Fitting an NES game in 40 kb

I asked what you would do differently and you haven't responded, instead calling it stupid as if your opinion has any value by itself. Makes me think you're some kind of child.

Amazing? How old are you? Is this your first time seeing a NES game or something?

Is there a video that explain this wizardry ? I just can't believe that once the game is open that we only use 96kb of memory

>I asked what you would do differently and you haven't responded
Maybe because I don't care ? What answer are you expecting when there's not many possibilities and when they explain it literally 3 seconds later in the video ?

>use 96kb of memory
That's because it doesn't, it procedurally generates most of the assets. The game's actual size during running is 200-300MBs.

I hate assholes who complain about things but don't even attempt at offering a solution. Grow up.

Possibly because the game is far more sophisticated than Super Mario Bros and because it isn't using any add-on chips and such.

Embarassing. If you just want to be a spectator in arguings, don't bother replying to people and stay mad behind your screen.

Attached: 1524011238864.jpg (500x362, 25K)

>I make games in my spare time
Got a link?

people don't need your approval to pursue things that interest them, faggot