Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
yeah mostly.
fuck joycons though
Enjoying it? Why, I can't get enough of it! Super Mario Maker 2 has consumed hours upon hours of my daily routine, and I just popped in God Eater 3 and I've masturbated to my main character at least 4 times since I got it! And Dragon Quest Builders 2? Ha! Forget about it! I've heard great things though. Nothing but amazing things about Dragon Quest Builders 2. Very soon I'll have to buy Ultimate Alliance 3 and Kill La Kill for my Nintendo Switch as well. I'll basically buy anything I see in a goddamn ad! Haha!!!
I haven't touched it like 9 months. FE will probably be the first game I play on it in a while.
why no mario maker?
mmario maker feels like poop compared to smw romhacks
show me those good smw romhack levels
pro controller?
don't have one, too expensive and the poor dpad puts me off. I'd rather use my other controllers
Yeah but I need to get new joy cons. It has been two years, drift is starting to set in and they don't lock right. I would have bought new ones ages ago but the bastards cost too much, considering going after market but don't know any good ones.