What's your favorite element for your character, Yea Forums?

What's your favorite element for your character, Yea Forums?

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Because I like edge


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Earth, nothing better than becoming one with the planet and wielding it's might with every strike

Fire if I have to pick from those four
Lightning because of how useful and prevalent it is
Water would be a strong second though

I like the concept of earth but its never within the meta, I have never seen a game where earth is within any kind of realm of good.

Also, best game with elements.

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All of them.

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Has anyone ever played this?

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Digital Devil Saga


Golden Sun

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does anyone else like rainbow colored things but isn't gay? actually it's kind of upsetting that what was originally a symbol of a bridge to heaven or a covenant with god has been taken over to mean you like dick in your ass.

earth, if only for toph

How do they work?

Earth or Ice is the best

these guys get it

That picture pisses me off. There's no way yellow represent fucking EARTH.

I am an Aerfag

Lightning is just upgraded fire

Water. People really underestimate the abilities of a high-pressure water jet, and a layer of water can make almost every projectile useless


Where are ice bros at?

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lightning because it looks fucking cool
if that's not an option, fire because it doesn't look as cool but still looks cool

I was always a waterchad
After reading this and the fight against Johnny and Gyro I realized nothing will ever change my mind

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Whoops, wrong pic

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I was about to call you a jojofag.

Whats a game that has good BLOOD magic? Haemomancy is bae

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whoa this looks like a weird game. I'll add it to my wishlist

>weird game
If only you knew how much. Go to /vg/, there's a thread for it (and it's actually pretty good, usually I steer the fuck away from /vg/ because generals are trash).

Dragon Age Origins Awakening.

You are going to get fucked when they resist your favourite element, non-elemental all the way

>love the idea of Dominions games
>lack the autism required to get into them
I want everything its doing, but for it not to have so much of it.



The game mechanics themselves are piss simple, how to effectively use spells is the only thing that would require above average brain cells. Also there is conquest of Elysium from the same developer, plays similar to the heroes series

>1 vertical
>3 horizontal

aren't the top sign from the 5 elements movie ? i don't recognize the bottom ones


fuck i meant fifth element, not five

Similar, but not the same

Any other waterfags here?

I prefer to catch pokemon creatures

Maybe Im a brainlet but there is just too much magic and stats on the 100's~ of different unit types to remember to keep track of, and you NEED to know the magic in the game, late game is nothing but reliance on the magic you have developed.
>one guy teleports in
>destroys whole army
>teleports away
What the fuck is happening.

One of my favourite games. Ive heard mixed things about 5, is it worth playing?

Water can freeze to ice and become harder than earth

Water blows the fuck out of fire

Wind is useless against water and only strengthens it
Only a 70 IQ brainlette chooses anything else. Earth is the only second option.

Light/Holy+Knuckes is the GOAT weapon combo and you can't convince me otherwise

There is actually a lack of games outside of MMOs that allow you to be a paladin of some sort, let alone one that uses their fists as a weapon.

>Tornado combined with any of those other elements

Fire, Water, Lightning, Arcane, Lightning

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Based electrobro

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I've always thought earth was better but i've forever been a waterfag for some reason

I'm only familiar with 1-4(4 sucks).
I never gave homm5 a chance, but from what I hear it's playable and fine.
To me the factions don't really appeal to me, they seem a bit bland and race based rather than thematically based as they were in the previous games.
The themes of fey, gallant knights, dark wizards, etc fit the adventuring style of strategy that homm is better imo, while the faction setup in homm5 is something that fits for more civ like strategy like MoM or AoW.

If what you see in the setups on this page is fine to you, you might as well give it a shot as far as I'm concerned.

I think the battle map wasn't hex based which is a shame, but other than that I don't really know what might possibly be wrong with it.

Unfortunately Captain Planet was never loved.

steambeam of doom was cool the first month of launch
frost, water, lightning, arcane, frost, shield

if your power isn't personal its shit
there i said it

I remember that they never fixed a bug in the first game allowing you to use fire/water and ice/water in the same spell without mixing them, setting an enemy on fire while also making him vulnerable to lightnings.

air, easily
fuck yall

None. The 4/5 elements cliche is overdone and boring. It may have been interesting in the 90s where games where just starting out but honestly? It’s such a lame system

The only element that matter

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I always like fire fighting style from Avatar (northern shaolin kung fu) plus having lightning if I was good enough would be sick.

I dont mind that even if I prefer it the way it was in the older games. Ill be honest, Im mostly interested because of graphics, I like having 3d models to look at, even if I do like the sprite work of 3. Hope Steam sale is soon.

Air because flight


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Air. Tends to have travel magic, travel magic OP.

Bro, the biggest travelers in history were on water until recently


Is exploding an element dood?

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Air or Fire

>movement speed tech
>crit builds
>high ASPD builds
>short term invul or invisibility

Though if Arcane or some sort of base magic element is available, I usually pick that

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Water because my mana potion would kill you and we have got bitches who hand out swords

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Water. Has a sort of "dance" to it. Also fuck fireniggers.

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If these 4 are my only options, i choose air.
I hate when fantasy resricts it to only the main 4. Electric and ice are spinoffs of them but i like treating them ad thier own thing. Plus light and dark.

Light/Dark/Electric depending on what theme I'm going for


so I can do wind gusts and look at the panties of qts

wind bros rise upthose skirts

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Air is the best choice, next would be water.

With air you could throw 1000mph winds at someone, leave them literally breathless, compress and expand air at will and cause air blasts.

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Earth seems really good for just having total control of the field. Depending on the terrain your could just force up hundreds of sharp little caltrops all around your opponents feet or even something as something as simple as a few dozen gopher holes to fuck with them. The danger posed by some dude being able to hurl 10 pound stones at your face at 90 mph is also pretty grossly underestimated in my opinion. If you're able to trap fools in big scary rock tombs that jut out from beneath their feat that's also a pretty good "Fuck You" move.

However if summons are available, It'd be tempting to swing towards fire because they always get smoking hot babes, but the earth summon is typically a bro.

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Water is the chad magic.
>ice/solid water constructs
>perfect for stealth
>weather control
And to top it all off, people keep underestimating it for some reason? It's definitely the most broken of the 4 classic elements.

Oops I forgot the picture.

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>Water element
>Every spell in it is actually an ice spell
Hate this shit desu, I want to pressure blast enemies with weaponized super soak, or at least superheated steam