Which DLC was the best one?

Broken Steel

this user has objectively the best opinion

anything with Lonesome Road at the top is correct
simple as

hh, owb, then dm and lr on higher level

start with Old World Blues and finish with Lonesome Road

they were all good in their own ways with their own flaws
i like dead money because its got a survival horror kinda deal going on
honest hearts is kinda bland but still alright
old world blues has some varied content but drags on a bit too long
lonesome road added some cool weapons and armor but the problem is that you dont really need them at that point


Joshua Graham presents The Book of Mormon

Attached: 1559336291869.png (540x467, 257K)

Yeah well compare them to THESE

Attached: Favorite+fallout+3+dlc+and+why+least+favorite+i+really_eb9639_6711637.jpg (1200x675, 188K)

Dead Money =/> OWB > Honest Hearts >>> Lonesome Road