Why don't you have vr yet Yea Forums?

Why don't you have vr yet Yea Forums?

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i'm broke nigga

Name a good vr exclusive 20hr+ game.

Because it's a gimmick and every time you ask "why don't you have VR?" you're secretly trying to justify your purchase of the one you have yourself, but refuse to admit it doesn't have any real games or that it doesn't have a future in the gaming marketplace.
t. someone who bought an Occulus and sold it off after becoming bored with it in a couple weeks

my pornography addiction is already bad enough

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That's not the usual Blade and Sorcery. What is it?

That's a good thing though user, just think about training a little girl's mouth with your dick.

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i don't care. i didn't fall for the 3d tv trend years ago that everyone wasted their money on and im not falling for this

Its a complete fucking meme. Call me again in 10 years.

Because I'm waiting for the headsets to not have visible pixels.