This game has to die for the new golden age of MMOs to spawn. Think about it...

This game has to die for the new golden age of MMOs to spawn. Think about it, this is arguably the best mmo ever and there's so many still hooked on it. But it's overstayed its welcome. The new age needs to begin, a new model, mmo variety has to make a comeback

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so....this is home....

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>Think about it, this is arguably the best mmo ever
In 2006 maybe Forums(lol)

Attached: RealWoWLeak.png (959x2425, 1.05M)

so it's fake, got it
nice fanfiction though

Why was this the only MMO to ever feature movement that felt so fluid? I can spin my mouse around and strafe left and right and my character never stutters.
Take moving in any anime style MMO (GW2 and FF14 come to mind first) and my character feels like it's on a fucking rail at all times. Has always been incredibly offputting to me. It's like there's no sidestep animations and also input lag, but they still let you side step anyway.

This is really the only reason I ever still play wow on and off
The movement is actually tight and every direction of movements has animations, and all your attacks don't hit on a quarter second delay

WoW may be bleeding subs but it won't outright die for a long time. There are even crappier more obscure MMOs from the late '90s that are still going. What's really needed is for someone to come out with a massively multiplayer game that is anything but an MMORPG.

It's so weird, but it actually effects my enjoyment so hard. I played GW2 for awhile, but going back to it after WoW, the movement just feels so shit in comparison.

There's no MMO with movement like WoW. How? The game has been out since 2004. Does Blizzard have a fucking copywrite on fluid controls?

>There are even crappier more obscure MMOs from the late '90s that are still going.
Literally any MMO from the late 90s is better than nu-wow

stopped reading at tinker as a hybrid, class designers are fucking lazy and will never do anything like 5.0 mw/disc again

>What's really needed is for someone to come out with a massively multiplayer game that is anything but an MMORPG.
The exact opposite is true. We need an "MMO" that is actually an MMORPG. WoW and its clones are all always onlone single player action games with optional multiplayer content you can access via automated matchmaker.

Just wait for Camelot Unchained bruh.

I'm not sure if a new golden era for MMOs can exist because
1) they're easily the most difficult game to produce in that you need to basically recreate a universe
2) hard to monetize harshly with current trends that shareholders desire without destroying game integrity.

There are plenty of games that are MMORPGs but the need to make things vaguely RPG-ish with stats attached to everything is a limiting factor when all we need is a living world with tons of people.

The problem is that as soon as you require another person to play, the game is instantly dead to a large majority of players, and no company can afford to keep up a good game that requires cooperation.
Classic only works because of legacy and legend behind it, and the fact that asking in /1 for a group is just as easy as LFG.

MMO's are pointless now that multiplayer games are the norm. They'll all die off eventually, it's already happening though. XIV can barely get a million subs.

This but unironically, MMOs are a niche genre now and you guys are just going to have to accept that they're never making a massive comeback.

an actually good one that has an ounce of adventure in it would do well

i just play it for cute elves

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It's called any fucking open world game.

>the new age needs to begin
we tried that with star citizen and it was a fucking disaster. when are people gonna get it through their heads that gaming is on a downturn. there are at best 1 or 2 really good games coming out per year now and once that stops happening there is gonna be a massive financial fallout from that

which isn't multiplayer you fucking retard

that'll be just fine with me
or it would be if there were some actually good niche ones. however, i have hope for pantheon and crowfall

Attached: crowfall templar.jpg (823x962, 245K)

WoW was never that good, they were just one of the first to have a massive advertising campaign
>b-b-but c-c-classic!
Fuck off. I know it was your first MMO so it's special, I get it, but it was still fucking mediocre compared to plenty of other offerings on the table.

>void elves

>"Sylvanas doing all she can to keep Nzoth breaking free"
>shes responsible for the pcs taking the heart to nazjatar and freeing him
These "leaks" would be better if they did a bit more research

fucking this
dont understand why no mmo feels as good to move around in, it cant be that hard its not like it has to feel like a fucking fighting game, just responsive

it has the best streamlined experience for whale/casual gamers.

>Have 30 minutes to spare?
>Queue up for LFR, do a few dailies towards the emissary, knock out a BG for daily bonus etc
>only a few currencies to worry about compared to GW2's 1 billion random materials and tokens
>new 120s can progress in a streamlined way just sitting in town and queueing up for things

Also, being able to stop your own spell casting just feels too good

why is it so hard for devs to make great games these days? I feel like something had to have happen and the creativity and originality just stopped, or has everything been done before already?

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>tfw played through tbc, wrath and cata then started playing on and off
>played on classic test server when they did the stress test the other day
>forgot how fucking different the game is
>stopped playing retail the next day
>stress test over
>only got to play a total of 3 hours because working 14 hour shifts during the entirety of the stress test
I haven't played retail since and I'm gonna resub for classic

This, we're lucky we got so many great ones back in the heyday of the genre. Technology and business practices hadn't yet developed to the point where developers could easily cash in on an IP by making mobile games, loot boxes, cosmetics, endless DLC etc. They had to actually go to the trouble of making entire worlds with complex systems.

Dev teams back in the day were basically full of D&D nerds who were passionate about making a game. Now they're jobs in a soulless corporation.

XIV only has 1 million subs worldwide or is that not counting China?

I really enjoy the class diversity in WoW, do you think a new MMO will ever come close?
No other game has had a Deathknight class feel like a Deathknight, and no future game is going to have a Druid that can just be "bear Druid" or "cat Druid" etc.

Japs don't let Chinks play their games.

Yep. Wait a few years and you'll start seeing them pop up. Studio only formed a couple years back and still in development stages.

Attached: Bonfire Studios.jpg (696x393, 30K)

Come Home White Man

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Oh look a FF17 discord tranny

many many factors have contributed to this but gaming has largely followed the same path of hollywood
>started with very passionate, gated community of enthusiasts wanting to produce the best they could with the little they had
>ends with big business moving in and sucking the whole thing dry
>games cost more to make which means playing safe and bureaucracy runs rampant
>we also live in an age of increasing competition and the demands for job/work safety have increased. risk both physical and financial is completely unacceptable basically
if it were not for cd projekt red and japanese devs the industry would be in crisis right now, the indie produces gems from time to time but there are so many unfiltered hacks