is this game good?
Is this game good?
Ethan Lewis
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Julian Diaz
It's alright but it also has one of those autistically dedicated fanbases that think it's much better than it actually is. You can easily find better twinsticks for cheaper.
Ryder Murphy
It was alright. I had to keep pausing every 10 minutes to jerk off to her.
Kevin Morris
It’s ok, but it’s fun cyberpunk aesthetics and soundtrack mainly. Worth 5 bucks for me.
Dylan Young
It's fun
Aaron Moore
As far as gameplay goes it's above average, but what really sells me is the aesthetic and music. shame it's so short though
Nolan Nguyen
but you play as a dude
Christopher Butler
play the game
Cameron Taylor
men can be women too sweetie
Isaiah White
idk but heres a key for it