When only one member of your party is leveled in contrast to the rest that have never received any exp. at all

>when only one member of your party is leveled in contrast to the rest that have never received any exp. at all
Ever had that moment, Yea Forums?

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i had a friend that asked me for an emulator and rom to play pokemon
he only leveled his starter

why do people do this?

fucking tactics ogre, never touching that again

Because when you hit puberty or don't have autism, Pokemon combat is very boring and easy. You can just use one Pokemon.

>why do people do this?
Because some people don't really care about grinding their entire team high, and just wanna beat the game. Pokemon is pisseasy enough to allow this

yeah but how is that fun
why play the game if you're only gonna use one pokemon

CUTE and adorable

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Disgaea 5 until I exploited towers to level everyone at once.

How is grinding constantly to keep all your Pokemon leveled fun?

I maxed out Gunbuster and Noriko in Super Robot Wars T and killed everything effortlessly with it and it was amazing.

But the second last boss disables the mech you used to kill it for the true last boss and I almost got wrecked.


you don't have to grind to keep 3 or 4 pokemon leveled up
its fun to have different pokemon
if you're just using one pokemon and one move for every single fight every single time that's boring and stupid, what's the point

>the one who makes the killing blow gets all the rewards

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>that darker kitten
Looks like mommy got some explaining to do

Why have 3 or 4 mid level pokemon instead of one higher level one that can kill anything? The entire Pokemon combat system is boring if you aren't 11, man.

If you have to grind to get through the game with a full party, you're shit at the game.

because it's fun to have different pokemon. that's why they put so many different ones in the game

you don't make any sense
why even play pokemon if you're only going to use the one they give you at the start of the game? that's stupid

Ask your friend, dumbass

Everyone that played pokemon as a child, and most likely their starter.

I actually found the game more difficult when not doing this. Having a OP starter one shot everything is much easier than having a full 6 team with around same levels as the enemy trainers.

Don't worry user. His cat dad just went outside to catch some mice

i remember the first dungeon siege. you recruit some village idiot early on and i chose to give him all the magic stuff. by the time you get to the ice dungeon and rescue THE MOST POWERFUL ARCHMAGE IN ALL THE LAND!!! my village oaf outscaled him massively

Damn, Dungeon Siege was good...

>ex-roommate was pissed at his gf so he took her kitten and threw it against a wall
>it slammed into the wall and meowed really loud, then threw up and shit itself for a few hours while meowing over and over before dying
>I was too beta to do anything about it
>I still think about its meows

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Summon night 5, tried leveling up the full team but it was too boring and they kept being weak if not overleveled so brute forced the game with the protagonist and the summon only, one specialized against magic and the other against phisical dmg.
I'm not too fond of tactic jrpgs and played it only because i liked the swordcraft story titles desu.

That's literally the best method in Disgaea. Gear up only a select group of one to two characters and send them through the item world. The gear they pick up, helps gear your other characters to take on that same content, power-leveling them, while keeping them alive.

>Designated healer in the party is 3~4 levels above because it's so spread out curing everybody, anytime you deploy it.
>Can't bench it because it's necessary to carry the team.
>No other unit can be promoted/demoted to be a proper healer this far in the game.
Worst of feels.

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Because you can get away with it. You can just max your one starter and beat the whole game with that.