Exit game through menu


>tab out for 3 seconds when loading
>game crashes
try and guess which engine does this on like half it's games?

its intentional, the game needs to refresh to prevent issues if you want to start a new game

>Play game in full screen
>Alt tab just fine
>Tab back to game
>Game is now in windowed mode


regular oblivion does this too.

>exit game through main manu
>game crashes to where I can't even click on anything inside or outside the game and have to log out and log back in the computer account or restart the computer to do anything again
>now I alt tab out the game and close it with task manager every time to not have this happen again

Attached: 1478408569711.jpg (500x344, 24K)

It was literally just a random crash to desktop that Paradox was too lazy to fix, so they just slapped an auto-restart script on top of it and called it a new feature.

Attached: 1413691607657.jpg (500x375, 44K)

>no borderless window option
>hotkeys are contained to the game window
>mouse locked to game window
>game audio remains on the device it started in, changing audio outputs crashes it
>alt+tabbing freezes the game up, has a 50% chance of crashing it and a 50% chance on fucking the game up if it doesn't crash

>Alt-Tab during loading screen
>game freezes so bad not even Ctrl+Alt+Del can unfreeze the monitor

Attached: 1415640912808.jpg (500x400, 29K)

>game freezes for no reason at all during gameplay
>game stays in focus at all times, full screen, can't minimize, can't navigate through task manager to end the process
>not even ending the process through cmd kills it
>only way to fix is restart the whole computer