Who was in the wrong here?

Neither, its just a different approach.


I got banned for 3 days once for making a thread twice. How is shit like this okay then?

reggie because there is no fun on switch

You gotta get friendly with the jannies user. You know "friendly" , a little sucky sucky. I aint gay if its a janny.

Reggie isn't around anymore. Neil is. Survival of the fittest.

fucking consolefags, all of you

Don't you like to play with random people?

Yeah, that's what I want to do; Play a video game about someone else's personal politics.

Attached: 5654e.gif (264x264, 1.17M)

Detroit was the worst. No idea how anyone found that game fun. Not even deep either, when I saw the Androids being segregated at the back of the bus I instantly quit playing.