Here's your Bayo 3 news

Astral Chain was revealed in February and it's releasing in August.
Platinum doesn't like showing games until they are almost complete.

>the Tenchi Muyo girls


>wake up
>see this

Attached: 20190608225825957.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

Leak was fake, retard

>tfw one of the few who actually preferred ayeka to the others

Ayeka is far more likable in the subbed version. English Ayeka is pretty grating, and I grew up on English Ayeka.

i grew up on dubs too, it's just that i smartened up thanks to some DUBS ARE SHIT kind of anime friends and started preferring subtitled stuff instead
i don't care how good the dub is, i will almost always exclusively watch the sub version

Attached: aeka_f02.png (280x270, 68K)

Is it worth getting a switch just for Astral Chain?

This is Honey Select, isn't it.

Attached: 1560119314706.png (370x358, 124K)

Yeah, same but I bought the DVDs with dual audio and tried subs and never we t back. I could listen to JP Ryoko talk forever. Her voice is sex to my ear.