Why did it flop?
Why did it flop?
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It didn't
It tripled its budget
Guy who made was a Nazi. Karmas a bitch.
pc jank already dead trash
It didn't it was a massive success for the Warhorse. It's a fairly good RPG all things considered but holy shit did it have some major performance issues.
it didn't
i remember i couldn't even continue the main story for two weeks because it was bugged and i had to wait for a patch. no excuse to release a game in that condition.
>all things considered
stop talking like this
buggy mess
All things considered, make me
make him, faggot
sujwe faggot tripe new dlc is about a woman fucking kek
i dont even need to care that you dont stop. you stay a loser
>you can dump Theresa in the new DLC on multiple occasions
Henry is an anti-thot
Hey, OP's come to see us!
It wasn't a finished game and early reviews showed that
It didn't flop. If I remember right, Vavra said in the recent update video that it sold 2 million copies and they were very happy. No one, not least the studio, was expecting Call of Duty numbers or anything. It's a niche RPG. That said, I fucking love this game. Replaying at the moment in hardcore mode, wondering if the DLC bundle is worth 15 bongs.
and all of her endings suck
>she recants all the tripe she said, effectively silencing her out of peer pressure
>she gets whipped and sent to the convent, forced to become a nun
>she gets whipped, her tongue cut out and dies in the process
>she gets whipped and burned at the stake for being a heretic
The only thing flopping is your dick, oh wait, you cut that off.
ian't this the game that walking up stairs and going through doorways was the hardest boss type?
>dumping the girl who saved your dumb life, nursed you back to health, which allowed you to avenge your parents and connect with your real father
God i wish i could watch a cute goth trap's pp flop while i put it in her heinie in the missionary position
I like that Steve looks like Charles II
Is this game worth $20?
Based as fuck
im not wrong though and thats what matters
It sold enough for devs to be noticed by THQ.
Wolfenstein and BFV however, failed horribly. Sucks to be a liberal!
I just finished playing it, hunting roe deer. comfy game.
>its normie people's fault that trannies kill themselves! They can't handle the abuse
That's their reasoning, when these fags kill themselves in just as high numbers in liberal cities.
Are fucking 12?
its garbage. Missions are boring as fuck, "realistic" mechanics are unfun and repetitive. Game is the exact opposite of fun.
dont reply to bait
(though I will kind of unironically agree with the libshits, but not for the reasons they think. Islam does a better job of keeping their countries conservative and nationalistic, and degenerates like homos are executed before they can infect the masses with their faggotry. Also they call out jews.)
It didn't
Forget to dilate again?
do you need me to be 12 for your scenario to work?
It did amazingly well for their first game ever. Stop spreading lies because you're some butthurt poltranny
What the fuck
The guys fucking filthy rich off this, his budget was nothing
How the fuck have you played this already. What kind of person is waiting at the tap for new content for a game like this.
Not even the same user, you dipshit.
it's actually an absolute shite game, it's one of the most boring, repetitive, frustrating, and obnoxious games I've ever played. It only serves the small purpose of catering to the niche of people who wished they were born as a peasant in the 1200s and want all of the typhoid that comes with it, other than that it's complete poopy shitcakes.
Notice how instead of actual arguments on how this game is good a bunch of shitposters are just posting /pol/ macros and calling you a tranny. This is because the only reason this game got any notoriety on here is /pol/niggers like the dev because he based and redpilled pwned the ess jay dubyas ben shapiro style on twitter.
The game is shit and only 60 year old boomer /pol/locks who don't play video games will tell you otherwise.
Time for your world to be shattered.
>insanely small dev studio
>didn't waste oodles of dough on advertising
>sold far better than even the devs expected
>generally liked by all non-casual faggots, ensuring future sequels or other IPs by the studio will do well
>DLC out
Whoa.... so THIS is the power of OP's functioning brain.
It didn’t, it was a good game that sold well for an indie developer.
That being said, it did have many issues on launch , issues that would make a Bethesda game look stable
my point still stands. no matter how many reaction images you saved
it always cracks me up when I spot someone using 'libtard' unironically
how these faggots and the tumblrites don't realize they are exact composites of each other I'll never understand.
not woke enough, nazi developers have to learn to be progressive or fail
>It only caters to a niche audience
Not everything has to be mainstream, you filthy casual.
>it's one of the most boring, repetitive, frustrating, and obnoxious games I've ever played
>it's nothing like Skyrim or cowaduty, wtf?!
This is a nice post, user. Solid bait, couldn't help myself.
isn't this the game that SONY gave full refunds to as well as microsoft/steam?
I haven't heard of that at all, but I do have this weird habit of playing my games and avoiding checking Polygon every hour on the hour.
If it was performance based, it ran just fine on my nearly five year old PC at the time.
What should you call libtards?
i guess you didn't see their official forums then, had nothing to do with some game journo site.
OOO i started it yesterday , gonna post here some questions instead of googling them.
I have finished the training in the first "real" city after the prologue.
-When i block do i need to also position my sword towards the attack? or only the timing of the block matters?
-I understand im supposed to carry a blunt and an edged weapon, should i also carry an agi melee weapon? (maybe to level agi or something dunno).
-Advice for archery? i suck with bows.
-Is it worth it to carry a "stealth" set with clothes than raise my stealth stats?
-Just learned my first combo a slash slash stab , is there any "info" in whether im executing it correctly or not? does it speed up my attacks or something?
-Just got the quest to learn to read , am i supposed to go rush that one? i remember reading that reading was super useful in the game.
-Am i supposed to pay for all the trainers i find? is it useful? can i learn that stuff in other ways? (repair armor , hunting etc)
Throw me a bone,dont make me go to reddit with those.
oh fuck the libcuck got irritated.
But it did not.
>ess jay dubyas
what a reddit thing to say.
Someone post that pic of the soiboi with the mask.
The team was happy. It was a small studio and they made money out off it. Next one will be bigger.
Extremely based, shockingly redpilled.
t. libtard
I didn't see that, no. Shame about the eurojank but it was to be expected.
cope harder.
>haha i trol u
But it didn't, it sold very well.
>Next one will be bigger.
I'm legitimately excited for what they could pull off with a bigger dev team and more funds down the road. KCD was far better than it should have been, and it was a breath of fresh air to play a game with some nuance and different mechanics. Definitely took some balls.
The combos need perfect timing, you should see a white indicator when you are executing it
Archery sucks, I used console commands to turn on a reticle for the missions where needed and avoided it otherwise
Stealth can be fun , but imo best meme is just building yourself like a tank in heavy armour
Learn to read quickly
whats the opposite of get woke, go broke?
That's what's disgusting about games these days. They constantly release incomplete because they figure they can just patch it later and people will defend them.
Don't think you need to position sword
No, you don't need that, it's better to focus on either str or agi since swords use different combos
If you want to level bow, go to archery contests
When you execute it correctly an unique animation plays.
Not really, you get there eventually pretty early in the main quest anyway
You can just learn it by doing it. Or reading.
1. Positioning of the block matters.
2. I prefer blades the most followed by arrows.
3. Go to that town in the middle of the map with the russian sounding name divided in the middle by a river. There's an archery guy who you can play this river log game where you shoot arrows at floating logs and see who gets the most hits. It'll make you a pro in the end. Basically the trick is to remember how arrows behave.
4. Stealth will become useful, but not too much as AI tends to notice you even after a stealth kill. I suggest enough stealth to let you get close to the enemy, and focus more on combat skills.
5. Yes when you execute it correctly an icon of the combo pops up.
6. Yes get the reading skill so you can level up your stats more.
7. The best trainer is Captain Bernard in Rattay (once you're far enough in the story). He will train you in essential combat arts and skills that open up new gameplay and let you master the sword.
Also don't be afraid to explore. The game has quite a lot of secrets once you learn its mechanics.
considering how all hemafag games are complete kusoge this was great.
it had bethesda-tier bugs when it came out and optimization issues but it was mostly patched.
the dlc is useless and not worth it though, just waiting for the next part to come out.
Be fash, get bashed.
Is it a fun game to play?
Very. It's STALKER+Oblivion (minus the magic except potions)
>When i block do i need to also position my sword towards the attack? or only the timing of the block matters?
I think you might need to aim the block if you're not perfect blocking, if you are then only timing matters.
>I understand im supposed to carry a blunt and an edged weapon, should i also carry an agi melee weapon? (maybe to level agi or something dunno).
You don't need to carry anything you don't want to, I played my first playthrough exclusivly with a two handed longsword and had no issues.
>Advice for archery?
The more you do it, the less sway it'll have, but archery is pretty underwhelming in my opinion.
>Is it worth it to carry a "stealth" set with clothes than raise my stealth stats?
If you steal a lot then sure, but if not then I wouldn't bother with the cluttered inventory myself. It does make a difference though compared to sneaking around in platemail.
>Just learned my first combo a slash slash stab , is there any "info" in whether im executing it correctly or not? does it speed up my attacks or something?
All combos will have unique animations upon executing the last part of the combo. If someone does a slomo-like block on you, then your combo is effectively ended and you'll need to start from the first part of the combo again.
>Just got the quest to learn to read , am i supposed to go rush that one? i remember reading that reading was super useful in the game.
The quest to learn is pretty short so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get it done early so you can start practicing on other books. Books are pretty useful and sometimes fun to read as well.
>Am i supposed to pay for all the trainers i find? is it useful? can i learn that stuff in other ways?
Paying for training will just level you up a few levels automatically for money, so if you have spare groshens and want to level that skill go for it. You need to meet the minimum requirements though. Also do all of the free combat training from Bernard in Rattay, it's all very valuable.
This is the best game I've played in years desu
Still sad they gimped it vs the Beta tho ngl
Still, this is how it looks on MEDIUM
Obviously it's not for kids and casuals, which is why the thread is 90% whining
Go fash, get cash.
Which is going to sell to the intended market. Holy shit. It's like you've never wanted to make money. And next to that point, why would a female pc dlc even matter to you?
The game has that common problem where it's only fun for a small window of time because it becomes way too easy pretty quickly and then it becomes really boring
It's only challenging from the start of the game and till you clear 2 enemy camps, you get enough money from that to cruise through the game
Even if you don't use a shield, heavy armor or ripostes, the combat is too easy
Some quests are great but most of the game is just bland
Eating, sleeping,and washing is just a hassle because it's really abundant so it adds nothing to the game in terms of challenge
>The game is shit
Alright, why is it shit?
I love this game but sometimes I find things that absolutely make me hate it for a little bit of time. Like the mission a viper's nest. I was expecting something cool and it turned out to be an absolute chore. That said, i love everything else, albeit i have to use mods to love it, like the mod that makes bandit encounters more common. I wish there were dabgerous animals too.
Gonna go back to the training arena in ratay and im not leaving the arena until i get the combo correctly.
That death from above webm was pretty sweet dude.
>Like the mission a viper's nest.
>a chore
>i have to use mods to love it, like the mod that makes bandit encounters more common. I wish there were dabgerous animals too.
oh okay, you're just an add riddled zoomie
there's already TOO MANY bandits
this game is not for you
Is it possible to just keep hitting at things without having to lock onto people?
All things considered, you're a faggot
I know that it was, at least on PC, but they wanted to fix it because the AI shat the bed if you weren't locked onto them. Not sure if they ever did anything, and if they did their intended fix of fixing the AI to not get confused from you flailing.
Don't they have a squeal in development or something?
spotted the insta-gratification brainded fortnite zoomer :D
I'm never going to touch a game where I'm forced to play as a Christian
I have principles
Based endings.
it was actually a big success.. only proves the power of slav game developing magic..
NOT real islam
>I'm never going to touch a game where I'm forced to play as a Christian
This is wrong. You have to explore in this game to find some really cool stuff and quests. And the quest design is some of the greatest out there. Quests like stealing the Necronomicon, infiltrating the Abbey, and finding the witch’s coven are brilliantly crafted and fun to play. I have so many memories of getting drunk in the abbey from my save potions stumbling past monks trying not to pass out and trying to lockpick Master locks with barely any skills. So tense and hilarious.
imagine being such a brainlet to rob yourself of cool gaming experience just because.. :D
I legit enjoyed that the character had some faith , that he wasnt just my self insert but i was watching through his eyes.
When you get a quest to defile an rob a grave you can see how Henry has a lot of trouble rationalizing accepting the quest.
And the one where you befriend that priest and get drunk with him doing crazy shit and have to do a sermon while hungover the next morning
>Some quests are great but most of the game is just bland
Reading comprehension is hard, user, it's not your fault
To be fair the left trolls themselves. Doesn't take much to set them off, this thread for example.
except they made millions and already lookin to do another game..
ppl love based game developers.. the sjw tears were delicious..
But that’s not true. The game is littered with awesome things that unlock as you progress and it overall has great pacing. I never felt like what I was doing was tedious because everything always seemed fresh and engaging.
nothing in that article said negates what the op said. They still won't allow faggots to faggot around.
I think he misspelled "be fat"
Like what? Besides some cool quests, what captivated you so hard?
Everything. Jesus quit being annoying.
Go Fash, Get Cash.
Like in Charlottesville? Oh wait.
Nigger, that was a serious question
Stop acting like a little school boy that's being scolded
my nigga
You make religion sound like more of an infection than faggotry will ever be.
we have a bad boi over here
>no timetable for official mod support
Literally dead
Well, this game was kickstartered, and the fans didn't want another delay, so there is a reason it released in the state it did. The fans. This one is literally on them. The fans funded it and wanted it out the door before it was done.
Big publishers ain't the only ones who pull this shit.
internet tough guy loser
dilate harder tranny
It didn't flop. It's also the best RPG of the decade.
Nonsense, Faggots and Religiousfags share the same persecution and victim complex and call upon their "past suffering and grief" to excuse acting like faggots in the present.
They go hand-in-hand. Faggots even taking up flags now and donning a Nationalistic mentality obsessed with symbolics much like religiousfags are. Fags won't admit it, but LGBT has shifted their brain circuitry to mirror religious and nationalist faggotry. Retards lacking self-awareness.
Aaaaaand purchased.
This bait isn’t fresh anymore
Based KCD lover.
Amen. KCD is legit the best game I've ever played despite it having every odd against it. It was a passion project, can't fucking wait till their next game.
Fuck the fans and dare I say fuck niggers
He can’t, all things being considered.
nice, purchased.
>This is because the only reason this game got any notoriety on here is /pol/niggers like the dev because he based and redpilled pwned the ess jay dubyas ben shapiro style on twitter.
This is why we call you snowflakes.
Even if that's true to some extent, they're not exactly analogous since you can convert someone to a religion, but you can't convert anyone to gay.
You could only really compare being gay to an infection if you were literally afraid of turning gay. Which would mean you're probably already gay.
How exactly does a body like that happen? Obese people, anorexic people, fit people, average people, bodybuilders, etc. I get, but... how does this gangly beanbag-chair physique come about?
>because he based and redpilled
How is he redpilled? The man knows his own people's history just like any person with at least elementary school education should about their own nation. Bohemia/Czech Republic doesn't have any history with nigger Africa, so dumb uneducated Western SJWs whining about the lack of blacks is met with rational laughter and ridicule.
I haven't played the game yet but considering the replies you got you have to have a point somewhere.
eating cheap chicken infused with hormones.
>you can't convert anyone to gay.
>what is prison gay
>but you can't convert anyone to gay.
Sure as fuck doesn't stop that YouTube boyo who does makeup from trying exactly that and attempting to emulate religious preachers in the name of the greater good of his own LGBT religion, which brings us back to LGBT and Church being two sides of the same coin these days with regards to mentality.
I agree with you I was mocking the guy was responding to.
My pardon then. Carry on.
what are you even trying to accomplish with the basic based bitch platitudes?
On a Yea Forums thread of all place
how old are u
how is Sargon put into that mess? Isn't he alt-right?
Keep whining. I'm calling it out like it is, the LGBT now suffers from a Church/Nationalist mentality and normal society is no longer creeped out by you being faggots as much as it is about you being obnoxious in the same way Churcher and Nationalist faggots are.
I thought the banana was supposed to be a creationist symbol
It didn't.
He's a spic they have this obsession with the catholic faith.
>hurr durr the gays are as bad as nazis!!!2211 (or viceversa)
i'm not whining you're just a joke
let me guess, you're 16
the banana is from when the amazing athiest shoved one up his ass on cam newfag
All things considered, I don’t have all things considered.
well how and why is sargon in that? "Feel the bern"
>hurr durr the gays are as bad as nazis!!!2211 (or viceversa)
Well most of the original nazis were gay. Just sayin'
thats just ray comfort being retarded
bc left leaning libertarians were pro-bernie, it's a collage of centrist stuff
>most of the original nazis were gay.
no they were not
Even if this guy was legit telling people to turn gay because the gay afterlife is amazing, he'd only be one homo in a sea of homos.
You can't spread the gay like you can spread a religion. Gay people don't go door to door telling you your dick will fall off if you don't start putting it in a man's ass, and if they did, they'd see zero success with anyone who isn't already gay. They're not the same thing.
>>hurr durr the gays are as bad as nazis!!!2211 (or viceversa)
That's what you said.
Facts don't change though
>masturbating to a flag
>masturbating to symbolics
>priding yourself on superficial traits
>whining about history of persecution that every collective, ethnicity, and nation on this planet can name for themselves, to excuse acting like faggots
>unironically having faggots going around trying to convert straight people into homosexuals in a parody of the Churcher shit
>having a defined enemy in the form of a vague class called "breeders" much akin to Jews for the Nazi or the Heretics/Satanists to the Churchers
Faggot, your LGBT movement is the one which is a joke.
The joke is when there's only 3 collectives on this planet who have pride parades: Nationalists, Religioustards, and LGBT/Feminists (Grouped together into SJWs).
i'm not lgbt i'm just calling your retarded comparison laughables
even if you were right so what?
"normal people"as you keep on falling back on, do not think ideology and collectivism are bad, only a few internet autists like you
hell young people love ideology and collectivism
how were centrists for bernie at all? They're trying with all their might to shill Joe Israel and Buttchug and smash bernie rn
>no they were not
Look it up my friend.
and kent hovind
centrists are trump, Joe, Buttplug and Bernie are all far left.
Bootyjudge and Joe are basically american republicans. They're about as right leaning as democrats can get.
Which means in any other 1st world country they'd be conservatives.
>how were centrists for bernie at all?
were you not alive in 2015?
the internet centrist libertarian crew was 90% for bernie, like TAA and the like
>Look it up my friend.
you look it up faggot
There's no comparisons, they are clear parallels, you just don't like how they out you for being made out of the same retarded mold.
Normal people don't jerk off to flags, jerk off to symbolics, or go around whining persecution complex and glorifying their own superficial values. There's only 3 kinds of people who do that, SJWs, Nationalists, and Churchers. Your brain is just too rotted by AIDS to admit to yourself that your infantile brain has been wired to work like the brains of those you oppose, because that's how much of a brainlet you are.
If you support his policies you're not a centrist, at least by american standards.
Hillary was literally the american centrist choice.
Not calling you a liar though, I remember the rational anti-religious crowd like AronRa making political vidoes in support of sanders and against shillary, but they definitely stated their left-wing political leanings.
>Normal people
normal people don't care about your fedora tier bullshit
>the american centrist choice.
right we're talking about the libertarian meme centrism not actual political centrism
leftwing libertarians were pro-bernie, rightwing libertarians anti-trump with a few supporting him like Sargoon
Runs like shit.
not him, but atheism isn't tied to centrism at all. There are plenty of lefty atheists just for example.
Also sargon isn't even a centrist, he's right leaning as fuck like rubin
Normal people don't need to care because they are represented by my fedora tier bullshit.
Your fag woes and preaching are about as relevant to normal people as the fag woes and preaching of churchers and nationalists. Your 3 groups will always be a waste of time and an obnoxious pile of retarded baby crying in the ears of normal society, because that's what you are, 3 groups of retarded babies AIDSbrain.
i'm thinking you mean ""rational skepticism""" but it still seems like an even split to me when I think back. I think just most of them didn't like trump.
Or are you referring to the actual political diagram where the bottom left is "left libertarian" because that includes basically all lefties in existence. I can't think of anyone who unironically identifies as a left authoritarian. Even modern tankies don't seem to be authoritarian.
Imagine being such a brainless cuckold that you mock people for not falling lockstop into team A or team B.
There is no such thing as 'centrism' to begin with. Evaluating singular issues on their individual merit does not equate to some kind of sweeping categorized ideology. Politics are not sports.
You're not supposed to root for team blue or team red, you're supposed to actually consider issues separately.
What a fucking garbage thread.
All things considered, you should an hero.
unfortunately in the american two party system there's not much choice when voting for representatives. There's either too little choice or they're all clones of each other anyway.
Functionally, centrism pretty much represents democrats who act high and mighty about social issues but take a fuckton of corporate lobby money and only protect the rich and fuck everyone else.
>-Is it worth it to carry a "stealth" set with clothes than raise my stealth stats?
Yes. Once you get a full medieval knight set, every rabbit you're trying to kill or peasant you're trying to rob will hear your clink clink clink from a mile.
You leftyshitters and the /pol/fags are easy to spot because you pretend like that game is one of the two extremes, either great or terrible.
In reality, there's a lot of fun stuff about the game but it lacks serious polish and for that it's a mediocre/somewhat above average game in the end. You let your politics dictate your taste and that's why you fags always have an unbalanced, highly biased view about the game.
>Bootyjudge and Joe are basically american republicans.
No one is a faggot the other is an anti racist faggot enabler. Their rhetoric is left wing.
Trump is centrist.
The only people that think of them as conservatives are Europeans whos entire political compass has shifted very far left.
>the internet centrist libertarian crew was 90% for bernie
You people are idiots if you think anyone in America is "right wing". Most are big government lefties. Just because they like to have their hands in the cookie jar to make some cash on the side doesn't make them "right leaning".
oh yeah look at mr "centrist" here.
what are you even talking about?
you can be gay and republican, or a racist democrat. you know that right? A lot of what biden supported in the past is pretty rightwing authoritarian.
I'd say I'm more center left by amerimutt standards, but I try to be objective about my vidya instead of being an obstinate retard.
Took the redpill, sales became nil
To expand on this, there is no such thing as a "right wing politican"
This is because (((representing the people))) is a left wing idea, and as such every politician in every country is a fucking lefty by default.
I personally didn't really love the game, though I think it sold pretty well
because the political ad shilling about the game successfully hyped it but also ensured literally any discussion about it devolves into politics. a lot of retarded /pol/acks (before someone inserts whatever the latest leftist bogeyman is here they're a meme who are literally irrelevant) both have to defend the game for political reasons and view any attack as politically motivated, and of course this just begs for bait shit like this fucking thread
Took you three tries and you still didn't get it right. What a bunch of failures your side is. No wonder your game flopped.
both religions are abrahamic trash and promote slave morality among gentiles. The one "positive" about islam is that they CURRENTLY despise jews, but their solution is to force conversions. It is a universalist religion just like christianity and because of this it will suffer the same fate.
They are both infections.
You're closer to the truth, but the fact remains is that people need to belong to groups. Nationalism, or perhaps going as far as actual ethnic group preference, is ultimately the only justifiable and worthwhile in-group preference to possess, if any at all.
It didn't flop. OP is a non-white creatura seething really hard because all the npc's are white.
>all the npc's are white.
Finally, someone admits it.
>stop talking like this
stop talking like this