Why did it flop?

Took you three tries and you still didn't get it right. What a bunch of failures your side is. No wonder your game flopped.

both religions are abrahamic trash and promote slave morality among gentiles. The one "positive" about islam is that they CURRENTLY despise jews, but their solution is to force conversions. It is a universalist religion just like christianity and because of this it will suffer the same fate.
They are both infections.
You're closer to the truth, but the fact remains is that people need to belong to groups. Nationalism, or perhaps going as far as actual ethnic group preference, is ultimately the only justifiable and worthwhile in-group preference to possess, if any at all.

Attached: disapproving guts.png (330x301, 78K)

It didn't flop. OP is a non-white creatura seething really hard because all the npc's are white.

>all the npc's are white.
Finally, someone admits it.

>stop talking like this
stop talking like this