't even any plot holes. And since the coin flip makes no physiological sense in any way whatsoever I conclude that it doesn't happen at all.

The best horror game since Silent Hill 2 and one of the few games with a story that will stand the test of time

Maybe some people are jaded here, and yea, it's mostly all scientific theory rambling with only a very base-level handling of it's topics, but it effectively communicates the themes through it's narrative and horror elements

Worst part about the game, like SH 2, is how it handles the enemies you have to avoid. Like SH2, it's an interactive masterpiece of storytelling.

Pure Ludo

>its not an real AI
it's the realest AI that has probably ever been depicted in a video game or a movie

None of the choices in the game actually matter, they are only there for you to pick the interpretation of the events that suits you.

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>it cant comprehend what life is and why it things those weird monsters are no different from humans
But it can comprehend that, what do you think Simon is? It doesn't know right away what to do, at first it thinks if it just uploads human minds into the robots it'll all be alright, but as you can see those immediately go crazy. It can't destroy them since his directive is to preserve life at all costs (and it considers them alive), but it sees that they aren't perfect, so it tries to make artificial bodies for the minds, but it kinda fails at that because it doesn't know how to make a human body, so it fucks up a few times until it makes Simon.