Where were you when valve rigged the 2019 steam grand prix?
x-axis is time in one day, but what the fuck is the y-axis?
i had a team of dedicated shitters with malicious scripts and had done the math on cucking everyone out of the 100m wormhole badge, but valve extended event by 2 days and that gave normies enough powerups to boost trough and preventing us from cucking their shit.
They rig stuff if things don't go according to their plan.
I refunded all the game I bought this summer sale, fuck you steam.
The y is progression adjusted to a straight line, that's why it look that way.
The raw distances are shown in the graph below, here.
>i literally can't use my slows and they get lost after 2 days
t-thanks gabe
so how do you even get the team switch item?
There's no saving us, Valve seems hell bent on having cockatiel dead last. They currently have the third lowest multiplier at 0.0095 after hare (0.0037) and corgi (0.0029) with pig and tortoise in front. (0.0331 and 0.0216)
i wanted doom for free i hate expensive games
>crying that they stopped you from being a faggot
Boo hoo.