Let's have a comfy handheld thread. What are you playing?

this looks like something you buy from a prison kiosk

Just finished FFVII on my vita.
I couldn't beat Sephiroth so I messed around in the settings and it caused a "Data Error" everytime I battled him and it prompted me to soft-reset. I soft-reseted and it skipped the battle for me. I'll take it.
Might play Crisis Core but I haven't decided if I want to take a long break from jrpgs for a while now. Kinda wanna play Persona 2 IS but I don't want to play EP because it's PS1 only in English.

you don't need the flash cart. just follow the instructions to install twilight menu and add your ROMs and you're good to go

>mobile GC/PS2
Never gonna happen bud

What's the best Vita Musou?

Why are you so mean?

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Good shit user.

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