What are your major gripes with this game? What do you think this game lacks that can be improved upon in the sequel?

What are your major gripes with this game? What do you think this game lacks that can be improved upon in the sequel?

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I haven't played this game.

Rain being too often and a major hindrance. There should be a gear to let you climb slippery walls.
Divine beasts being empty. There's no danger inside them at all.
Obviously performance. I know BotW had issues but that's because it was a Wii U game ported to Switch at the last minute and they couldn't fully optimize the game. I'm fine with 30 fps without drops.

I didn't have a problem with durabilty at all. In fact, it kept being annoying having to throw away weapons to get new ones.

this, although revali's gale exists along with other methods to help with rain climbing at least. Still should tone down the slipperyness, though.

actual memorable dungeons. divine beasts are shit

The "dungeons" are boring, the default color scheme is washed out and 30fps is dog shit these days. Luckily 2 of those can be fixed with emulation.

And ironically the puzzles in the beasts are far more compelling than "hit the eye with an arrow" or "push the block" shit from the previous 3D games, including the forced camera pan when you enter a room to spoonfeed you the answer and the companion telling you hints too.

How is that ironic?

1. The open world killed any sense of pacing or progression. When you balance your entire game around being done in any order, you throw out all semblance of progression, because every dungeon now has to be designed around different players having or not having different pieces of equipment and being at different levels of experience with the game. This was the main problem with ALBW too, and it's the reason even Ubisoft sandboxes make you go through story missions in a linear order.

2. Weapon degradation systems are not inherently bad, but in a game where you have no system in place for weapon repair, every enemy in the game has to drop a new weapon, which is why every enemy in the game is humanoid. In a game like BotW, which is easily a 100+ hour game, having only like three different enemy types is incredibly fucking tedious.

3. The shrines and Divine Beasts are all incredibly samey. Yeah, there's a handful of different shrine types (although, fuck "Mechanism" shrines), but the fact that they all have the exact same interior design makes them feel interchangeable and not the least bit memorable. This is an especially egregious problem because shrines are the bulk of the side content, and this is only compounded by the fact that several of the side quests in the game reward with you with the ability to do another goddamn shrine.

4. This is probably the most minor complaint, but it's one that's worth mentioning because it was ultimately the one that annoyed me the most: fuck the weather system. Anytime it rains, the game is effectively telling you, "Tough titties, fuckface, but you won't be doing any exploring today."

I'm such a loser I wrote a whole google document about it.

I liked the dungeon design well enough. Riding the beast and watching the desert go by was awesome. Too bad all 4 dungeons look exactly the same, and feature bosses that look exactly the same. BOTW has lots of fresh ideas but it's easy to focus on the things they copypasted instead

Seriously, 120 shrines/4 divine beats/hyrule castle was not the right choice. We needed fewer shrines and better main dungeons.

>1. The open world killed any sense of pacing or progression.
Not really, there's a clear intended order in this game but you're allowed to tackle on the game however you want. It's exactly just like the original Zelda. Go ahead and do harder levels if you want, but you're going to get your ass whooped.
Go right ahead and enter Hyrule castle right after clearing the plateau. You can do it, but you're going to get destroyed.

>Lacking enemy variety, though the enemies that are in it are pretty darn good
>Divine Beasts are aesthetically shitty, although I wouldn't want to return to traditional Zelda dungeons either
>NPC interaction is limited
>Lack of worthwhile things to spend rupees on
>Weapon degradation makes combatting enemies a drain on player resources for the most part
>Most chests are worthless

Now that we've seen the trailer for the sequel, I'm tentatively excited. But I would have dropped Link and Zelda entirely. I would have let the player create a hero and perhaps incorporate some aspects of Fable like buying property

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I think BotW is a 10/10, I'll die on that hill. I think the stars aligned and Nintendo gathered some of that magic you experienced as a kid in this game.

Oh. And yes, using logic a 10/10 is perfect in every way, but since nothing is perfect, you get my drift.

Oh boy ANOTHER BOTW thread with the EXACT same points that people have made over the past 300000 threads we've had since the past two years. Stop it already. We've already had like 6 BOTW threads today alone, are you gonna make the same threads tomorrow? /vg/ exists for a reason.


>add actual dungeons that can be organically discovered, that have thematic/aesthetic variety but still take advantage of the physics
>add a ton of runes/upgrades/etc that can be found throughout the world
>way more enemy variety
>more unique biomes
>better (or less) story
>completely rebalanced cooking system that gives every recipe some utility
>real-time consumables
>better side-quests
>better bosses
>more music variety, especially environmental ambience
>more distinct weapon types
>tightened timing for flurry rush and parrying
>new combat techniques
>make non-horse mounts tameable
>more types of weather, especially freak events
>deeper climbing mechanics (enemies, hazards, etc)
>blacksmith NPCs that can repair/upgrade/craft/disassemble/etc weapons
>and/or a hand-to-hand moveset when you have nothing equipped that has low damage/range but can be upgraded
>user-friendly UI
>an actually good hard mode that's part of the base game
>no korok seeds
>no towers
>no shrines
>no memories
>no white filter over everything
>no DLC/amiibo bullshit
>replace everyone in Treehouse so we can get a half-decent localization

Oh yeah and flurry rush shouldn't lock you into only attacking, you should be able to do anything.
If you're going to rip off Bayonetta, do it right.

Modify the durability part only slightly: When a weapon "breaks", it doesn't actually break. It just does 90% less damage, like in Dark Souls. You can still throw it to shatter it. But with this you can also repair weapons with ore at an anvil, or pay a blacksmith to reinforce it to increase its damage and durability.

That way if you like a certain weapon you can stick with it, but if you still want use weapons like BotW did with discarding and drawing new ones you can too. Best of both worlds.

This would only work if they improve the interface significantly. Which they should do anyways obviously but your idea would make a currently clunky system even clunkier.

Deep lack of impregnation mechanics, whats the point of finding lonely girls when you cant plant your seed?

you think we've only had 6 botw threads today? you probably missed a few

> shit weapon durability system
> no enemy variety
> puzzles are mostly shit
> open world with way too little content density
> no particularly good characters
> no particularly good new items or abilities

mediocre game, but nintendokiddies eat it up all the same

>Which they should do anyways obviously but your idea would make a currently clunky system even clunkier.
I don't see how. Just have like a red border around broken weapons in your inventory to show they're broken, and when highlighting over any weapon you can see its durability bar. Upgraded weapons get different outlines to show their level, with longer durability bars to boot.

The game will still throw weapons at you constantly, but you can choose to just not pick them up.

Shrines were cool but I wish we got puzzles that were hidden by other means.
Example: Walk into a cave, you're met with a fucking gauntlet full of guardians or something and you find the door to the shrine after all that. Think of the entrance to the sleep chamber Link wakes up in. They could have had the same exact puzzles but it would have added some much needed variety to the world with a few simple changes.
Have full length dungeons, I don't care if they have to cut some shrines for this.
Also more enemy types that aren't just palette swaps of the same few guys. Zelda has so many really cool enemies, it was really a shame we had to spend most of the game fighting bokoblins, moblins, and slimes with the occasional robot. And give combat shrines a unique miniboss to add more variety.

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It was a huge world filled with nothing to do and item durability took more away from the game than it added.

The game is basically amazing, but the cities don't leave very many reasons to linger in them.

no cell shading filter makes the game infinitely better than the shitty washed out grey scheme.

But if the weapons aren't breaking that means your inventory fills up way faster, and you'll have to throw out weapons way more often.

There are too few enemy types. Its mostly just Bokoblins, Lizalfos,Moblins galore with a few others sprinkled in.

Sorry your "goty" doesn't get threads, guess no one actually cares?

That's why I said "throw to shatter". Obviously if your inventory is already full the game won't let you pick up new weapons until you clean out a slot, but there could also be a quick drop button in your inventory and a "drop all broken weapons" button that does the same thing for all of them at once. Also have a "favorites" button that prevents the first two buttons from working on that weapon and auto-moves that weapon to the top, so you don't accidentally drop your upgraded broken lizal boomerang.

I just started this game and it has some real good aspects but some immediately apparent flaws.

-the shrines fucking suck
-all you do is grind shrines
-seriously what is the fucking point outside of grinding shrines????
-the plot is middling at best (but thats okay in a zelda game if there is meaningful progression in ability through shrines)

I absolutely adore the exploration but motivation is waning because i dont see the fucking point.

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or maybe that's because fans of those games have jobs and it's just mainly Nintendo audience (i.e. actual children and manchildren) populating summer Yea Forums

Mainly the lack of large themed dungeons. I think if they just made the same game again but with that it would be great.

>Rain being too often and a major hindrance. There should be a gear to let you climb slippery walls.
This. Holy shit what were they thinking. Should have made it harder to climb not impossible.

worse writing than most of my favorite Zeldas (Majora, Awakening, Wind Waker, etc.)

repetitive combat

no real dungeons

but honestly the lack of concrete storytelling is the biggest thing holding it below a lot of other Zeldas for me

even Twilight Princess is better

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no hookshot
no crafting
only optional dungeon being the forgotten temple
no regular tools to fall back on yeah i'm largely anti-durability

i think zelda should always be about "hey, i can use this here"
botw has a huge amount of interactivity between its tools and the environment - setting grass on fire, freezing enemies and collecting items while they're frozen, using electricity to power generators, and so on - and to reduce the player's ability to do that seems to work against the formula

either way it's still super fuckin cool that they're taking everything familiar from botw 1 and using it in 2
only adding to what's already great is the best way to do things, imo

>shit weapon durability system
>open world with way too little content density
These two prove you barely played the game.

>WWtoddler opinion on anything

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>It was a huge world filled with nothing to do
Not true. You could say that about literally any open world but this game.
>item durability took more away from the game than it added.
Retarded take. If you took the exact same game and took out weapon durability it would ruin the game.

>an actual BoTW that didn't devolve into straight shitposting about how great the game is

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Weapon durability, it's never been good in any game it has ever been in.

No really memorable dungeons, all those varied regions that could have had dungeons but instead we got shrines that all look the same. The Divine Beasts were ok, but just ok.

Nah you boomer fuck I'm way more zoomer than that, because my first Zelda was Phantom Hourglass. And it would probably give you an existential crisis to learn that this is true of a guy who is 21

>There should be a gear to let you climb slippery walls
That should have been the climbing gear's set bonus.

The towns could be greatly improved upon in the sequel because they'll be rebuilding Hyrule so we'll probably have new villages and expanded existing towns.

And I ain't gonna fucking read it, loser

Divine beasts being too small/brief compared to dungeons in other titles
Old Hyrule towns/ruins/ancient stuff around the world not leading to anything
Blood moon event interrupting everything with a cutscene
No shield equivalent to the Master Sword

DESU I think there needs to be more story. Don't get me wrong I really like the freedom this game gives you but the story feels very bland for a game like this. You are someone who has too fight the bad guy with the help of a princess. But I am excited for the sequel because it seems as dark as Majora's Mask. Maybe even darker and hopefully they would add a bit more story to the sequel all though it would limit the freedom the player has. That is just my opinion on what the sequel needs.

Naw, because then people would prioritize only using that set because of the prevailance of rain. Just let it be a set of grappling hooks that lets you climb during rain and keep the Climbing Gear's set bonus of increased climbing speed and reduced stamina loss.

>No shield equivalent to the Master Sword
Get the Hylian shield

Zelda's voice and the English dub in general. It was fucking abysmal.


I just got a switch with this and mario. Right now I have only put probably 20 hours into this game, and my opinion is this:

>Get rid of the shitty weapon breakage. I absolutely hate this mechanic, always hated this mechanic. This game does not feel like a zelda at all because of it.
>Bring back the special items. I miss the boomerang, the hook shot, the fire and ice wands, the hammer (a neutered hammer is in the game) ALL the special items you got from the dungeons. HOW DID THEY FUCK THIS UP?
>The special dungeons. Yes I know people that suck at video games hated the water temple in a certain zelda but it was really simple. The special dungeons were iconic to zelda. I can't believe they got rid of them and put in a hundred brain teasers instead with 1 optional treasure chest in each.... This really sucks.
>The "open world" is empty. I hate open world sanbox games because they all end up being empty like this. Make them smaller and more focused/linear. I would prefer to walk a minute and come across 10 different fights/interesting locations or secrets instead of riding a horse for 30 minutes and finding only one or two fights/secrets.

Make the next game a real zelda please.

BotW2 needs underwater exploration, or at the very least Zora Scale diving. It was such a waste that water in the first game was just a stamina check.

The thing with BotW story is that is a melancholic story about how a tragedy happened and Link couldn't stop it.

The problem is the the villain is just... an ancient evil. It's not sentient or intelligent at all. It's just an ancient evil that wants to destroy everything because it's an ancient evil.

>I'm so mature

if you're only finding things every 30 minutes you be be actually blind, when I was exploring I'd find too many things to keep track of

nigger only literal scrubs complain about weapon durability. This game showers you in weapons. It's literally impossible to run out of weapons to use unless you're a massive fucking retard.

So this is the cope I've heard so much about

I was just doing some tower runs to unlock the map and it was taking about 30 minutes to get to each tower, with absolutely nothing but a fight or two in between each one. The maps are empty.

Some of us don't like the system. I despise it because I normally have weapons that break 2 or 3 times before I kill an enemy. Is it just bad design or should I not be in the area I am in right now?

you are actually blind

Maybe stop spamming one single weapon on the enemy without doing anything else.

Freeze him, use stasis on him, use the bombs, arrows, another weapon, etc.

What the fuck weapons are you picking up, traveler and rusty shit? Soldier's is standard, Knight's and Royal lasts you a while.

I wanted more divine items like the thunder helm, if I remember correctly you only got weapons after beating the divine beasts, but after doing some quests in the desert you could also get the thunder helm which was actually useful

A more engaging plot and some more variation to the level design. A more focused endgame would also be nice.

-The overworld was super empty. Take the time to make it more dense, add more interesting happenings.

-The vast majority of the shrines were basically the same 3 or 4 templates used a hundred times. Cut them down to 20 elaborate shrines and add a few more big dungeons.

The divine beasts were all the same thing. Again give them more of a visual identity and unique feel.

I played Assassins creed origins right at the same time I played BOTW and that did pretty much everything better. Better world, better side content, better combat, better climbing, better characters. Zelda just had some charm and nostalgia.

Could be circumvented by giving current enemies a bit more functionality
Has enough unique biomes
Story amount is fine, they just need to do more with what they have, few writers are this good unfortunately
Cooking system is fine
Consumables don't need to be real time.
More involved side quests are better, better doesn't mean a single thing
Yet again using the word better
Sound design in this game is excellent, statement means nothing
current weapon types are fine
Timing for flurry rush and parrying is fine
Combat techniques would be good
Current horse mounts are fine, need to rebalance best horse armor since it's too good.
Current weather types are largely fine, need to add in features like a snow storm, sand storm being more impactful on the player, as well as some regions moving up a cold point when it rains
deeper climbing mechanics not really needed, enemies would kill cliimbing, just add more activites on cliffs, add cliff trees, and recesses to rest, and remove the ability to use consumables while climbing
No need for blacksmith npcs, players should be able to improve weapon durability through 2 systems, using a whetstone to restore durability, but decrease max durability, weapon will eventually break, allow weapons displayed in house to improve durability for all same weapons.
No need for hand to hand
UI could use improvements
Hard Mode is shit, don't just say make it good
Korok seeds are great
Towers are great
Shrines are great
Memories suck ass
Filter is error in shader
DLC Amiibo is fine
Replacing treehouse isn't magical fix all
Every recommendation you gave was either shit, kills the game, or the most stock asks for the most unimaginitive armchair game devs.

lol no Ubishit sucks

any reason at all to ever interact with the combat systems

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They stripped everything "Zelda" out of this game and streamlined it down for a mobile gaming crowd. Absolutely nothing about his game was zelda other than the characters and even the characters were out of character. Link didn't remember who he was, Zelda was always a strong black woman that didn't need link, the King was actually a lion and magda was supposed to be a demon..... It was all wrong.

This is a shit list, what it needed was a better worth for the things that were there

BotW's best feature was that it never gave you a Ubisoft-style minimap with dozens and dozens of stamps all over it, Koroks were everywhere and the puzzles were way better than "go to place and take thing for points" than are in most games.

The problem is that everything is worthless, just like in every open world game. Finding a hut with a rare item in it is worthless unless it's a piece of clothing, which it never is - It's always a weapon, guaranteed to break. Korok Seeds are necessary up to a point, but once you get a wide enough inventory there's no need to find them all, the golden poop is a joke.

Shrines are fun, but once again, they're totally worthless after a while and they ran out of ideas. The best shrines were the ones that forces you to look around the world and figure out just how to get into it, climbing mountains or following clues or getting the right items into the right place or whatnot.

What in the FUCK are you talking about?

Not enough enemy variety and lackluster dungeons. I still think the game is like a 9/10 but I hope the sequel addresses those things.

>I would prefer to walk a minute and come across 10 different fights/interesting locations or secrets instead of riding a horse for 30 minutes and finding only one or two fights/secrets

Me too, good thing BotW is literally the former and not the latter unless you're a blind retard.

Holy shit, that must really trigger you guys. Seriously, what is between the towers? Some animals you can shoot with your bow, a fight or two with the same monsters, just different colored..... Seriously who knew it would be this easy to trigger nintendorks.

>The overworld was super empty.

Threadly reminder that here's a list of everything you can do in Hebra, one of the emptiest and smallest regions in the entire game:

>an environmental puzzle/riddle on Talonto peak that requires you to view a bird-shaped terrain formation from a certain angle to take the appropriate path to reach the shrine
>a stable with its own Stalhorse sidequest
>two environmental puzzles that require you to roll snowballs down the correct path to open a large door
>Pondo's lodge and associated snowball-rolling minigame
>Selmie's house and associated shield-surfing minigame
>leviathan skeleton needed for a larger sidequest
>the North Lomei Labyrinth
>another environmental puzzle where you have to find a way to safely navigate through a mostly submerged cave entrance (meaning no cryonis) without freezing in the ice cold water (the intended solution seems to be riding a log, but you can cheese your way through with enough health)
>a large wall of ice that requires heat items to melt to successfully reach the shrine
>a Lynel challenge in the north

And that's just in addition to the 10+ other shrines that don't require any puzzles or items to reach but might still be hidden nonetheless. I didn't even mention Koroks.

The rewards themselves might not be fantastic (although I honestly don't think they were worse than what most of the previous overworlds had), but there's plenty of content in the game and it's absolutely one of the densest titles in the series.

>merely pretending

No glidding
No Revali's Gale
More enemy variety
Better dungeons
Better AI
Better/no weapon durability mechanic

>Seriously, what is between the towers?

Well in addition to the regular shrines and koroks, there are shrine quests, sidequests, chests, wildlife to hunt or add to the compendium, enemies, navigational challenges and hazards, stables, towns, and a bunch of other stuff like great fairies, roaming dragons, special horses to tame, etc.

Kinda this. The shrines suck and they should have had longer but less numerous dungeons instead. Dungeons which had rare items that would give you an excuse to explore. I'm already sick of looking and grinding shrines for more hearts.

Probably the biggest complaint. The music is weak and the weapon system is iffy, but seriously most of the game seems to be just grinding shrines with no dungeons except the beast stuff.

I agree. I wouldn't mind having more atmospheric dungeons and bosses in the sequel, but I think BotW accomplished everything it set out to do. Easily my favorite Zelda title.

Shrines were some of the only good content in the game since there was so little of it elsewhere.
They should have had actual dungeons instead of the ancient beasts though, what wasted potential those were

You know, I kinda like shrines, but I wish there was more to them. It's not gratifying to travel all the way to a shrine just for one tiny puzzle that's probably easy. When we compare shrines and dungeons side by side, it's easy to see why people prefer the latter: The puzzle-solving is significantly more dense, and they're long enough to allow for complex level design, or gimmicks like the one in the Stone Tower Temple. Shrines are like 'diet' dungeons, except they also take lots of traveling to get to. This might be okay still if traveling through the overworld was always fun or rewarding, but it's not, so it's there that the flaws start to show.

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Same. After the first few hours and you get all the basic abilities, the only reason to continue is to grind hearts. I wouldn't have a problem if they would have given you a bunch of permanent abilities, magic and weapons mixed in with all the hearts. But after about 5 hours I had all the main abilities and at 20 hours in I have about 7 hearts. Getting pretty boring now. I am getting tired of the cheap deaths too. One hit kills are not fun, especially when you cant get away from the things targeting you.

How are you even dying? Unless you go after meme shit nothing really hurts you, and there's next to zero reason to fight anything in the game outside of stuff for side quests.

one thing i already wish was different (and im at 1 heart and 1 stamina upgrade) is that they removed the choice on heart/stamina upgrade. I wish it was static, and you had to go and FIND your heart/stamina upgrades at various shrines.

I think its stupid that you get to choose every 4 emblems or whatever. It further diminishes the uniqueness of the experience

Someone finally uses ironic correctly and people don't even know what it means.
You'd expect a dungeon with multiple good elements and improvements from previous designs to be more memorable, but their emptiness and blander aesthetic prevented that. So it was the opposite of what would initially be assumed, or in other words, ironic.

the guardians are seriously stupid in the early game. At first i appreciated the threat, and that there were places i "shouldnt" go early on...

But then when you discover these fucking things do not have a tether and will follow you until you fucking die, i decided it was an exceedingly dumb mechanic

3D Zelda dungeons have never been good.

>Unless you go after meme shit nothing really hurts you
uh, wrong.

That's why you learn to kill them. They teach you how powerful shield parries are. And then in Master Mode after you thought you mastered them they vary their charge times and suddenly they're dangerous again.


I think they could have developed and expanded upon this a lot more. Different types of ships that could actually sail the ocean, and I mean 'SAIL' as in teach you the basics of sailing. Also, sea battles, ship vs an enemy ship would have been super awesome. There's a lot of unused ocean in the game, and me fanning a little sail with a palm leaf felt lame.


They break to easily. Make them a bit more durable, and then allow us to repair them using some sort of smithing system. Also, a general weapon crafting and smithing system would have been awesome, and a great use of the ores you find outside of selling them for rupees. Also the ability to craft our own arrows would have been much appreciated.


They're all barren. If you've seen moutains IRL you'll note that yes some are barren rock but many are littered with trees. All the mountains in BOTW look the same.

That's it really. I found the game to be great, full of value, and the world felt alive and interesting to explore. Sometimes it was great to just head to a general place I hjadn't explored much and get lost climbing hills, exploring the forest, finding loot and shrines. I also found the soundtrack to be quite good. I don't understand a lot of the complaints against this game desu.

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I just want more shrine quests, or at least some kind of equivalent to those. BotW had quite a bit of them at 42, so the outside map felt like it had plenty of compelling content, but imagine how fucking crazy it would be if there's something like 100 environmental puzzles to solve in addition to sizeable dungeons.

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Oh I forgot


Need to be able to sort inventory, the fact that this wasn't a feature drove me absolutely insane!

As I said before I just got through playing a session. I got all the abilities then decided to go open the map up. This is my first play through. I just started the game, so I had 4 hearts. Ran around to the first tower to open the first map segment up. Easy. Piece of cake. Go to the twin peaks to open the second map up, while I am there I do the 2 quick twin peak dugeon brain teasers, get my next heart so have 5 hearts now. So I fly from Twin peaks to get to the next tower cross the valley immediately die to lightning. OK so I cant go that way, So I try the zone next to it, make it into the zone flying, immediately get shot down by lazer. one hit kill. Ok so try a 3rd zone, this time I run across the zone and end up getting one hit killed by a monster that casts shock magic. Yeah its starting to get annoying because I have approximately 100 cheap deaths from the cold to the heat to giant skeletons one shotting me...... It gets old after a while. I understand they are gated off and I need to get money to buy better armor (which I have done once in already and bought the first shop out). It actually just feels like artificial gatekeeping to make you sink more hours into the game to farm rupees, instead of making intelligent gameplay, and giving us ways to actually defeat or escape a threat.

>only 6

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More items commonly found in Zelda are needed like the hook shot.

You don't have to farm for money at all. Mine/blast ore deposits and sell gems, you'll have like 50k Rupees at any given time.

The hookshot is really the only one, though. Bombs, bows and arrows, rods, boomerangs, wind leaves, etc. is already available in the game.

The rain more or less forces you to make a bonfire somewhere to get anything done
Getting party from the dragons is insanely tedious
You have to do basically everything in the game to get the bike
Most chests in shrines are just weapons, giving no incentive to go for them
The weapons are too fragile for what they are
The instant you enter a cold area it dips so far you have to completely kill your set bonus just to stay warm
Eldin is awful

This is inexcusable.
The most iconic item in LoZ, the one that increased your mobility to a crazy degree, being left out because the level designers couldn't be fucked to actuallly make the maps with the hookshot in mind. This is why I hate the size of the open world.

I kind of want the magical sword back and the mirror shield

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Well yeah, retard kid. People with a live don't spend the entire day talking about shit games for toddlers.

yet here you are