Here's your Bayo 3 news

Here's your Bayo 3 news

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her eyes!

If he's not bullshitting that's good

SMTV, Bayo, and Metroid Prime 4 were the only things missing from Nintendo's presentation. Metroid's delay made not seeing it understandable but the other two were worrying.

I recognise that UI!

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Pikmin 4, 2D Metroid, and Wario Land were missing.

>2D Metroid

Samus Returns came out already. I'd expect to see the teased Fusion remake next year.

>spend hours recreating the tenchi muyo girls
>realize theres like 5 positions and 2 variations on each and the camera is terrible

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the line about revealing everything at e3 not being good PR is obvious

showing bayo 3 would have cannibalized interest from astral chain and that'd have been retarded

Do tell.

I just want to have a thread about this genre but Bayo threads are either bait, or there's DMC threads which are awful for gameplay

Astral Chain was revealed in February and it's releasing in August.
Platinum doesn't like showing games until they are almost complete.

>the Tenchi Muyo girls


>wake up
>see this

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Leak was fake, retard

>tfw one of the few who actually preferred ayeka to the others

Ayeka is far more likable in the subbed version. English Ayeka is pretty grating, and I grew up on English Ayeka.

i grew up on dubs too, it's just that i smartened up thanks to some DUBS ARE SHIT kind of anime friends and started preferring subtitled stuff instead
i don't care how good the dub is, i will almost always exclusively watch the sub version

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Is it worth getting a switch just for Astral Chain?

This is Honey Select, isn't it.

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Yeah, same but I bought the DVDs with dual audio and tried subs and never we t back. I could listen to JP Ryoko talk forever. Her voice is sex to my ear.

Probably not but there is Bayonetta 3 sometime in the future. Try and justify the purchase with a few games you think you'd might like.

They got good work ethics, which is why they and Nintendo are on such good terms with each other.

I just wish Astral Chain's art direction wasn't so generic.

Not like you can't immediately tell from the massive bloom, trump skin disease, and the fact that it says Honey Select right on the picture.

>trump skin disease

why cant they just make one where you can make western women too? why the fuck is it literally all just chinky bitches with bloom to imitate white bitches?

I'm currently phoneposting on the shitter so I can't say I noticed the window title until you pointed it out.

You can. Learn to install mods. It isn't hard.

have you tried the mods? its still limited. why not just fucking accept that HS is dogshit and needs a fuckton more going on to be any good?

>Koikatsu and Honey Select have god their character builder and studio but the sex part is sub par compared to CM3D2 and it's 400+ H poses.
I wonder what they meant by this.

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There's an addon which can pull the motions and positions from all the previous games and import MMD files for use right in game.

shit, they did make it better then. Whats it actually like now?

>Pikmin 4
I agree. It was incredibly shitty of Shiggy to tease people so early about this game and we've had zero word on it in years.
>2D Metroid
It's never been even softly announced by name like Pikmin 4, even if we know Sakamoto's has alluded to interest in making one.
>Wario Land
Franchise is dead as F-Zero. Get over it.

>“Giving updates for everything at E3 isn’t the smartest PR strategy to begin with,”

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Pretty decent. A lot more usable now than it was two years ago. You'd have to check out the thread on /h/. A lot of the good mods were pulled from Japanese blogs and 2ch. They should still have a megaupload folder and pastebin cataloging most stuff which was found.

>smtv absence worrying
So are you retarded or too young to not be stupid?

my wife wouldnt understand so i dont play with this shit anymore, i miss my waifus I played with it when we were still trying to figure out the japanese mods and the translation mod was so mechanical and horrible. Im sorry for being mean earlier forgive me. I had no idea its come so far.