which DLC was the best one?
Which DLC was the best one?
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dead money
Honest Hearts = Dead Money > Old World Blues > Lonesome Road
The story and characters of dead money are head and tails above the others except for Joshua. So next comes Honest Hearts. Then OWB. MY problem with OWB isn't the humor or characters that idiots say is like rick and morty lmoa, but rather that the enemies are all bullet sponges. Very last is Lonesome Road, because while I don't despise Ulysses, and while the setting has a kinda nice atmosphere, big U is the ONLY CHARACTER you interact with the entire DLC and it is pretty lame and railroady. Of course the main game is much better than any of the DLC
Daily reminder that dm has absolutely no replayability and next to no roleplaying
Fuck Elijah
Fuck Dean Domino
Fuck Joshua
Fuck the Think Tank
Fuck Mobius
Honest hearts > Blues >>>> Lonesome Road >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dead money
Lonesome Road > Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Old World Blues
I’ve beat FNV 4 times but only played one dlc once. what’s the best order to play these again?
Broken Steel
this user has objectively the best opinion
anything with Lonesome Road at the top is correct
simple as
hh, owb, then dm and lr on higher level
start with Old World Blues and finish with Lonesome Road
they were all good in their own ways with their own flaws
i like dead money because its got a survival horror kinda deal going on
honest hearts is kinda bland but still alright
old world blues has some varied content but drags on a bit too long
lonesome road added some cool weapons and armor but the problem is that you dont really need them at that point
Joshua Graham presents The Book of Mormon
Yeah well compare them to THESE
Dead Money =/> OWB > Honest Hearts >>> Lonesome Road
Only decent one was The Pitt. Point Lookout was loaded with bullet sponges that made Old World Blues seem sane, Operation Anchorage was dull, Mothership Zeta was flat out retarded, and Broken Steel was nothing more than mea culpa for the nonsensical original ending.
deadmoney >>>>>> Honest Heart > lonesome road > old world blues
>comparing dead money to owb
>reddit spacing
>conservatives making fun of SJW bad
>New Vegas pandering to women and socialism like the NCR good
Point Lookout > The Pitt > Mothership Zeta > Broken Steel > Operation Anchorage
Nuka World = Dead Money > Point Lookout > The Pitt = OWB > Mothership Zeta > Honest Hearts > Broken steel > Operation Anchorage > Lonesome Road
I only played Operation Anchorage for that glitch where you could get thousands of rounds of ammo as well as the mint condition weapons/armor that couldn't deteriorate by putting the dead gary on the simulator chair. Mothership Zeta was dumb, Point Lookout had a lot of potential but the world was so empty with barely any NPCs. Broken Steel and The Pitt are the best two.
OWB > HH > LR > DM
DM is not everyone’s cup of tea and it sure as hell wasn't mine.
The characters in it are good but going around the Sierra Madre is a pain in the ass and not in a fun or engaging way. That said the outside is much better than once you actually get inside the fucking casino which is why I genuinely didn’t like like DM.
The Pitt > the rest
FO3 DLC was shit and point lookout is overrated trash
Dead Money is unfun garbage if you don't sneak in the game. My second playthrough as a sneaking character turned it from my least favorite dlc to my favorite. The radio's are way to harsh a punishment for any character that isn't stealth orientated.
liked honest hearts the most. lonesome road was short and quick. for me, dead money failed in its execution. old world blues was one big dumb redditpost about SCIENCE!
anything else is for plebs. Best plot, best immersion, best gameplay. First DLC was a big fuck you to autistic grinders who broke the game by taking away all your superpower toys and putting you at square 1.
Dead Money = Old World > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts
The Survivor and Graham are the only good things about HH. They are both too minor in the overall content and expansion.
OWB is only hated here because of the humor. The map is fun, the gear is some of the best in the game, the Hub is a great player housing, and the characters inside are great (Toaster and Cuppie especially.)
The atmosphere of DM is top notch. God/Dog, Elijah, and Dean are fantastic characters. The backstory and worldbuilding (terminals, notes, dialogue, etc.) is great and illuminates the old world. The Holorifle is fantastic.
LR is too linear, but has a great tone and atmosphere. Difficulty is also great. Ulysses is.... half baked and annoying. The gear is top notch.
Dead Money > Lonesome Road = Old World Blues = Honest meme
>b-b-ut muh survivalist journals!
Overrated and full of cliché, the wasteland is already full of sad stories
>b-b-ut muh Joshua!
>b--but muh 1911 pistol!!
It's just a gun, kys.
>First DLC was a big fuck you to autistic grinders who broke the game by taking away all your superpower toys and putting you at square 1.
Then proceeded to give you even more overpowered toys as well as an infinite resources machine.
Wait, meant
Dead MOney > Lonesome Road = Old World Blues > >>>> Honest meme
>No roleplaying
Sounds like weak imagination on your part. Your character is shanghaied into doing someones dirty work. It's up to you to role play how your character in the way they would react in that situation.
Release order.
Operation Anchorage tried to be a big action set piece but fallout 3 wasn't great at handling them. Good for gear and glitches, not much else.
The Pitt was a great story and setting but tiresome to replay, I only played it maybe 1 out of 3 playthroughs.
Broken Steel is only good because it continues the main story, nothing really amazing here but you can blow up the Bos which is worth a mention.
No idea why Mothership Zeta gets hated on so much, I love replaying it. Lorefags are getting to caught up in some shit, this is nothing but a silly stupid expansion, a good time. Weapons are over powered and will break the game.
Point Lookout was a great expansion to the world map with a lot to explore and do. I normally hate swamp area's but this was alright.
>Fuck Elijah
>Fuck Dean Domino
>Fuck Joshua
>Fuck the Think Tank
>Fuck Mobius
Any order is more or less fine, but LR should be last.
All of this
all of them were garbage, but I guess honest hearts because of the survivalist
Ulysses is the Kreia of New Vegas.
People hate him because they either don't understand him or because they get triggered by someone questioning their actions.
Don't compare Treya to that poorly written idiot. Ulysses is awful.
People hate him because he's like Kreia, except he gives you shit for decisions you, as the player, didn't fucking make. The backstory they gave the Courier in the DLCs was a total asspull.
Release order as with everything
>liking Old Reddit Blues
except you literally can't deviate from elijahs plan at all until the last 5 minutes
>b-but if u r mean to dean you HAVE to kill him and if dog/god blah blah blah
Yeah, literally the only decision you make in the entire story are whether or not people die. which is all carried out in the last 15 minutes
its literally the worst one
Its just like 40 fetch quests tied together with reddit-tier OMG so RANDUM PENIS TOES dialogue
I just replayed it 2 weeks ago and forgot how absolutely shit it was
>it's not roleplaying unless I am constantly in charge
>it's not roleplaying if can't always win
The pitt and point lookout are both better then anything in fallout new vegas
Broken steel is right on the line, about equal with new vegas best offerings
OWB > LR > DM > HH
>its still roleplaying if theres literally only one way to play through
by this logic ever single game is a rpg and fallout 4 is a masterpiece
Omg penis feet! LMAO! did you hear that the one brains voice was Rusty from the venture bros!?
you are roleplaying as a guy who is kidnapped and imprisoned by a crazy man, you can refuse to collaborate (your choice) and be killed for it.
Dead Money is the best one since that's the only one people talk about. Every other one is basic extra area bullshit with one or two good things about it.
>Honest Hearts
Zion looks cool. Over half the map is dead air though.
>Old World Blues
The free perks and apartment is good I guess.
>Lonesome Road
Gives you the duster that every unoriginal fag uses + Boone's cap + cheated in lucky shades.
>have science and repair at 100
>can't remove your bomb collar
>have speech at 100
>still can't talk down dean or dog unless you've made the exact right speech choices you probably wouldn't guess first time through
>still cant reason with elijah or outright side with him
>Have lockpick 100
>still can't pick the lock on the gate into the sierra madre or the locks on the doors locked due to gas leaks in the casino
Yeah there are no rpg elements in DM at all. Its a shitty story the writers are forcing on you with no choice, but its still worth it for the gorillion pounds of gold
>not leaving docs with 8 luck, getting the implant after some poker, and slaughtering ncr cucks for luck shades within the first 1 hour of the game
dead money and the pitt
>some good some bad
honest hearts and point lookout, characters and atmosphere respectively
OWB and lonesome road
the rest
OA: it's like call of duty retarded school project, Fallout 3 shooting is total garbage and barely works.
TP: boring social drama.
BS: it's a patch.
MZ: same as OA but in even shittier setting.
PL: same as TP but with better setting, gameplay is garbage, one quest was decent.
>being a light armor crit boost gun using cuck instead of a reinforced combat helmet mk ii, rebreather, remnants power armor chad
HH > DM > LR > OWB
DM > LR > HH > OWB
OWB > HH > LR > DM
this is objectively correct
>power armor
Nothing in the world screams "I have a micropenis!" louder then actually using PA
literally nothing is right here but at least you got close with loot
comprehensively based
Honest Hearts >>> Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road
Best DLC is Fah Hahbah.
>dude he has guns and quotes the bible! based and redpilled!
I liked LR in concept but holy shit is it bad in execution.
HH all day every day baby.
Dead Money >Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road > power gap >pure shit > Old World Blues
neither dlc has any sort of replayability
Honest hearts > Old world blues > lonesome road > dead money > GRA
GRA wasn’t bad but it should’ve been free at launch
>im smart cause i dont like the best character in the game
>he is le best character because he reminds me of anime!!
You can side with Elijah though, you even get an ending for it
for some reason the Pitt is my favorite dlc
searching for those iron ingots in that giant sandbox was really fun for some reason. and the enviorment is really bleak and full of despair.
>have science and repair at 100
>can't remove your bomb collar
because it's rigged to explode if you tamper with it.
>have speech at 100
>still can't talk down dean or dog unless you've made the exact right speech choices you probably wouldn't guess first time through
wait, thought you had only one way to play and couldn't make any other decisions.
thats also called replay value.
>still cant reason with elijah or outright side with him
Do you have autism?
>because it's rigged to explode if you tamper with it.
b-b-ut I should be able to do it anyway! I have 100 INT and 100 In all other stats! this isn't roleplaying!
think about where you are user...
I loved point lookout, and the pitt was decent. Anchorage is bad, and Zeta makes me want to kill myself.
its almost as if they were trying to make dialog choices important and impactful rather than letting you just choose the speech option and automatically get a good outcome
To be fair I’m other parts of the game you can defuse them with like 35 repair/explosives. Consistency is key
i will fight anyone that says the pitts not the best in every respect holy fuck
>its almost as if they were trying to make dialog choices important and impactful rather than letting you just choose the speech option and automatically get a good outcome
thats my point, i was responding to >retard
rude baka
Father Elijah is good with technology so maybe it's a custom bomb collar that only he can defuse.
Mothership Zeta
what mods should I get for an enhanced vanilla experience? bug fixes and whatnot
Yeah the casino was definitely underwhelming for me
Hey just wanted to let you know that
Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Dead Money >>>>>>>>>>>>> Big Mountain
Thank you for your attention and good night
I strongly disagree, but you're entitled to your own shit opinion, so whatever.
I won't get into an argument about which was the best one, because enjoyment of each one will vary completely depending on taste, but personally my enjoyment went:
Honest Hearts >= Old World Blues >>> Dead Money > Lonesome Road
I like nice scenery and environments that aren't ruined shitholes, so I liked Honest Hearts. Old World Blues doesn't need much explanation, it's fun. I found Dead Money to be really stressful - I get that for lots of people that's a plus, but I personally don't like horror or too much tension in my vidya, I just want to relax and enjoy. It was good, though - just contrary to my tastes. Lastly, I got bored near the start of Lonesome Road and never went back to it. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance, but the environments were ugly and dreary, there were no interesting places or characters to meet, it just seemed empty of everything I want from a game like fallout. Walking through bland barren wastes killing everything you come across until you finally reach Ulysses so he can lecture you with entry level philosophy didn't keep me interested.
sorry user I responded to the wrong person
I didn't mean to call you a retard, you're a smart guy
get a load of this guy that likes getting talked down to by a blacker for no reason more than righteously slaying oogaboogans
I hate him because he wont shut up from the end of a long ff13 style combat hallway.
At least you could bench Kreia if you got sick of listening to her.
they were all awful but well intentioned experiments and none of them were as bad as Operation Anchorage
horrible post
Came here to post pretty much this. Good going, user.
>DM number 1 on gameplay
But that's wrong, Dead Money was horrible to play.
OWB also is kinda tedious on replays because the first conversation is like 45 minutes long, and it isn't quite as enjoyable after the first time.
Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Old World Blues.
I think they're all amazing tho
I have no mods installed on my new vegas and I'm level 30 about to do the dlcs. Is there anything thats well made that can extend this games life?
>Dead Money
A fun foray into survival horror with great companions and a stylish heist to finish thing off.
>Honest Hearts
A surprisingly relaxing vacation into a cozy park, a well deserved rest for any player tired of the urban sprawl of Vegas. Comes complete with scavenger hunt.
>Lonesome Road
A dull trash gauntlet intended for max level players, only becomes interesting in the final 10%.
>Old World Blues
DM had best overall story
HH has best character in the game
OWB had coolest items
LR was underwhelming
Broken Steel isn't a DLC, it's the planned end of the game that they didn't have time to finish and sold to gullible idiots
All FO3 expansions are nice and fun to play
Back in 2010-2012, Old World Blues was easily the consensus best on Yea Forums. Weird how opinions got warped over time
I feel like it's just the least replayable, it's novel on your first 1 or 2 times through, but it loses some of the appeal after that. Especially with the whole opening conversation.
>Operation Anchorage
Hey what if we made Call of Duty and sold it as DLC?
>The Pitt
a good DLC, but too short, and Wehrner is the worst antagonist in the series
>Broken Steel
Hey what if we sell the conclusion to the game after release?
>Mothership Zeta
Nothing redeeming whatsoever
>Point Lookout
Another good DLC, but damage scaling gets ridiculous there
>YFW EDE sacrificed himself
fpbp wowing at ya hella based
I always do HH early game DM mid game
LR endgame OWB when bored
Another question: Do you pronounce it "Eddie", "Eedy", or just "E D E"?
How do you even play OWB without the EMP gun?
>Used to get goose bumps every time the NV ending played
>Now I can't stop thinking of Ron Pearlman having a fucking political meltdown
I can see why the game says it like eddy, but I always called it ee-dee because my babysitter when I was a kid was named Edie
Wait what the fuck, Ron Perlman was the narrator
>look it up
>narrator on all the fucking Fallout games
Bullet sponge enemies in OWB is what makes it good. It's the only time in the game where I actually deplete my massive ammo reserves.
New Vegas Bounties. But you wouldn't know that if you're a consolefag.
>lonesome road added some cool weapons and armor but the problem is that you dont really need them at that point
You can enter the first area of LR very early into a new playthrough and pick up most of the weapons without encountering any enemies. Also some armor.
OWB > Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Literal shit>>>> Lonesome Road
>mea culpa
What the fuck does that mean?
mexican for my mistake
Not sure if bait
It's latin for "my fault"
So in Hellfire from Hunchback of Notre Dame, when Frollo was saying how his lust for Esmeralda wasn't his fault, the chorus repeatedly chants "Mea Culpa" because his actions are his fault no matter how much he denies them
I know what it is. I just wasn't sure if that user thought it was Spanish for real or not.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation.
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
all of them sucked, instead of expanding the game world and implementing unrealised ideas from design doc/van buren, they added tiny bonus areas you blast through in an hour and forget about them forver. Moreso with mods that make DLC equipment spawn everywhere.
I thought it was because mea culpa is also a prayer
Traya has to some extent a lot of funny shit going on.
Ulysses is Avellone's autistic 3 hour rant on how they stole new vegas from him
the pitt > old world blues > lonesome road > dead money > honest hearts
If someone goes after a political figure you like, it's a meltdown
If they go after a political figure you do like, it's based
Don't you know this?
Dead money is the only time in the game you don't want yo do any checks since it can fuck you in the long run.
Ulysses is the bitter angry Fallout autist who thinks he is some kind of genius and can't let go of what happened to the franchise.
THE DIVIDE being a metaphor for the the division between old fallout and new fallout.
LR is fucking bad in my opinion, but at least you should finish it once and make what you will about it, it's not that long anyways and in subsequent playthroughts you will decide if you want to replay it or not
Woah man thats deep
*Hits bong*
Didn't have internet for a while, New Vegas was the only thing I could play I can safely say that LR is the best, and DM is the worst.
DM is the only DLC people generally try to finish as fast as they can, nothing matters and the whole point of the story is thrown out the window.
>LR is the only DLC people generally try to finish as fast as they can, nothing matters and the whole point of the story is thrown out the window.
The quest is called "ED-E my love"
One thing I will say for 4 is that it did really get Power armor down right. It felt truly powerful yet unwieldy.
It's just a shame you can get your first set 20 min into the game.
He was Right
Ulysses was a bona fide autist that can't accept no for an answer.
yes but you still need fusion cores to use it
>if I copy and paste his post then I win!
Lonesome Road has an actual story to it, it's not a collection of skill checks, it has multiple endings, and most importantly it doesn't punish the player for wanting to explore.
True, that is limiting.
Lonesome road is literally a series of skill checks though, and it's multiple endings are just "Do I want to nuke the NCR to side with them and get their armor" or "Do I want to nuke the Legion to side with them and get their armor"
I remember being at the top of that one skyscraper at the end of a mission against the science people, whatever they were called again.
I looked down and thought "ah what the hell, lets jump"
And then when I fucking hit the ground without taking any damage after that huge fall, I was like holy shit that's cool. Doing it on the BoS ship was also exciting.
>oh fuck he called me out.. WAIT! If I say the OPPOSITE of whatever he says, then he'll leave!
Fuck off
In my experience fusion cores were more than plentiful enough to use power armor throughout the whole game, even without the Nuclear Scientist perks or Bobblehead.
Based Graham poster
What if we combine the old power armor with the new power armor?
>it's a powered suit of armor instead of a mech
>you can carry it in your inventory if you have enough strength
>can be operated without training, but training gives you a bonus while wearing it
It doesnt punish you for exploring because there is no exploration
That's basically all the perks of power armor with none of the downsides. If you can't carry it in your inventory, just leave it somewhere else while not wearing it.
DM was good, LR was decent
The other ones are garbage
Dead Money is great and the ultimate pleb filter. Honest Hearts is a fun area to explore with an interesting storyline. Old World Blues goes a little to far in a few places with the humor, but it's still good. Just annoying due to the bullet sponge enemies.
Lonesome Road is a linear shootbang with an annoying pretentious fly constantly buzzing in your ear about how shit you are for doing things you don't even realize you did or probably didn't even do. The way you convince Ulysses that he's wrong is legitimately almost as eye rolling as convincing Eden to kill himself in Fallout 3. At least you get cool armor out of it.
>likes HH
>is retarded
LR is the true pleb filter.
>Dead Money is great and the ultimate pleb filter
It's terrible and the ultimate pleb filter because only plebs are stupid enough to think they're "awesome" if they like a shit DLC.
>inb4 "muh dark souls"
Dead Money isn't hard, fuck you.
fpbp as always
I love how it still makes plebs salty, going so far as to make mods that skip the entire thing but still give you all the loot
They aren't bullet sponges, they just have high DT. Use AP rounds
Honest Hearts
Dead Money really sucks if you aren't a melee or guns dude but adds some neat content
OWB is fucking soul-sappingly tiresome to play and the forced buffs make you overpowered
LR is just pure shit
If you're energy weapons it's piss easy, just pick up all the spent rounds you find on the ground.
lil donnie posting qualifies as a meltdown
Have you seen the shit he's posted? Completely insane nonsense. I'm not even pro-trump, but the dude has certified TDS.
OWB for gameplay, you could start it at level 1 and find a use for any build or style throughout. There's tons of areas to explore and discover shit, it's basically if you took the entire breadth of New Vegas' mechanics and crunched them down into a four to five hour ride.
DM oozed atmosphere, but if you enter at a high level, the enemies will become a slog, and the entire DLC favors certain builds over others. You're heavily incentivized to go with an unarmed or melee build since it does extra damage to the ghost people and not reliant on ammo, and having a handful of other skills at various levels to actually see everything, doubly important since you won't return after you complete it. Still great to see the Sierra Madre though.
Lonesome Road felt light on the story and heavy on the difficulty, I can't help but simply relegate it to being nothing more than a hard mode challenge since the only real character you see isn't particularly interesting. It was at least a good DLC to flex my muscle on though, bring your most deadly equipment and go wild.
HH was completely underwhelming for me, the tribals weren't interesting, the choice between Gram and Daniel wasn't compelling at all, and the only character that I felt compelled to learn more about was a skeleton. It's probably the only DLC I've only set foot in twice just because it was so dull, I don't know why people like it so much.
>and find a use for any build or style throughout
Except guns, because ammo is extremely rare and too varied.
The trick to bullet sponge enemies is to enter the DLC at lower levels. Everything scales down and doesn't feel like it takes ages to kill, even the ghost people in DM at level 2 die pretty quick from the holorifle, same for the scrops in OWB.
>get to the giant roboscorpion in OWB
>shoot at it like 3 times with the sonic gun (with almost no points in energy weapons)
>dies instantly
what the fuck