T. Ethics Department

Censorship never stops unless you stop it.

Attached: 1561166408931.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>Advertising, or media in general doesn't change someone's view.
Yes, it broadly does. It is not a 1:1 ratio of conversion, it is a shotgun approach and it is gradual. Exposure to that media over a large population will shift that population. People are not born with ingrained opinions that forcibly "reject" all contrary notions. With enough exposure to media and psychological pressure, people can be influenced to an incredible degree. Humans don't like accepting that they're, in most ways, not in control over their own minds and opinions, but they aren't in control. Even those "core biases" that people latch onto are the result of media exposure and nurture.

You should also note that I never claimed media "changed opinions", only that it influenced them. Which is easily provable. The very fact that people learn new concepts, skills, and ideas through media is proof itself.

>I'm listing anecdotes as an example to show that going hard on diversity, or whatever term you want to use, does not result in greater sales
Right. You can't prove that , for one. And for two, their goal isn't necessarily monetary. Many of them do it because they believe exposure to favorable media depictions of those diverse groups will lead to a better society or better interracial social behavior.


Incels with fight this

You had sex yet bro? If not have sex.
Sorry gotta sex check you bro, that's how it works bro.
Your opinion doesn't matter until you had sex bro.

>be me
>love FF7
>wait faithfully for remake ever since the PS2 era
>finally get it
>my face right now

Attached: 1948391027.jpg (800x744, 208K)

Absolutely infuriated

>>be me
LIAR! I know you're me!

It's more that nowadays, you're a cynical cunt. When you're 12, shit is awesome and mommy just got you ff7 and you were like wowww awesome dude.

Now you're all jaded and overly worried about all this minutiae and detail and being picky instead of just trying to enjoy it. You get more joy out of cynically picking these things apart than you would just experiencing it.
